Oct 31, 2009

We did not have the topic "time" when I was your age.

All good things come to an end. I wish my exams were good. At least the lost would be a meaningful. How do I give myself a better head start next time? What drills should I do to improve my sprint on the track?

My classmates actually complain too about the exams. Stating that it's tough and what they have studied did not come out in the papers. How true is this? Is it because of studying the wrong topic that causes us to flop? I don't think so.

Maybe it's the way we approach it. Or the way we handle it. Knowledge is fragile if we don't know how to look after it diligently .

So, exams are done but studies are not over. It's a perpetual process. Teachers would continue teaching cause STPM is yet to come. A year is shorter than you might think. Just another birthday.

And afternoon was accustomed to rehearsal for tomorrow's prize giving day. One thing that preys my mind, why is it that rehearsal are never done within the time planned? And the whole rehearsal thing was done in such an unplanned manner that many minutes were wasted. That's why such events or any related ones always exceed the so called time. There's no real thoughts and planning given into these events. No strategy. They must be easily beaten in strategy games.

Something that can be done in a much shorter amount of time took them much longer than expected. Where's the professionalism?

But it had always been that way and I often ask, "Why won't they learn from mistakes?" . Both parties ( myself and them) realises that it's pretty debilitating to wait for nothing. We students are often dubious on teacher's act and we are always left like slaves, unknown of what their masters are planning with their generals.

Tomorrow's the real deal, the prize giving day. I just hope it won't be as abject as today. It's tiring and showing the lack of maturity, the example that you superiors should present. But like all of you who abused your superiority, your mistakes is our fault and we get the blame for it. Oh well, I did mention the word 'abuse'. :P

Goodnight, readers!

P/s : My prize is for first place and best for physics. Yes. Physics.