Oct 1, 2009

Day 3 of boring elongated school hours. Day 3 of deteriorated air quality. Day 3 of going through sleep deprived state. What's next?

Interesting points of the day :

  • The haze is getting no better. The Sun still looked like Mars.

  • Assembly was full of raised voices by the 'disciplinary teachers'. I don't blame them. Probably adjusting their temper to the hot weather.

  • I realized for the gazillion times that students will not be attentive during assembly no matter how 'loud' the speaker is. Sweet talking doesn't help solve the problems. Screaming at them is no better. My advice is just punish (student's often unheard advice). No talk. Just action.

  • Fire engines only arrive after the fire had been out. The top floor of a flat caught on fire this morning and it was put off (by unknown means) before the wailing of the fire engine's siren was audible.

  • "Halal" sign on a restaurants' doors will not change any facts.

  • The haze seriously looks cool at night.

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