Oct 23, 2009

Coming soon : Exams (2009)

It's a cold night with the cool breeze whispering gently onto my face, sending a chill down my spine. I was driving all alone under the streetlights, accompanied by the many occupants of the road.

I happened to be on my way back after sending my brother to the airport and driving alone under the rain is rather an interesting experience, be it actually the first such event happened.

It's funny though, even though it's pouring outside, it still is rather relatively hot around here. I mean, it's the chill that one would expect from on a night such as this. I'm sweating.

Anyway, exam is going to start tomorrow. And hopefully I'll come more prepared this time compared to the last exam which I supposedly didn't do too well.

It actually began today though, since the MUET speaking paper was commenced this morning and I guess I did "OK. Topic well defined, points well elaborated that comes with suitable examples." - quoted from Mr. Dennis-. However, there was a problem with my eye contact. He said it'll show a higher level of confidence by looking at the other candidates and examiners. A tip for all of you. Look into a person's eyes when you're talking to them.

But the reason "OK" for the paper was that the questions were given much earlier prior to the exam, Thus, I'm doubting if I'll do that good during the 'real' exam.

And, the papers for tomorrow would Pengajian Am (PA) 2 and MUET 4, both are writing papers. I'm kinda frightened on report writing cause it was the one that pulled my marks down the last time. Hopefully, I won't repeat the same mistake again.

As for PA2, I'm unsure about my graphical and essay writing skills. It's still somewhat shaky and not properly stabilized yet. Probably need to the adjust the fulcrum of this see-saw.

So, all the best guys. Hopefully, all of our hardwork will pay off. Peace.

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