Dec 10, 2009

Kepada pelajar-pelajar sekalian...

One thing I realised after few days stay here in Singapore. There are many student discount/offers/rates/meals and etc.

I told my mum about it and she replied, in her usual jocular manner (yet her answers can be serious at times)

"Students are the future of Singapore maa".

I wonder, why is my beloved country not giving that much attention to us students in Malaysia? There are signs everywhere that says "Children, our future", or "Kanak-kanak adalah pemimpin kita pada masa hadapan".

I don't know. I got much to say and compare but that would only show that I'm being a renegade, right? I'm still a proud Sarawakian and Malaysian. Not a proud Singhalese who lives in Malaysia.

Those who have payed attention to the importance of education in Singapore would know what I mean. There are many benefits one can get get if they are a student here.

Have a nice day, people!

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