Dec 2, 2009

I gotta go Facebooking.

Can someone kill Facebook before it kills me?

My kamehameha cannot seem to obliterate this devil in blue.

Oh yea, you do have friends coming over after they had a long holiday and the first they would ask is

"Pa perkembangan Bintulu nek tok" or "How's Bintulu?"

You can tell them this. Check your Facebook. Don't have one? It's sad and absurd (quoted from Dom). Serious stuffs. It's where people think they're talking to themselves or rather 'updating' themselves and certain peers, but in reality, you're telling literally the whole world your suppose to be 'personal life'.

Although, I have to admit, some updates - or you can call them gossip - are interesting cause most of the time, secrets are unveiled. :D

Facebook tells you everything you need to know, from heartbreaks to weddings, from failures to scoring 4 flats in exams, from buildings caught on fire to new malls coming up.

One day maybe, Facebook will have their own TV show and their own newspaper so everyone can have updates such as good movies, shows or books.There's a lot of info I got from Facebook. Such as friends rating movies or books, whether it's worth the money to watch or read. Or maybe, places to dine with friends/families. Or spots to hangout and enjoy with your loved ones. Or areas where they sell really delicious food.

Some however, will reveal their personal life, just to draw the world's attention to them.

I don't blame these people, we all need attention in our lives. Even as a baby, when we were born we needed someone to care for us, same thing when we're old, someone will need to attend to our needs. In between? It's the same.

However, most of the time, when some innocent and caring facebookers asked what their problem is, they'll reply "It's none of your business" but yet, they put status like that. What for?

Sometimes, it's annoying. Yet many think it's cute and adorable to be pathetic in the virtual world. Some examples (not meant to be humorous but to knock some sense into you)  :

  • I was drunk last night. Don't tell my dad.

  • Kamek break malam tadik.

  • Cikgu ***** is very stupid!

  • *** is in a relationship with ***

  • Why is my bf so stupid!?!

  • My mum told me not to go but I did. Shhh...!!

  • I'm so horny now.

  • Why did you leave me? Don't you know that I'll die for you?

  • F*** him/her!

  • I want to kill my teacher.

  • Ku rokok sik henti2 malam tek. :D

  • Am so pissed with my mum/bf/dad/fren/ right now.

  • "***" is feeling sad today. (but not telling anyone why)

You get drill. The list can go and on till eternity ends.

I don't intend to hit on all that did these. Some are open with it. The others are the opposite, wanting to enclose the case in Facebook. It's not possible, considering that people like to gossip.

It's only that when these news that they intend to keep as a so called 'secret' start to leak out, they would point fingers at people for getting involved in their personal life when they were actually the ones who told the whole world themselves.

Don't get me started with the uploaded pictures.