Oct 19, 2009

Remove your cloak.

It's funny yet interesting somehow that people would hide something in such a peculiar manner.

You know the times when you fell so down and unwanted or most commonly known as " EMO " , your ingenious mind would start to come up with the most absurd reasons that even we ourselves who projected them could not understand.

A simple question is asked and the answer received is a pretty long one, but here's the catch, - it has nothing to do with the question in the first place -.

Maybe when these kind of people who answered in this vague way, their thinking was that the questioner would read the overly extended answer and eventually forget what the question was in the first place.

Sometimes too, maybe these prolonged answers may turn the table around. Making the other party feel dismayed for having asking it.

Surely, when we attend a speech or reading an essay, after listening or hearing for a moment, you would get the general idea on what the whole thing is about. Solely, you wouldn't want the speaker or writer to go out of topic, right? Stay on the road.

Why make the ones you seriously bother looking after drown in a sea of bewilderment? Would you eventually come and swim through the tide just to pull him out? Did it all start just to propagate your own altruistic being?

Think about it. We always have ran from our troubles and the sad thing is, many do not realize it themselves, but sometimes, the ones you love may see that you're disguising yourself and that stirs the care within them. Caring is a righteous act, isn't it? Though there are moments that we forget why we are depressed in the first place.

Remove that shroud around us. Don't just digest the world around us. Look into ourselves and ask this, "Why is this the right choice?"

Understanding needs persistence. - A friend -

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