Oct 30, 2009

Einstein, let's play rock paper scissors.

All the while, during my schooldays, I have never gotten the 'red pen' in my report card. Not that I prefer red instead of blue/black. In Chinese beliefs, it represents good luck or fortune, but in when comes to exams, Chinese or non- Chinese, it means horror.

This is not a self-praise statement and probably not a good sentence to begin a topic with, but this achievement made feel I'm on par with the rest of society. I suppose some of us have never thought that the colour of pens may bring significant effect to our lives.

Having not tasted failure made for many years gave me the fear to actually face failure. We are aware that the best way to succeed in life is by learning from our failures. Like Thomas Edison (persistent failure), whose numerous failures gave birth to the light bulb.

However, this so called achievement met it's downfall (like Al Capone) when I was in Form 4. When I failed a paper for the first time. To make matters worse, I was down by 1 mark. Imagine the frustration. And the subject I failed is my favorite subject to date, Physics. The study of natural phenomenon. The field that brought Einstein to prove Sir Isaac Newton wrong. One of the difference these two great man is, just a thought for you, Newton needed an apple to produce his theory, and Einstein needed a Swiss train (if you know your history/legends). Who loves mother nature?

Anyway, ever since that blunder, I made physics a part of me, my heartbeat and nurtured it till this very day. But blah, it ain't easy. Everything's physics. Life used to be simple before it arrived. And now, I looked at the world from a whole different perspective. It's a good thing though, keeps your mind consistently pre-occupied and makes you imagine the once thought unimaginable (ultimate cliche')

What keeps the universe together? What keeps it in motion? Why can't we feel the Earth's rotation? How does a sniper fire with great precision? Why fart makes sound and some doesn't?

Everything has it's origin and reasons, physics helps us to discover it. Some of you might find this useless, some of you might say "rubbish ramble" but hopefully some of you might see things at differently asking how do things appear. Things may appear in such sheer simplicity, but may have a rather intricate birth. It'll be interesting to find out how or why things appear as they are. Makes you feel smart.

Alright, enough with the crap. I did bad in my physics this morning.

Peace out.

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