Dec 25, 2009

Blessed Celebration people.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a Blessed and joyous Christmas.

Dec 24, 2009

Joyous occasion, today and tommorow.

First of all, I would like to say heartiest congratulations to all who achieved straight A's in their PMR. Hearts pounding are met with by the end of a rainbow.

Congrats to you, Yon. You have made people proud of you and admire your courage despite all the fact. I know it's cheesy, but still. I admire your courage.

And SMK Kidurong. 37 straight A's? Now that's an achievement. Kidurong, although some may have said it's located in a dull, boring and sad oil town, it's still the home of many where celebrations such Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Aidilfitri and the upcoming Christmas are celebrated with joy and laughter by every citizen. Not so sad, eh? :)

So, for those who are proud of their results, shall surely now be begging for bigger and mightier Christmas presents. You feel you deserve it, right? Well, try giving out. The joy and satisfaction of giving is still a far greater gift, depending if you know your limits.

But what the heck. Everyone's so happy that we still need to celebrate by giving and receiving.

As for those who have not done so well? Fingers are to ourselves. However, it's not time to sulk if we have given our utmost shot and pulled the trigger when we trusted it was hitting the bull's eye. Some with utter precision, some with blindfold on. Nevertheless, we must only say to ourselves 'I have done my best. I'm grateful, Lord.'

And just hope that your Christmas are already wrapped neatly and hidden under the tree. It's a season of giving remember? Unless you're naughty. Hohoho.

Enjoy your day everyone. And Yon, don't forget bout me ho.

Scotland Yard is still beating, and the North Pole is melting thanks to global warming. What is that anyway?

Take some time to watch Sherlock Holmes, the new movie. It'll be worth the cash rather than spending on chocolates for a 'surprise' Christmas gift.

Christmas is just hours away, but the radio stations here are just not building up the mood? Is it so wrong to play Christmas songs? I'm sure it's soothing to everyone's ear listening to Jim Reeves singing Christmas classic.

I was listening jubilantly to a Christmas song on the radio when it was then followed by Manhattan's 'Let's Just Kiss And Say Goodbye'. Yea. Goodbye Christmas fever.

What is Christmas? Well, the way everyone was brought up to believe, it's a time where we all wait anxiously to unwrap the gifts our loved ones had gotten for us. Sadly, it's more of an obligation to put presents under the tree, so some smart ass have figured that, to save cost, we might as well wrap empty boxes of cereals and toothpaste with colourful gift wrappers and just chuck them under a brightly lit tree.

I was at the mall the other day and my eyes caught a stage with a girl about to perform - to what I assume - a Christmas carol. But when I read a sign saying "Do not entry beyond this point", I knew I was at the wrong place. So, I took a picture and pointed at it like a little kid pointing at an aeroplane till I got every audience's attention. Then I left.

A tip for waffle lovers, if you prefer peanut butter rather than butter spread on your loaf, be sure to utter Peanut only, for it'll somehow confuse the guy behind the counter. Who on their right mind wants peanut butter and butter on a waffle?

Oh right, just a reminder -though you've heard it a million times-, be pretty careful with what you post in facebook cause it can kill you. Literally. It's a worry now, fellas. Facebook kills. But it's life essentials. Like food samples. Where everyone has their right to consume whenever they are offered.

Dec 16, 2009

Rest In Peace Uncle Sudin..

The dead moves on, but the burden of the loss is carried by the living..
That statement is not right. We do mourn and feel burdened cause it's human nature, but that's not what the deceased intend to make us feel. Wanting us to understand that when it's time to go, it's time to go.For everyone has to 'come in' and 'move on' one day, to 'enter' and to 'exit' to 'start a new beginning' and to 'finish the race' to have his 'first breath' and his 'last breath'. Every good start must have its end.

Uncle Sudin, I'll remember you as the serious type of person, practising your silat in the living room while watching TV and doing the inevitable 'ass slapping' which always makes me laugh. Although we never really get to know each other, you're still the father of my beloved friends, yen and yon, and also the wife of the perpetually joyful aunty, Aunty Judy.

And the thing I'll always remember is when you laughed at my joke, after coaxed by Aunty Judy, the AIDS joke. May seem normal to some, but every one has their own special moment with someone. Where the smallest may just be the biggest.

May the perpetual light shine upon you, uncle..

Message to yon :

The Lord took him away not to shower you in misery, but He'll be there to comfort you in times of sorrow.. A quote from Jackson's song. Just call his name, and he'll be there.. You're a strong girl, yon.. Bless you and your family.. :)

Message for yen :

It's no loss if we can still hear and feel 'them' close to our hearts.. As the Eagles' song goes, "Love will keep us alive".. You and your sis, are a strong combination.. God bless you and your family, yen.. :)

Message for aunty Judy :

Though I'm not sure how was the final moment, it must be full of sorrow and maybe a hidden joy that he is now on his way to the Lord.. A loss is painful, but should we be weakened by death? God bless you and your two beautiful daughters, aunty.. :)

Dec 10, 2009

Kepada pelajar-pelajar sekalian...

One thing I realised after few days stay here in Singapore. There are many student discount/offers/rates/meals and etc.

I told my mum about it and she replied, in her usual jocular manner (yet her answers can be serious at times)

"Students are the future of Singapore maa".

I wonder, why is my beloved country not giving that much attention to us students in Malaysia? There are signs everywhere that says "Children, our future", or "Kanak-kanak adalah pemimpin kita pada masa hadapan".

I don't know. I got much to say and compare but that would only show that I'm being a renegade, right? I'm still a proud Sarawakian and Malaysian. Not a proud Singhalese who lives in Malaysia.

Those who have payed attention to the importance of education in Singapore would know what I mean. There are many benefits one can get get if they are a student here.

Have a nice day, people!

Dec 9, 2009

Scratch marks on my arms.

Conversation between my bro and I while sitting in the train and we heard the computer girl said something in Bahasa Malaysia. In Singapore.

Isaac : What did she say? Why lapor kepada kepada kaki dan kami? The BM is wrong here.

Rex : It's kakitangan kami la.

Isaac : Eh. Ya la o.

Anyway, went to Jurong Bird Park and there were many birds that landed on my arm. One even rested on my head. It's amazing to see birds up close. The sad thing is, they'll fly away before you get to touch them. But don't try to give your hand generously on to an ostrich. :|

Singapore not bad.

Dec 8, 2009

Which cubicle should I use?

Conversation between my two nieces, Tui, 8 years old and Thian, 9 years old. Both girls. to my cousin.

Thian : Want to hear a joke? Thui, you remember last time the first time we go toilet alone?

Thui : *Giggles*. Yea. Hahaha.

Thian : Tui Tui and I went to the toilet and saw two signs "F" and "M".

Tui : That time we dind't know about "Female" and "Male" bha.

Thian : Yeah. So tui tui thought that maybe it means "Father" and "Mother". So we went to "M" la for mother maa.

I love kids.

Dec 7, 2009

Jaga sikit mulut kau ya oi.

I saw three letters written at the side of a book, the same way a student would write his name at the edges of his new text book.

The letters, written with blue ink were 'WTF'. And the book was on the coffee table, lying in anyone's sight, including children.

Upon seeing it, aghast, I was 'WTF' myslef.

I joked to myself saying it could be someone initials and my brain sprang into action and 'Wong Teck Fong'. I laughed at myself at the thought.

Anyway, my words were audible to my niece and so she whispered to me,

"It's the owner's name."



hai i rex i like play guitar for church i sing for church and sometimes i dono how say lah i just like to play left 4 dead with tom so nice we kill tank, we kill smoker, we kill hunter, we kill jockey, we kill boomer, we kill charger, we kill spitter, we kill witch also! we just like left 4 dead. we shoot dead. dead come to live we shoot just. like. i like. bye.

Dec 6, 2009

Before you sleep..

Loneliness only impedes us from physical attraction,

Memories bind us to heart-felt affection,

Sleep soundly and may God shower His blessings under perfection,

So you'll sleep with pure tranquility and awake with divine satisfaction.


Dec 2, 2009

I gotta go Facebooking.

Can someone kill Facebook before it kills me?

My kamehameha cannot seem to obliterate this devil in blue.

Oh yea, you do have friends coming over after they had a long holiday and the first they would ask is

"Pa perkembangan Bintulu nek tok" or "How's Bintulu?"

You can tell them this. Check your Facebook. Don't have one? It's sad and absurd (quoted from Dom). Serious stuffs. It's where people think they're talking to themselves or rather 'updating' themselves and certain peers, but in reality, you're telling literally the whole world your suppose to be 'personal life'.

Although, I have to admit, some updates - or you can call them gossip - are interesting cause most of the time, secrets are unveiled. :D

Facebook tells you everything you need to know, from heartbreaks to weddings, from failures to scoring 4 flats in exams, from buildings caught on fire to new malls coming up.

One day maybe, Facebook will have their own TV show and their own newspaper so everyone can have updates such as good movies, shows or books.There's a lot of info I got from Facebook. Such as friends rating movies or books, whether it's worth the money to watch or read. Or maybe, places to dine with friends/families. Or spots to hangout and enjoy with your loved ones. Or areas where they sell really delicious food.

Some however, will reveal their personal life, just to draw the world's attention to them.

I don't blame these people, we all need attention in our lives. Even as a baby, when we were born we needed someone to care for us, same thing when we're old, someone will need to attend to our needs. In between? It's the same.

However, most of the time, when some innocent and caring facebookers asked what their problem is, they'll reply "It's none of your business" but yet, they put status like that. What for?

Sometimes, it's annoying. Yet many think it's cute and adorable to be pathetic in the virtual world. Some examples (not meant to be humorous but to knock some sense into you)  :

  • I was drunk last night. Don't tell my dad.

  • Kamek break malam tadik.

  • Cikgu ***** is very stupid!

  • *** is in a relationship with ***

  • Why is my bf so stupid!?!

  • My mum told me not to go but I did. Shhh...!!

  • I'm so horny now.

  • Why did you leave me? Don't you know that I'll die for you?

  • F*** him/her!

  • I want to kill my teacher.

  • Ku rokok sik henti2 malam tek. :D

  • Am so pissed with my mum/bf/dad/fren/ right now.

  • "***" is feeling sad today. (but not telling anyone why)

You get drill. The list can go and on till eternity ends.

I don't intend to hit on all that did these. Some are open with it. The others are the opposite, wanting to enclose the case in Facebook. It's not possible, considering that people like to gossip.

It's only that when these news that they intend to keep as a so called 'secret' start to leak out, they would point fingers at people for getting involved in their personal life when they were actually the ones who told the whole world themselves.

Don't get me started with the uploaded pictures.

Those who wish to go back into life have not searched their meaning yet.

Why is this holiday a little longer than its short expectation?

Tuesday's With Morrie, a book by Mitch Albom. Not sure how many of you have read this, but it's a good book. One of my favourites -or maybe the top list-. It's about a relationship between a young student and his dying professor.

Read it. Highly recommended for all people. Even for generations to come.

" What's wrong with sex? It's getting me media attention! "

KUALA LUMPUR: A 20-year-old college student who sought a medium’s help to end her streak of bad luck ended up having to sleep with the man.

She approached the medium, known only as master Choy, in April on the recommendations of her friends as she was worried about her well-being.

The 50-year-old medium told her she would not be able to get rid of the bad luck unless she had sex with a married man.

After some persuasion from the man, who is married, the girl agreed to have sex with him.

“He told me I had to sleep with a married man to get rid of all the bad luck,” she told a press conference at the MCA Public Services and Complaints Department here yesterday.

Before having sexual intercourse, the medium told the girl, who is pursuing a degree in nutrition at a college, to strip naked and pose for some photographs.

She realised that she had been cheated a few months later when her luck had not changed and worse, she had contracted a sexually transmitted disease from him.

She went back to the medium and threatened to expose him but he slapped her and warned that he would post her nude photographs on the Internet.

The girl claimed that the medium issued a death threat against her should she decide to lodge a police report.

“I am getting a lawyer now to file a case against him,” she said.

MCA Public Services and Complaints Depart­ment head Datuk Michael Chong advised the public to be wary of bogus mediums. -StarOnline-

I realise that for the past few months, StarOnline had been posting a lot of news about 'sex'. Students getting cheated into having sex tops the list though.

Sexual education is doing just fine. It's in the media as well. The best way to spread information. What can any of us to do about it? Can it be stopped? Or will it continue and take it's place in the 'common non-deleterious acts'?

"Everyday, I kick his private part to wake him up"

A PHOTOGRAPHER in Chongqing, China, puts up with his wife beating him daily — all in the name of love.

Nanyang Siang Pau reported that the couple even have an agreement to avoid the beating from getting out of hand.

“We agreed that the beatings should not be too severe, failing which she will have to return to her parents and stay with them for three days,” said the young man, who was only identified by his surname Zhang.

Zhang said his wife had loved martial arts since she was young and that when they first met at a party, his friends had teased him about becoming her “punching bag” after marriage.

Recalling the first time he was beaten up by his wife, Zhang said he had teased her about her hairstyle.

“But despite all the beatings, I still love her,” the daily quoted him as saying.

Amazing love. One that may look at it in both perspectives. Wife loves her 'punching bag' and husband loves being the 'punching bag'. Plus, they had a 'special agreement' so it will not get out of hand. Huh?

How out of hand is out of hand? So, I guess it's like this. Imagine couple fighting over who's cooking for dinner.

"Okay honey, we can fight now. But please don't get out of hand, ok? I love you" leaves a smile which was smacked by wife. Oh, the world would really be a much better place if everyone (couples especially) love each other this way.

The best part is that he got beaten 'daily' and it's still considered not 'out of hand'. Wouldn't that leave bruises and all that behind? Daily beatings are surely deleterious to the physical being, right?

Anyway, do they have children?

Your money is invaluable here.

Seen in a coffee shop.

"In God We Trust
The Rest Pay Cash"

Nov 28, 2009

Ho.. Ho.. Ho.. I lost weight! - St. Nicholas.

Glorious sunshine awaits the cracking of dawn and its rays pressured upon my face to imbibe me deeper into my euphoria.

Currently in Sabah, Land below the wind/breeze or something rather similar. What is it again dear people of wordpress?

I've been to one sundown and a sunup here so far, and the adventure seem to clutter into a more thrilling and exhilarating ride.

Thou shall not halt this excursion soon oh Despotic One. For this sojourn invigorates and deflects all the calamities of my rather bewildered ingenuity. It's the sight that intrigues me.

Pardon people, for having not updating frequently like what mother nature told me when she was in the tree house with Santa Clause.

Christmas is coming and I want to live in a snow globe for a day, please Rudolph? I don't need your nose no more. Though I miss it's magic touch.

Oh yeah. One more thing. First impression on people. How do you present yourselves to someone new for the first time? Meeting a new employee, client, student or rather just a friend.

You wouldn't want the Batmobile to be a hoax the first time you see it, right? Haha. You would wish that it does fly and you start to fantasize all the gadgets that car posses.

But some people are just like rotten eggs. So clean and edible chicken eggs on the outside (shell that is) , but how about the inside, the yolk and white?

My feet smells better.

Nov 21, 2009

So real that even her eyes spoke of sorrow.. And his of grief..

Why perceive time as my only compatriot in this translucent barricade?

Come on now, lad. Be it seconds, minutes, hours, decades or eons, you're still the needle on the clock.

The once beautifully written melancholic symphony for the two of you to orchestrate .  Yet it's so pure in its divinity.

And her voice he illustrated it to be as the the angelic type, though he never met, not to mention heard an angel's voice.

But it was her purity, her altruism, her desires, her beauty shrouded with innocence that compelled him to this angel.

His defilement all obliterated in an instant when he was lifted by her chant.

However, it was only a historical play that entered in his mind with the director asleep when the tape was rolling.

Flee now, my dearly beloved angel..

I wish it was me..

Nov 20, 2009

I see the other side of the mirror you dumb nut.

I gaze upon my own reflection in the whirlpool. All twisted like what the fate had written for the wisp. All lost in the night's chamber with the key engulfed by the night hounds.

It's all oblique. My reflection I mean. I don't know. It's hard to see with all this whirling.

But nevermind. I'll plunge myself, hopefully I'll surface before dawn.

Enough is enough said Enid Blyton. Fairy tales may come true if you have talking dolls.

And wheels are circles, not round.

Nov 18, 2009


All the best.

Show your cards.

Enough shuffling, dealer. It's laborious for you and it's a dire sight. You succeeded in adumbrating that card. It's jocular, I know and I'm connecting to your casino in this euphoria.

Bruce Wayne have not defeated the Joker yet and it's illegal in this little game. Remove it from this deck but I'm still around. And the jokes always on me. I like. :D

Nov 16, 2009

And they all followed Gagarin.

Forgiveness is fed to the vipers like a teacher eating a putrid apple. and in circles we sit and watch the burlesque in the bonfire. hey look! it's me in the center!

So I followed them idiots into space. floating like balloons in the deep blue sea. y didn't they explode or rather implode? not pressurised enough?

I counted the twinkles in the fragile night, eradicating the midst of distress.

and here I am, counting the days on which I must fulfill my duties.

My thinking do lead me to losing sense of the perpetual motion we are in. the atmosphere circulate and altered the clock in my mind.

there's too much yet too little at the same time all this burdens and sufferings. but those are only in the sight of the commons.

to me, it's a great tribute to have traversed along the arid land with you guys. even the camel smiled, gleaming it's two big teeth.

Graham Bell, Nokia or Sony Ericsson? I need to call a friend. Being the prestigious gift they receive and the dire state I'm in, I need this conversation.

At least it'll lead me to a new discovery. At least I'll be the first. The first to discover. Discover this intriguing complex. Discovering who I am.

Nov 14, 2009

Chemically inert.

Filter me from this over-crowded seat cause it's the precipitation I'm not comfortable with the equilibrium. Add in phenolphthalein if you may, and you'll observe the changes once you titrate my solecism with altruism.

But the reaction wouldn't be perpetual. Impurities from your sardonic thoughts would diffuse under the influence of Brownian motion. That too, affected my 'used to be' miscible state.

I tried to be soluble, but my ions wouldn't let me do just that anymore. The best part is, my chemical compatriots wouldn't allow me to be exothermic!

So, it's just a slow reaction. A redox reaction perhaps. And I'm the oxidiser.

Nov 12, 2009

There will be no white flag. It's all drenched in blood.

On a expedition in the deepest jungle and all was quiet, avoiding and eluding and wild beasts that may harm your being. Suddenly, you stepped on a twig and a sharp 'snap!' fused the ambiance. Immediately, you hear the tiger roaring, the grizzly bear steps, and the crocodile's  tail flapping the river ; all coming towards your position. "Cover blown!" you say to yourself. "There goes my holiday".

Even after all those wonderful nights you had with nature. All those fruitful conversation. Those fun and games. You wished you didn't snap that twig.

It's funny how a frivolous  'snap' can change everything.

Always be prepared for surprise. How? Maybe you keep turning the lever on that Jack in the box till you freaking get the hang of it, even if it takes eons.

Do not capitulate to those sudden change!



Adjust our life sometimes.

Sometimes the music just doesn't sound right. So maybe we'll change the instrument or maybe tune ours so alter the harmony so as to fit it into the melody.
Life may not be a blissful journey. Some pit stops along the way, we need to check the oil, fill up the tank, service the engine and make sure the tires are good so the journey would be a better or meningful one.

Tweak our life a little. If it ain't right. Tune it.

Hooray for foolish comments!

Through these creeping tick tocks,
I sit on this long needle,
To count with the valid time,
Reminiscing to life once quite feeble.

Hop and bop on streets so dark,
Hounds howling for the man next door,
Who scratched and strewn every dump,
As luminaries come from our heart's core.

When star drowns in the now sunless sea,
Up comes a humble yet meticulous radiance,
That scintillates the ground divine,
Illuminating the dark street with magnificent brilliance.

Then a fellow believer entered the picture frame,
Proving life to be such halcyon,
And comes grabbling with diligence,
Screaming his wish to be reborn.

But yet life does not pose to the commons,
Our acumen should aid our pre-judgment,
Because our sometimes petty thoughts,
May cause us to be bonded in an undesired entanglement.

Nov 8, 2009

Are you imputing me for this non-deleterious act?

Sometimes, being beyond the level of typical ingenuity that lays among the orbital of laymen may bring pre judgments that may somewhat alter the axis of your rotation. Causing the locus to be somewhat different from the normal perspective or view of the spectator in this huge auditorium.

How can I thrive on? Lowering the threshold? I was not even given the chance to opine.

"Being loquacious for nothing is a bad example, but being laconic for something is the best principle" - Tom

If only it was that simple. Nonetheless, great advice. Imbibing me to the contemplative world.

Nov 7, 2009

Sapa itu lelaki kalau bukan saya!

KUALA TERENGGANU: A teacher assaulted his girlfriend, who is also a teacher, in full view of her students after he suspected that she was cheating on him.

The 26-year-old allegedly assaulted the woman on two occasions in front of the students, threatened her at knife-point and stalked her when she was conducting classes at a primary school in Batu Rakit.

The victim, who is also 26, decided she had had enough and lodged a police report on Tuesday.

State CID chief Asst Comm Mohd Fauzi Abduri said that on Oct 26, the teacher invited the woman for lunch after classes to settle matters between them.

However, he stopped his car at Gong Badak stadium and started to hit her, causing the victim to suffer bruises.

He said since then, the teacher continuously intimidated the woman, pressuring her to reveal who she was seeing. He also assaulted the victim in her school compound.

ACP Mohd Fauzi said on Tuesday, the teacher again invited the woman for an outing but she refused to get into his car.

This angered the man who then dragged the victim into his car.

However, she managed to escape with a colleague’s help and lodged a police report in Batu Rakit.

He said based on the report, police detained the teacher at his home in Kamung Beladau Kolam here on Tuesday.


Boy : Lu kluar dengan sapa!? Cakap sekalang sebelum saya tikam duster ini!

Girl : Tiada olang, honey.. betul punya.. saya tidak jumpa mana-mana laki punya maa. saya paling suka kung-fu kamu. kamu kuat macam wong fei hung, honey..

Boy : Lu cukup tipu saya! wong fei hung tidak pakai pisau! saya sudah cakap saya macam bruce lee paling kuat! sayat kamu!

Students : Waaa.. kuat juga cikgu kita oo.. mari kita tepuk tangan kuat2. Saya sokong bruce lee!

Girl : honey.. cukup sudah macam ini.. saya sudah tidak tahan lo.. tangan saya sakit tak boleh lotan pelajal oo..

Boy : Lu diam sekalang juga! Waa taaa!!

Girl : Aduh! Sakitnya!

Boy : Ok. kita pegi makan lunch di kedai mamak sana.

Teachers. You guys are the coolest martial artist with the best weapon ever. Rotan.

Why students do not finish their school.

Education is an important tool if one wishes to succeed in life. However, there are many unfortunate students who never have the opportunity to finish school. There are several factors which cause this setback.

Firstly, there are many students who live in poverty and therefore, cannot afford to finish their school. These students are deprived of receiving education because of the dire financial state they are in. Those who are from rural areas are more prone to face these problems. It is difficult for their parents to meet up with the school fees and support their life necessity at the same time.

Financial problem is a major factor reason why many students are left out from schooling. In this modern world, almost everything requires money and education is one of them. The money is needed to buy school uniforms, stationeries, and text books which do not come cheap. It is when facing financial burdens that some students are forced to stop schooling just to help their family to earn enough bread and butter.

The second reason to why this happened is there are students who are facing serious family problems. Cases such as parents divorce, death in the family, or serious financial crisis may have psychological effects on student are still schooling. These are students who will soon be morally deprived because of the situation such as divorced parents. They feel they are to blame for such cases and eventually they would be disturbed emotionally and also spiritually.

Slowly, they would start to lose faith in living and choose to be rebellious instead. Some would end up taking drug or play truant. Apart from that, these students may turn to the dark side of life, which may include being a gangster and getting involved in other criminal acts. It is these type of involvements that may lead them being expelled from school because they could obey the school rules. Students who are expelled and do not turn over a new leaf would not be able to enter school again.

Nonetheless, if this problem is looked into seriously, there are ways to overcome it. One of the ways is to help those who are living in poverty by offering free education. The government has the role to implement this by building more schools and assign teachers to areas that are deprived of education. Teachers who are willing to work pro-bono should also help out in dealing with these problems.

The government, and also other organizations who are willing, can offer scholarships to poor students to help them to buy all the schooling necessities such as school uniforms. Poor students in urban areas should also be taken into account.

The government should have a policy on “Education for evryone’ where every child gets to receive education without having to worry about their financial state and this must be carried out with a well –planned strategy.

Parents too, play important roles in moulding their children’s behavior. Since young, their children should be exposed to the pleasures of learning and the importance of education in their life. With this advice and care take root in their being, they would surely grow up to be fond of education and realize the benefits of being well-educated.

Parents should portray a good example as children are prone to follow their parents’ footsteps. A strong family bond is a major factor in children’s emotional and spiritual development. As the two saying go, ‘The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’ and ‘blood is thicker than water’.

In conclusion, everyone should receive education. It is highly imperative if one wishes to succeed in life. Everyone should help in achieving the dreams of our children, our future.

Nov 5, 2009

And all burdens share, they say..

Due to slight development in self-enlightenment, I shall be a sealed pac-man, unable to chow down any glowing beads. I shall be a mute barber for the deaf, yet I can still hear and listen.

I've realised I've breach the barrier of endurance. I have gone too far and others are unable to hold on the equanimity.

Even my physique can't hold on anymore. Every rustling of tress intimidates me. I shouldn't be damaging myself like this, yet it is what I have done and must authorize myself like how it was before.

For I have uttered beyond ad infinitum, crumbled because of the solid words I've projected.

It is not forgiveness I seek, for it's not the desired repercussion.

What I ask is not justice, for it was and still is my foolish demeanor that had formed the gap.

I'm not in search for compassion, for I have honed the blade on which I used, and shattered the innocence of the superior ones.

There will be no sheer understanding, for I have not showed benevolence on those who were in exigent of it.

I've misguided trust into being volatile and it's now susceptible yet it's a lie to myself.

I've understood that I've been elusive, evading the crap I've produced, distancing from the fire I've ignited. Often diverting the fingers to the upright.

All I want is not my request. A demand that is somehow beyond my own understanding, especially in this state of amalgamated thoughts and sentiments. Everything may not be what it seems. Such as time, who people believed to be a constant, unchanged perpetually, but is proven to be different pertaining to it's variable.

What I'm searching for is time where I can approach myself, unafraid of the outcome.

No posts till time knows when.

Nov 4, 2009

Bollywood is on it's way in Apollo 11.

BELIEVE it or not, but a crazy Australian fan “buys” Shah Rukh Khan a piece of the moon every year on his birthday.

“Yes, an Australian lady buys a little land on the moon for me every year on my birthday. She has been buying it for a while now and I get these certificates from the Lunar Republic Society,” Shah Rukh Khan told a newspaper.

The Bollywood star who celebrated his 44th birthday on Monday has apparently met his fan and she keeps in touch with him all year through mail.

“She writes me colourful e-mail (in the sense one line is red, one is blue and so on).

“I feel blessed to have the love of so many people worldwide,” he said.

According to one online lunar real estate agency, , the “Sea of Tranquility” is the most sought-after address on the moon.

A 4,047 sq m plot of land costs US$37.50 (RM128.066). The actor currently “owns” several acres on the moon. (StarOnline)

Now that's adding insult to injury. I mean. Come on. We all know Earth is relatively small in the Universe and the population is growing at a steady rate. But having a land on the Moon? That's nuts. Not only the moon is much smaller than the small Earth, there's no way for one to live up there!

Why have your own land on the moon? To live there during the summer? To escape from the hustle and bustle of Earth life? To shoot a new Bollywood movie on the moon?

Wait. The third proposal sounds cool. Imagine dancing and singing on the moon. Not just the couple. Don't forget the many back-up dancers. And they're floating around. In colourful sari. Spacesuits sari. Now, that would be an Academy Award winning movie. Would it fall under a Sci-fi play?

Sigh.. Money can indeed by everything. I w0nder what will happen if the moon is fully bought? Will astronauts pay to step on the moon? Probably a good investment.

Ride me on this halcyon bird..

Justifying the truth is beyond fathom. It's been a good fight. Rectitude in blue, disgrace in red.

Half of the year was debilitating. A struggle. A indecisive battle between persistence and giving up. Somehow, it was always imbalanced on both ends.

Who mentioned it'll be a snuggle? No one. Yet I have heard piercing insinuation that I have fairly ignored. Why compete when you have lost?

But it's a struggle. Defeat is not purely a lost. It's a forewarning before your downfall, though you can divert if choose to.

I'll creep into this tunnel with a hard hat and find the sparkling diamond exposed on the walls, dug by my forefathers who had faith in me.

I have chosen this option have I not? Then what shall I commence for it be the last thing I do?

It's not the end of the road yet. Only the Gregorian pages say so, but in reality, it's nothing but misconception. I still have to walk.

My premonition is substantial. And my acumen is no more formidable, for it is myself that misinterpreted it.

Sometimes in life, you wish to halt your steps but there will be someone who pushes you ahead. The line at the back of you is too crowded to let you have a rest just for moment. So, you just have to move on, leaving and leading your followers or friends or families.It may not be clear but life goes on because people wants us to, who merely guided us like a marionette. It's not a complaint cause I'm in full gratitude of that. But there's a boundary to every act.

Whatever you plan to give up doing, think about it's diverse effects. Is it conscientious?

As for me, I have not made the wrong choice, it's just that I have not chose it wisely anteriorly.

But as the famous admonition goes "It's never too late". It's time to change. For the better.

Nov 3, 2009

Bukan kenapa cikgu, dengar ini masalah dulu.

Imagine there's a tree in front of you, say, one kilometer away. To reach the tree from where you are, you would have to reach half the distance first, or 1/2 km.

To reach 1/2 km from the tree, you would have to reach half of the halved distance, or quarter of the distance, 1/4 km.

And this sequence would go and on - 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 , 1/16 and so forth - and it'll eventually end up to an infinite number, ad infinitum.

Since this sequence goes on forever, you and I now, upon reading and yet understanding this, would logically say that you would have to travel an infinite (no boundary) number if finite (with a boundary) distance. Thus, infinite amount of time.

Let me save you the trouble, conclusively speaking, we can never actually get anywhere owing this paradox a big favour.

Patutla ku slalu lambat gi skolah. Salah Tom ngan Zeno.

Anyway, this paradoxe is claimed to be attributed to Zeno of Elea.

It's still the same tempo but the music had changed.

The light chipped before it ever reached the deceptively flat ground. This prolonged harmony recited by the orchestra our bloomed love in which the jubilant symphony turned melancholic in just a beat. What frequency must I be tuned to pluck the string so I may produce a rather melodious overtone?

I've played this game not based on chance or randomness and God never play dice, but the implication it gave was that the spectators had the final call, thus being the trophy bearer. They would shout jubilantly while myself, along with Mr. Hyde will only be cast out into the field where hyenas will laugh and quarrel with the vultures.

But you were stoic in front these many impressions. A million eyes forming shrouds yet you still are adamant with your altruism. You always chose to work pro-bono, yet the two-horned statue may have altered your path for just a while and you would thank Graham Bell's invention to lead you back.

How ever unfortunate my wretched being may be, yet you could still the orb inside this chasm, and that is what I loved about you. Always brightening up the darkness and I believed Tartarus wouldn't be as torturing if your presence was in sight.

Presently, it's grasping these uncluttered recollection of pieces written by the orchestra that makes me feeble and wishing you are here to play these last composition. Written by you and me. The last note is practiced before the curtain is drawn.

Nov 2, 2009

Draw your swords man and through this battle may we forge our names in history!

It's interesting the way people hide their solidified certitude right at the sole of their steps. Every illegal advancement in understanding was proven undertaken by only a mere midget in the eyes of the rabbit in Alice's Wonderland. Taken by the chances where Pegasus flapped it's pennons and all hopes faltered. What is being altruistic if the facts are laid upon our journey and it germinate into a brick wall where not even Excalibur could help King Arthur? But maybe Gregor Mendel would probably know why.

Time devoured the seconds and the living. Bringing to custody for the unlikely ruling of the court's judge that misplaced his hammer after receiving his call from the Godfather. And the night prowled over our pre-acumen, so it's time to sway to the land where prince and princess die together to fulfill the will of "till death do us part". May you feel the grievance of this dire act Shakespeare. Kidding.

Alright then. Gotta get these sheep jumping over the fence now.

ps : I know this should be in "The Poetic Cruise" punya blog.

Sheer beauty.. The reason to look up..

The FORS1 instrument on the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) at ESO's Paranal Observatory was used to take this exquisitely sharp close up view of the colorful Jewel Box cluster, NGC 4755. The telescope's huge mirror allowed very short exposure times: just 2.6 seconds through a blue filter (B), 1.3 seconds through a yellow/green filter (V) and 1.3 seconds through a red filter (R). The field of view spans about seven arcminutes. (Credit: ESO/Y. Beletsky)

Sebelum saya mengundurkan diri, izinkan saya untuk memberi ucapan.

The hectic week's over in just an instant. Tomorrow, studies would go on like usual. Which specifically means that schooling hours is extended till 3.00 post meridiem (pm) again. Yay! What more can you want? No one said Form 6 is easy, right? Adding this unnecessary burden is making things better, knowing that the elongated hours only brings significant adverse effects to the physical being and sucks my brain waves into a black hole because I can't retrieve it back!

But we all know that in similarity with the students problems, teachers are complaining bout this system too. My eardrums may not be as sensitive as listening to a racist  joke, but somehow the air in the atmosphere circulates, and I do breathe in the heaved sigh of the teachers. It's not the contented sigh.

It takes two to play the game. So, teachers' who are bored against bored students is certainly an inevitable yet interesting game. Nevermind, we're on the same track, so we'll win together.

Babbles of the day :

  • Eating kampua with black soy sauce would raise curiosity if your skin is slightly bent to the fairer side. I had my noodles in black and the waiter, upon serving me my meal, inculpably said "Orang putih makan mi kicap". Racist? Whatever it is, it's something to laugh about and I'm not offended.

  • As I recall, based on experiences and logical sense, inauguration/officiating of any official ceremony usually involves ribbon cutting, hitting a gong, reciting any creed or whatsoever. However, yesterday was different. 6 officials watched a video about the school's organization chart and etc. Oh yeah, and it's on a laptop. 6 officials watched a video on a laptop to inaugurate the event.

  • What good would a school event do if there are no speeches? They're done for a reason and it's basically protocol. Just a slot to fill in the program. Although the time designated for such speeches are not always within the limit. Some would drag on for hours and eventually causing the audience/listeners to either fall asleep or forget what was mentioned by the speaker on stage. Some keep it short and meaningless. But there are gifted ones who can speak for hours and no one would feel time flies. Sadly, there are not enough speakers who fall in the third category. Whatever happened to "I'll only say a few words" and actually mean it?

Oct 31, 2009

We did not have the topic "time" when I was your age.

All good things come to an end. I wish my exams were good. At least the lost would be a meaningful. How do I give myself a better head start next time? What drills should I do to improve my sprint on the track?

My classmates actually complain too about the exams. Stating that it's tough and what they have studied did not come out in the papers. How true is this? Is it because of studying the wrong topic that causes us to flop? I don't think so.

Maybe it's the way we approach it. Or the way we handle it. Knowledge is fragile if we don't know how to look after it diligently .

So, exams are done but studies are not over. It's a perpetual process. Teachers would continue teaching cause STPM is yet to come. A year is shorter than you might think. Just another birthday.

And afternoon was accustomed to rehearsal for tomorrow's prize giving day. One thing that preys my mind, why is it that rehearsal are never done within the time planned? And the whole rehearsal thing was done in such an unplanned manner that many minutes were wasted. That's why such events or any related ones always exceed the so called time. There's no real thoughts and planning given into these events. No strategy. They must be easily beaten in strategy games.

Something that can be done in a much shorter amount of time took them much longer than expected. Where's the professionalism?

But it had always been that way and I often ask, "Why won't they learn from mistakes?" . Both parties ( myself and them) realises that it's pretty debilitating to wait for nothing. We students are often dubious on teacher's act and we are always left like slaves, unknown of what their masters are planning with their generals.

Tomorrow's the real deal, the prize giving day. I just hope it won't be as abject as today. It's tiring and showing the lack of maturity, the example that you superiors should present. But like all of you who abused your superiority, your mistakes is our fault and we get the blame for it. Oh well, I did mention the word 'abuse'. :P

Goodnight, readers!

P/s : My prize is for first place and best for physics. Yes. Physics.

Oct 30, 2009

Einstein, let's play rock paper scissors.

All the while, during my schooldays, I have never gotten the 'red pen' in my report card. Not that I prefer red instead of blue/black. In Chinese beliefs, it represents good luck or fortune, but in when comes to exams, Chinese or non- Chinese, it means horror.

This is not a self-praise statement and probably not a good sentence to begin a topic with, but this achievement made feel I'm on par with the rest of society. I suppose some of us have never thought that the colour of pens may bring significant effect to our lives.

Having not tasted failure made for many years gave me the fear to actually face failure. We are aware that the best way to succeed in life is by learning from our failures. Like Thomas Edison (persistent failure), whose numerous failures gave birth to the light bulb.

However, this so called achievement met it's downfall (like Al Capone) when I was in Form 4. When I failed a paper for the first time. To make matters worse, I was down by 1 mark. Imagine the frustration. And the subject I failed is my favorite subject to date, Physics. The study of natural phenomenon. The field that brought Einstein to prove Sir Isaac Newton wrong. One of the difference these two great man is, just a thought for you, Newton needed an apple to produce his theory, and Einstein needed a Swiss train (if you know your history/legends). Who loves mother nature?

Anyway, ever since that blunder, I made physics a part of me, my heartbeat and nurtured it till this very day. But blah, it ain't easy. Everything's physics. Life used to be simple before it arrived. And now, I looked at the world from a whole different perspective. It's a good thing though, keeps your mind consistently pre-occupied and makes you imagine the once thought unimaginable (ultimate cliche')

What keeps the universe together? What keeps it in motion? Why can't we feel the Earth's rotation? How does a sniper fire with great precision? Why fart makes sound and some doesn't?

Everything has it's origin and reasons, physics helps us to discover it. Some of you might find this useless, some of you might say "rubbish ramble" but hopefully some of you might see things at differently asking how do things appear. Things may appear in such sheer simplicity, but may have a rather intricate birth. It'll be interesting to find out how or why things appear as they are. Makes you feel smart.

Alright, enough with the crap. I did bad in my physics this morning.

Peace out.

Oct 29, 2009


Help the chicken cross the road,
And it'll raise a million questions,
Help me in my exams,
Is certainly out of the question.

Athena, help me make the right decisions..

Straight ahead..

Down the stretch I lay upon my sight,

While the blues filled the atmosphere,

And I thought,

What better way to struck the chords?


I looked straight ahead,

It looked closer than yesterday,

But life doesn't always illustrate itself vividly,

Just our imagination that brings it to life.

I moved up,

Sustaining along a great fortitude,

Knowing that each step,

Carries me away from bygones.

Rising up are walls of recapitulation,

"That soon?"

But I keep my eyes forward,

I tell myself,

I'll make it there in time..

Oct 28, 2009

When will it end?

When will it end?
I have thoroughly inspected my response.
How I want to hear,
My superior guard uttering,
"Time's up. Stop writing!"
Yet the pencils still scratch the sheet,
"I said stop writing!".
All is quiet,
But expressions are clothed with frustration,
And withal that,
It's the moment that we inadvertently,
Heave a sigh of relief and of worry.

When will it end?
I have put down my utensils,
Anticipating, eager and excited,
Still time creeps with the same pace.

Now I see the guard standing up,
Again I ask,
When will it end?
He walks to the front,
And out the words that I've longed for,
"Alright class. Time's up. I'll come collect the answer sheets now"

Connecting the other side by means of virtuality.

This is my second blog, called "The Poetic Cruise" (still not confirmed
though) It's the collections of my poems and songs.. If you're
interested in poetry or songwriting, do have a look. Comments/ideas
are very much appreciated as w...e learn from each other.. And do link me in your blog, along with this too.. =) Thanks in advance.;)

Exams (2009) Season 2 Episode 3.

Thoughts for the day :

  • Data description is not interesting enough. Does anyone know the magic of statistics/data description in form 6? Do tell me.

  • Trigonometry is much more interesting. Fun to answer but kills a lot of precious time.

  • It's fun to do trigo questions. Makes me feel smart. At least for the moment.

  • Like yesterday, three is hours is less than enough time to complete maths.

  • Multiple choice answers are the best. It gives a the chance to show off my atrocious firing skills.

  • I gotta work on my Pengajiam Am before it pulls me down for good.

Oct 27, 2009

A cool night..

The cold night muttered a comforting wind,

Something I made out from the unseen,

Dropped a sweat yet it's so chilly in my head,

As the gentle wind sways me to my bed.


It's been 5 days since my brother first showed signs of illness. Whenever it starts to get better, affliction would come to heat up the thermometer again.

It's a worrying incident especially with the all the stories about flu and fever symptoms circulating around us. It's no "it's nothing to be worried about" matter. Thus, it is kind of worrying my family, though not to their wits yet. Hopefully it won't even come close to that.

It's sad to see him in such debilitated state and I hope he'll get better real soon.

Oct 26, 2009

Exams (2009) Season 2 Episode 2.

"Teacher, the paper's tough!"

"What tough? You didn't study, right?"

"Forgot ma"


Totally bad answer, I know.

Maths was not easy. The answers were there actually but they hid inside my pen.

Damn those Stabilo pens.

I didn't leave those pages empty for no reason, Miss Choong.

Not enough time. 3 hours. 3 hours is not enough for 12 questions.

You could drive to Miri with that much time, but not finishing Maths paper.

Einstein, help me slow down time. Relativity would come in handy here.

Catch episode three tomorrow.

Peace out.


The audible knock of the door behind me,

Slid through the gaps of the cut air,

That was sliced by my conscience.

I halted my reading just for a moment,

Closed it and a 'thud' fused in the cacophony.

I pushed the seat away is my comfort,

To scrutinize my own wonders of,

"Who might that be?"

Every step is as paced with the thumping,

And my own heartbeat joined in the pulse,

Tempo increasing like a recital reaching it's climax.

I'm so close to the door now,

All I need is to reach for that knob,

As I pulled it open,

The cold air gushed upon my face,

Impaired my sight just for a twinkle.

I blinked quickly hoping to gain it back.

As my vision glued together,

A figure appeared,

That expression, that distant image I've almost forgotten.

I simpered.

"Oh, it's you",

I held back saying so many,

That my warm delight was eager to express.

But with arms outstretched,

I took a step closer,

And hugged the emptiness..

Downstruck By Bewilderness

I’ve trusted that the top was in my grasp,

But my hands were hit by his thoughts.

Why have I not made a different understanding!

Scarce these moments!

My heart screams but my throat hinders it’s sound,

The uttered only built an impediment,

Between my projection and their laughter.

What must I say?

I’ve strove to say the better,

It’s just not the same orientation.

It’s all a clock you see,

Ticking every second,

Only to point in the same direction,

Again and again..

Help me anyone,

To propagate my own being.

©Copyright Rex Fonseka

What's more than just love?

Eluding from my only grasp,
No worries running through my forehead,
As it like waves
The sun is streaming to you,
Scintillating my path.
Hallucinating you're running away,
I was kicked by reality,
Realizing it's only but a real dream.
I love is not the only way,
Sorry is not the word I know.
As years go by,
Wandering in this torrid sandless dessert,
I've built my fortress,
With my heart as it's core,
Emotions as it's foundation,
And the walls built with great fortitude.
You tripped and fell on a pebble,
Yet it's a heavy burden to carry.
I'm not too far away,
I watched and understood why.
So I'll come closer,
To hold you tight,
Like you want me to.

©Copyright Rex Fonseka

Crying jubilantly.

Your laughter is no mere symphony,
No! Your heartbeat's no cacophony!
Ah! Even your eyesight plays a melody.
Though sometimes I do feel silly,
Haha! When you smile at me especially.

I remember when I was dizzy,
Your hands laid on me gently,
Oh! No more I'm ever weary,
You lifted me and stole my worry.

And Alas! Gone is feeling lonely!
You illuminated me dearly,
And now we glide freely.

How long can we merry?
How little enduring with pity?
Surely no less than eternity!

So across we swam happily,
To be side by side on the greenery,
While the twinkles we stare shine brightly,
But! With faith the dream's till infinity,

For you see,
There's a blissful love that's blessed between you and me.

©Copyright Rex Fonseka

A beginning that never ends.

Have I swayed under this quite translucent glass for too long now?

Have I not tasted the sunshine on the tip of my toes?

Have I impulsed my transfiguration against the depth of my own heart that causes me to catch my own reflection?

Have I choked myself between those helping hands?

Have I wandered away from from my "used to be adamant being"?

Have I plucked the string of remorse?

No. Not anymore.

I've lived under this blissful light that glitters my way.

Obscurity is now overthrown by the sense of trust.

The seed I've once planted in the epicenter of my faith is growing, spreading like the cottons planted by the Gods of the Heavens.

I've once suffered in an unforeseen battle of the gladiators trying to kill their way out of vengeful lives but have finally seep into rationality.

Those hands have walked me along a beach of utter remorse;

Jaunty to see them pulled back by the endless waves and sucked by the separation of the sea and the sky.

I see the light. It's in my grasp at long last. Glowing with an almost blinding radiance.

Waved my hands that scintillated my paradise;

Till erything is illuminated with lust and hunger.

I'm a new born-child, looking for the breast to suckle.

When the voice of an angel lifted me;

To lay my gently on the cottons once planted by the Gods of the Heavens;

Away from the wrath of wretched demeanor;

Where it all began.

©Copyright Rex Fonseka

Putrid Nihilty

Grovel under the affliction,

Clambered the stairs of power,

Scudded with clouds away from truth.

But the sight of time was till infinity,

Cascading from the fear ejected,

When the busker played it's remorseful tune,

For the King who stood erected,

On the deception's throne.

Tears be shed by the damned,

The doomed grabble into sin.

Mortals in search of Styx,

To eradicate Achilles' Heel.

I stood here wondering,

Is the world evanescing?

Will it become a putrid nihility?

©Copyright Rex Fonseka


How long need I wait?
It's getting dimmer.
Hold on,
Is that your heartbeat I hear?
Echoing of the walls that's closing in,
Or could it be Mother Time chanting,
Words I can't understand?
Where's the other side?
I crept through this cave,
This tunnel,
This emptiness.
But all I could grasp is just,
The shadow you leave behind.
I want to cry out,
I want to see again.
Ignite my will, my love,
Let the darkness scream in fear,
The one we once created,
With our enclosed minds.
Your hand,
Your warm touch,
If only I could hold it,
Just one last time,
Let me feel it,
Then I could just.....

©Copyright Rex Fonseka

Will Get Used..

I listen to my own self talking,

Speaking through my own heart beat,

It’s not that I don’t appreciate,

The words just won’t let me admit it,

Time is not my friend anymore,

I can’t even trust something without life,

Who am I to me then?

All I did was contained myself,

Opening up would cause a worse stir up,

I’m a circle of fire,

Trouble is all around me,

I’ll have to get used,

Get used to this feeling,

When people look through you,

Instead of seeing what’s in you,

It began uneasy cause,

Questions with no answers asked,

To see if I was paying the price,

No. No. No.

It wasn’t enough for me,

I never had enough,

Stopped doing many things,

And still it never actually stopped,

So then again,

As I said,

I’ll get used to it,

Is it solitary confinement of the soul?

I’ll understand what it means,

Where nobody wants to know myself,

I would know how to handle it,

Sooner or later,

I’ll get used to being alone,

All the time.

©Copyright Rex Fonseka

Oct 23, 2009

Coming soon : Exams (2009)

It's a cold night with the cool breeze whispering gently onto my face, sending a chill down my spine. I was driving all alone under the streetlights, accompanied by the many occupants of the road.

I happened to be on my way back after sending my brother to the airport and driving alone under the rain is rather an interesting experience, be it actually the first such event happened.

It's funny though, even though it's pouring outside, it still is rather relatively hot around here. I mean, it's the chill that one would expect from on a night such as this. I'm sweating.

Anyway, exam is going to start tomorrow. And hopefully I'll come more prepared this time compared to the last exam which I supposedly didn't do too well.

It actually began today though, since the MUET speaking paper was commenced this morning and I guess I did "OK. Topic well defined, points well elaborated that comes with suitable examples." - quoted from Mr. Dennis-. However, there was a problem with my eye contact. He said it'll show a higher level of confidence by looking at the other candidates and examiners. A tip for all of you. Look into a person's eyes when you're talking to them.

But the reason "OK" for the paper was that the questions were given much earlier prior to the exam, Thus, I'm doubting if I'll do that good during the 'real' exam.

And, the papers for tomorrow would Pengajian Am (PA) 2 and MUET 4, both are writing papers. I'm kinda frightened on report writing cause it was the one that pulled my marks down the last time. Hopefully, I won't repeat the same mistake again.

As for PA2, I'm unsure about my graphical and essay writing skills. It's still somewhat shaky and not properly stabilized yet. Probably need to the adjust the fulcrum of this see-saw.

So, all the best guys. Hopefully, all of our hardwork will pay off. Peace.

Oct 20, 2009

Zip it or unzip it?

Uttering venomous letters that are jumbled up together can be really hazardous at times, depending on which time during the course of day it is injected.

I should probably take extra caution for every word said and I'm sorry to have actually afflicted your emotions just now. I didn't mean it.

Guess my brand of humor is not entirely accepted by the whole community, adding that this is not the first time such occurrences happened.

I've read somewhere stating that "Too much goodness can damage the soul". I thought about it and it is true in many aspects in life. Trying to portray too much care may turn the tables around and in the end we tend to complain for not getting what we intend to get from our charity. Pro-bono might have been the choice here.

I may sound so selfish and ungrateful by stating that it is by nature that I've acted in a such mischievous manner earlier. But, it really is and somehow it is quite unnecessary to topple over the stone. However, I do need to do some cleaning up under that rock. Even the whitest of cloth may get dirty if it's not washed.

So again, if you're reading this and understand, I would just want to say sorry and to say that it won't happen again is a lie. But I'll try to mitigate it next time.

Have a nice day!

Auguste Rodin, can you sculpt another one that looks just like me?

Thinking is not as easy as it may pose to be. Even if you positioned yourself in "The Thinker" style.

Distractions will come in many forms.

I was just contemplating on what to munch or which work to do first when the dog of my next door's house barked. The thing that startled me though was that it barked just once. Just a "woof!" That's it. Maybe it saw something lingering in the middle of the night. Preying under the dim street light. Possessing every darkness that it's body can consume.. Hmm..

So, whenever troubles come and impedes your way, you'll start to THINK why is it happening.

When people talk bout you, you'll THINK why is it happening.

Sometimes when people talk rubbish, you'll try so hard to THINK what do they mean though you know the fact that you'll know what it is.

Even choosing an outfit requires deep THINKing.

I can go on and on but I THINK I won't do that. You should THINK why I do so.

You even THINK why you want to THINK in the first place.

Everyday, I hear the slightest hint of the word THINK.

"Boleh saya jumpa dengan ketua THINKatan?"

"THINKgalkan beg di sana."

"Siapa yang lap THINKap hari ini?"

"THINKatkan lagi usaha anda"

"Eh, kamu ada tengok THINK(Ting) kha?"

"Apa yang penTHINK?"

"Saya tinggal di THINKat lima"

"Eh Rex, rambut kamu kerinTHINK oh?"

"I'm in the toilet, shiTHINK"

Anyway, tomorrow's another school day and exam is coming up. I'll be sure to come more prepared this time.

Sherlock Holmes, lend me your intellect just for a moment as I literally need to be street smart during these last battles.

Titom and Dom, lend me your vocab.

Einstein, help me slow down time because your hair is so cool.

Newton, teach me calculus since it was you who created it, before I throw an apple at you.

Oh, ancient Greek legends, lend me your wisdom.

And anyone, help me be like this guy :

Oct 19, 2009

Malaysia day is declared a public holiday beginning next year.

If you have at least glanced or listened at/to your surroundings, you might have heard that September 16th is declared a public holiday starting next year.


"Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the day would involve activities that would foster the 1Malaysia spirit." - StarOnline
Who would have thought that it would take 46 freaking years for our leaders to realize the importance of September 16th.

I hope this little - for most Semenanjungs who doesn't actually care - yet huge - for us Sarawakians who expected something out the historical date - piece of news,  would not cause any political uproar, especially during this fragile moments.

Tanah Melayu had gotten their independence on 31st August 1957 and when Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore decided to join in the formation of Malaysia, the event was suppose to take place on 31st August 1963, but due to some impediments, it was delayed till 16 days later. Unfortunately - or fortunately, you decide -, Singapore left the federation 2 years later. Educated Malaysians should know this simple fact.

So, this wonderful piece of news definitely depicts the true spirit of being a Malaysian. Even if it took more than four decades for "them" to realize it.

Though one thing still preys my mind, if it is really to foster the "1Malaysia" spirit, will Malaysia day be more meaningful or "Tanah Melayu Day" would still be more a greater celebration? Our PM did mention :

"National Day on Aug 31 would be celebrated with formal events such as a parade to commemorate the historical moment and it would remind the people about the struggle in achieving independence from the colonists."
-I'm not sure what's the message here. - And :

"Malaysians would have a twin celebration, to commemorate the country’s independence starting next year."
-How's that? Does that mean that the government will spend a lot on both celebrations?-

Anyway, thank you Malaysia. I'm thankful. I'll surely be more patriotic next year. *I think. :P*

This certainly calls for a celebration, doesn't it? But I'll wait for next year's celebration.
I solely hope that it is not a political gimmick.

Shhh...! Start talking!

To listen to someone is to understand. So you'll understand a certain situation more if you zip it and be attentive instead.

To talk to someone is to share our thoughts, emotions and feelings. That's the way to show that we trust.

But what if we happen to be over-attentive and over-talkative?

Now, that's a whole different story.

Remove your cloak.

It's funny yet interesting somehow that people would hide something in such a peculiar manner.

You know the times when you fell so down and unwanted or most commonly known as " EMO " , your ingenious mind would start to come up with the most absurd reasons that even we ourselves who projected them could not understand.

A simple question is asked and the answer received is a pretty long one, but here's the catch, - it has nothing to do with the question in the first place -.

Maybe when these kind of people who answered in this vague way, their thinking was that the questioner would read the overly extended answer and eventually forget what the question was in the first place.

Sometimes too, maybe these prolonged answers may turn the table around. Making the other party feel dismayed for having asking it.

Surely, when we attend a speech or reading an essay, after listening or hearing for a moment, you would get the general idea on what the whole thing is about. Solely, you wouldn't want the speaker or writer to go out of topic, right? Stay on the road.

Why make the ones you seriously bother looking after drown in a sea of bewilderment? Would you eventually come and swim through the tide just to pull him out? Did it all start just to propagate your own altruistic being?

Think about it. We always have ran from our troubles and the sad thing is, many do not realize it themselves, but sometimes, the ones you love may see that you're disguising yourself and that stirs the care within them. Caring is a righteous act, isn't it? Though there are moments that we forget why we are depressed in the first place.

Remove that shroud around us. Don't just digest the world around us. Look into ourselves and ask this, "Why is this the right choice?"

Understanding needs persistence. - A friend -

Oct 1, 2009

Day 3 of boring elongated school hours. Day 3 of deteriorated air quality. Day 3 of going through sleep deprived state. What's next?

Interesting points of the day :

  • The haze is getting no better. The Sun still looked like Mars.

  • Assembly was full of raised voices by the 'disciplinary teachers'. I don't blame them. Probably adjusting their temper to the hot weather.

  • I realized for the gazillion times that students will not be attentive during assembly no matter how 'loud' the speaker is. Sweet talking doesn't help solve the problems. Screaming at them is no better. My advice is just punish (student's often unheard advice). No talk. Just action.

  • Fire engines only arrive after the fire had been out. The top floor of a flat caught on fire this morning and it was put off (by unknown means) before the wailing of the fire engine's siren was audible.

  • "Halal" sign on a restaurants' doors will not change any facts.

  • The haze seriously looks cool at night.

Sep 30, 2009

Runny nose under the thick air.

The haze is coming again in Bintulu and you can imagine how hot it is around here. It all began two days ago when the morning sun was like a big giant red ping pong ball. It's unusual for you to be able to stare at the sun unless the polluted air screens the sun's glare.

But looking at the haze at night can be entertaining. I was driving home from a friend's place after late night doing homework (it's the only available time. trust me) and I was cruising on the road under the dim amber street lamps. Felt like I was Sherlock Holmes looking for clues in the quiet early hours before dawn where the London streets are still clouded with morning mist.

Damn. Even my nose is crying in the pangs of this stupid pollution. What's causing it this time? The funny thing is that, even if it's obviously hazy, some foolish people are still burning at the back of their houses with a grin on their face. "It's already hazy, so what difference does it make if add some more?" or "Well, other people are doing it, why can't I?" might run in their minds. You're making people sick.

Save the earth people! Start with your own hometown! (I'm talking bout Bintulu)

Anyway, the extension of school hours seem to be useless for me. I mean the tutorial classes only last for 40 minutes and it's much shorter than you can imagine. And the 40 minute lunch break may not be enough also. Just two days through it and there are so much complain.

I don't get enough sleep. Work overload. Errands overload. Etc. some of you might ask "Why can you still blog?". Honestly, I have no answer to that.

If you read my earlier post regarding form 6 is no walk in the park, well now it's worse. I really need all the support I can get to adapt myself to this change. For you see, I'm no hardworking freak.

So tomorrow I have to go through the same process again. Rush home for lunch and back to school, stretching my eye muscles to keep them opened throughout the 8 hours, at least try to absorb as much as I can from my teachers and try to find out what's the benefit of this new module.

I'm gonna stop ranting now. My computer screen had been staring at me sneeze while I'm writing this. My nose needs to sleep.

Goodnight and God bless ya!

Sep 29, 2009

Who tied this anchor round my neck? I need my bed!

The module for Form 6 students around Malaysia was at last commenced in my school in which the schooling hours is extended for about 2 1/2 hours. This includes extra-curricular activities (which is somehow planned in a futile manner, but that's just the way it is around here right? everything seemed to be so 'theoretically' done ), colloquium and other "pre-University" activities.

The morning began as usual. Classmates acting so hectic beginning doing their week's homework. "Sing Ing, kamu sudah siap ini kha?" "Belum ho."

Anyway, Madam Lucia's mum is not feeling too well so she was preoccupied with taking care of her. God bless you and your mum, teach.

As in adding insult to injury on the schools administrative system, my maths teacher, Miss Choong, was unaware about the new timetable for us form 6. I know if there's a teacher reading this, your mind would go "It's none of your business, boy". Don't worry, I'm no threat cause I'll zip it. :)

Oh yeah, just to add pinch of salt on that wound to spice the pain. Even the first day of extended classes, it's just a wonder on why can't we keep on time? I thought first impression's important?

I mean, the meeting could have gone smoothly if teachers showed a little more authority and pour in some gravy to enhance the excitement. Obviously, 90% of us were already knocking on 'Alice's Wonderland's' door. The 10% would be those who are awaken by the enthused feeling of going home. Teachers, or fellow superiors, please keep to the time. It is very much appreciated if you do so.

^Evening's phone conversation^

"Hello is Tom in?"
"Titom is sleeping upstairs la, Rex. Why?"
"Play ball. Nevermind, I go wake him up la"
"I think better don't disturb him sleep. No revision him later. I'm worried bout Tom la."
"Oh, okay aunty" *Grin*

Tom, iboh hampakan parental advisory kau. First time ku denga ya. :D

By the way, I really need to adjust my physical being now. School to 3 o'clock is not imbued into my flesh yet.

Sep 28, 2009

Crying jubilantly. (poem)

Your laughter is no mere symphony,
No! Your heartbeat's no cacophony!
Ah! Even your eyesight plays a melody.
Though sometimes I do feel silly,
Haha! When you smile at me especially.

I remember when I was dizzy,
Your hands laid on me gently,
Oh! No more I'm ever weary,
You lifted me and stole my worry.

And Alas! Gone is feeling lonely!
You illuminated me dearly,
And now we glide freely.

How long can we merry?
How little enduring with pity?
Surely no less than eternity!

So across we swam happily,
To be side by side on the greenery,
While the twinkles we stare shine brightly,
But! With faith the dream's till infinity,

For you see,
There's a blissful love that's blessed between you and me.

By Rex Fonseka

Sep 27, 2009


The following are copied from my facebook status when randomness stirs in nostrils. Hope you enjoy!

  • Rex Fonseka dropped his ruby when he was astounded by the glow emitted by the amber he found hidden underneath a stack of sapphire while wondering if topaz would radiate such radiance if it is clogged between diamonds and emerald to only be showered by turquoise.... I wonder if all these precious rocks would illuminate my life like she does.

  • Rex Fonseka is wondering why walking in the park is an easy imaginary task and the mysterious depths of the thought ceased to let it be poured out into a bowl of reality added with little licorice powder to spice up life because he wishes life to be as fun as hopping around Saturn's ring with a gunny sack  while singing with extra terrestrial beings on Titan so that he could win the concealed battle against his studies.

  • Rex Fonseka is looking for people to join on a cruise above the clouds of the heavens on a ship with a wheel to practice stability while looking down on the little people of the earth that is living in suffering due to the irresponsible act of the human nature w...hich only strives for unity in power instead of uniting the hearts of the homeless because Rex wants to show the people what the place we love is transforming into.

  • Rex Fonseka wants to eat vegetables fried with sweet sauce on a street chocked by diverse personalities while listening to the honking and rambling of cars because they do not have anything better to do after going through a hard day at work which indicates that... plunging into a rapid developing society is anything but worthless before it turn into a seemingly uninteresting lifestyle that requires char kueh tiow to run your soul.

  • Rex Fonseka wishes to main jadi with Poseidon and Achilles because Pegasus lost it's wing after Zeus showered his lightning wrath on him after Athena beat him in playing Big Two, but Ares got shot by Hades when they raced against Apollo and all Atlas could was go swimming with Medusa before they get mystified by Aphrodite.

  • Zeus! What the Hades are you doing? Has Athena's presence heated your lust? Maybe you're to foolish to realize that Hera is behind you. Or has... Oh my.. Has Aphrodite taken her life? No. It can't be... She's immortal. Please Zeus..... no more lightning tears. It hurts me more than when Poseidon poked me with his trident on my behind. Don't bring me to the depths of Tartarus where Apollo's radiance couldn't reach.

  • Little bee buzzing around my ear in my euphorical world makes me want to jump and skate on the icicle made by the Snow Queen. Come on everyone! Lets love mother nature!

  • The distinctions in people are made obvious only to test our acumen on people. But most of the judgmnents made are blunderous and eventually lead to to us being so coy. What's the use? Better let people be who they are and all we do is just sit ...back and enjoy indulgingthe mixed bag of Earth's diverse lifestyle.

  • Aparrently, every day will meet meet it's night and there's nothing that can be done done about it but to just accept it while enjoying the comfort of your own home especially after a long journey along the torrid Sarawakian road. Father Stan so cool.

  • Everything seems to be toppled over. The world is not in its right axis anymore. Why? I just saw a charred igloo. :|

Sep 26, 2009

Blessings on my friends, dear Lord Jesus.

Rain comes, rain doesn't come, still the days just go by with a gentle, constant, breeze. And with that it means that all knights have to leave their round table to attached the saddle on their well trained stallion. And then, it's on to medieval battle! Charge!

So my friends, along this path of glory under the blissfulness our steps created, may we always remember this in the memories of our yesterdays. May it be the path that we'll all take cause the illumination we created had always somehow brought us together.

Remember the days where we all charmed the ambience with our secretive laughter. A laughter that is so encrypted that only our joyful hearts can decipher.That what makes it the better than anyone else's.

Times where we will reminisce our own blunders. Nothing could escape our eyes without being bantered by us. No one within our sight could just pass us by without a word being uttered by us.

It's just amazing that the cruelty of time is actually the remedy as well. It moves on but not our friendship. If someone asks me for an example of what's eternal, besides God's wonderful love and my family' love, I would answer our friendship.

After every wall we've smashed with our shoulders, after every drive through, after every intellectual sharing we've had, nothing beats the time we laughed till our tummies literally imploded. Ain't that right?

The years are nothing. It's oblivious to me! It does nothing! Like I've mentioned earlier, it's only a gentle breeze that brought us back together.

All the best my buddies. Hopefully the future for all of us is as bright as our friendship.

Sep 25, 2009

Xe Tzuz is the man. I mean it.

Sundowns and Sun-ups. This blog has gone through many in its own virtual world being unattended by its master. Sorry blog.

So, the trip in Miri was allegedly claim to set me free, and guess what, I am. Father Stan rocks. Stupid men in red, that's the devils, you can't hand-cuffed me no more, cause I know I should be free in the power of God..!

3 days of holiday and now it's back to the books cause school is stylo as well. There ain't no time for holiday if the teachers are so could at piling the foundation. Dear masons, please destroy this castle of homework!

Alright, here are things I've learnt during the rally :

  • A normal physically perfect human being can sweat profusely while passing urine.

  • Sarawakians LOVE to clap, even if they are sarcastically advised.

  • I was a choir member during the last night, and the hymn my choir couldn't sing well was Hymn 53 : Silence. Pitch was too high.

  • Never mess with the Mother of God. Period.

  • Bob cannot imitate Uncle Dennis.

  • KFC's Cheesy Wedges is deliciously edible.

  • Drinking Starbucks and Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf will make someone do squats in the middle of the night.

  • Being pulled to go on stage is not so exciting.

  • Titom can change card into wine.

  • Father Stan cannot read music but he can play Bach on his bass.

  • It's fun to play guitar in the bus.

  • 1645 = 6.45 pm.

  • Lowering the air-conditioner temperature by 1°C can make a drastic heat change.

  • I cannot be early for any talk even I was the first to be ready in the room.

  • Pineapple tart in Boulevard's bakery is magnificent. 40 cents each. Worth it.

And here's a quotation :

"Helloooooo goood people of China. I am Xe Tzuz" - Xe Tzuz

Sep 12, 2009

Every second is different, isn't it?

It's amazing how your perspective towards life can change in an instant. Yesterday can have a different reason than yesterday's tomorrow.

Sometimes you just sit down, accompanied by the whispers of the wind, and reflect on your reason for living. Though it may vary and there are many factors to consider such as neighbourhood, spiritual upbringing or financial current financial state.

Sometimes you get the contented feeling overwhelming you and there's nothing that can drag you away from your comfort zone. You are tied down to the serenity of life that you decide that there's nothing more for you to do in this world. Not that I meant you want kick the bucket, but you just want to escape from every hustle and bustle in your life.

Sometimes you just wish you have more jobs to do, more pounds of sweat to drop. More work to keep occupied in lieu of sulking in boredom all day long.

Sometimes we do feel that we have found the purpose of our life. Be it your occupation, hobby or even a person, you'll catch yourself saying "This is the reason I'm here". So then you will tell yourself that you will leave no stone unturned until you reach that goal of yours. Once you reached to the top of the mountain, you will congratulate yourself with a brilliant smile, knowing that is what you wanted.

Sometimes you just want to be led by people. To be told what to do because you have no idea what your purpose is. Some may not want to bother to try climbing the mountain cause they "know" they will never make it to the top.

Sometimes you just lie down in bed and dream of your dream house. Some may want to live in a mansion in the sky, overlooking the people on the earth. Some may just want to live in a little cabin in the woods, away from the hectic society. You lay relaxed and flow in your own enticing imagination and you'll forget about every trouble you have in this world.

But a single moment in life can change all of that. A single act in life can make you regret the decision you make. Only a second in life can make you lose control of your emotions. Even a single word can knock your dreams off and cause it to be in rubble in front of you.

There could be a person too that will change your life for the worse or for the better; some unlucky ones may experience both the good and bad.

What do we do when everything is disrupted? In my opinion, there are only two choices to be made :

  • To start all over again ; or

  • To start something new.

If you feel that you still have that will in you, that invigorated spirit, you would choose option one. But for those who have been smacked with endless disappointment would definitely choose option 2. Although some sad chap whose energy had been sapped out  may may have to resort to option 2 a billion times.

And for those who do wish to decide on these two options, they will resort to an alternative "3rd option" which may lead to "unwanted circumstances". To people who are feels that way remember that the person who wrote this is concerned about you; even though I've never met you, and there are many people who shares this feelings with me; or you if you know people who are already in this level, make them feel wanted and loved instead of telling them how stupid they are.

Sep 11, 2009

My hair's on fire!

Fire drills are very interesting especially if it is carried out in schools. One can see the diverse students repercussions which are often amusingly humorous.

It's the first fire drill in SMK Kidurong since its last one 4 years ago. That's mighty long if you ask me.

Unfortunately, I didn't know how the event began as my class (6BS1/2) happened to be in the APD room (PA1) when the announcement for us to gather in "Dataran Ilmu" was made. So, our class was continued happily without knowing what's the commotion outside the class.

As soon as we realized that we were somehow late for the assembly, we saw Cikgu Chiun speaking in front. So we just joined the group as if we were the star of the show, although no one actually seemed to care bout our peculiar presence.

So after briefing on the algorithms for the fire drill, the first practice was done. Every students entered their class and "act" as if they were having normal lessons. Though many students were already in their ready stance waiting eagerly at the door. Like an athlete on the race line waiting for the horn to waste a microsecond.

The bell was rung and students started to "panic" by screaming frantically. Oh, and they were taking slow steps down steps while shrieking. Pretty much like a horror movie where the victim just run as slow they could to allow the cameraman to catch up and let Jason stab them.

I guess it's just a normal procedure for students to omit instructions. Some were actually waiting at "Dataran Ilmu" (supposedly to their respective places other than there) only to be smacked by shame after they realize their mistake.

So my group happened to be waiting at the pond. Which was then, according to the fire department officer, a nonstrategic place to assemble during a fire outbreak as the tall tress surrounding it will catch fire easily. Bear that in mind the next time you look for shelter during a fire outbreak.

The officer also stated that it is not advisable to gather at separate assembly point. So we all had to convene at the football field in lieu of the "potential to be scorched" pond.

Oh, and the officer also said that the drills should be carried out 2-3 times, thus it's obvious that it is to be done again.

So the second fire drill is done and most of us just have to enjoy having a brisk walk during an "emergency". We all gathered at the open football field. The weather was very hot. In the words of a teacher "This fire drill is so inconvenient, I would rather die in the fire". It did make wonder, if the fire in the building wouldn't char us, maybe Apollo would do the job.

Then Cikgu Chiun asked us whether anyone was left behind, and of course the answer was no. But he said there are people who got caught and maybe they'll be brought here. The moment he said that, students from the special needs class arrived the assembly point. We were shocked. "False alarm. I didn't mean them", said Chiun.

After sweating profusely, we all went back to gather in the Dataran Ilmu to see that charred student. Apparently, the teachers managed to abduct a student to do the stunt. He was a Form 4 student who rose from his deathbed like a dead man being brought back to life with a defibrillator.

The moral of that event was - make sure everyone is around -.

After that, the principal gave her speech in a form of a lecture. It was very informative and I hope that the students listens to her advice.

Then one of the officer had he's share of speech giving which includes :-

  • Congratulating us for being efficient and amazingly calm and jubilant (let's see if we'll laugh around if there a charred body laying in front of you switch

  • Don't forget to switch of every electrical appliances and keep the windows and doors closed. That is after the class is emptied with students. (Oh, and it doesn't mean that they can be left running if there's no emergency)

  • Teachers should inspect everything. The blame will be placed on their shoulders if any mishaps occurred.

  • Teachers should also join in fire drill. In the words of Abdul Wahab, on of the officer, "Cikgu pun ada nyawa" -well said -.

After that was the presentation of gifts to the firemen as a sign of gratitude.

In my opinion, fire drills should be done more often so students can skip classes. :)

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