Aug 19, 2011

Teen lovebirds in a knot after kidnap scam

 *extracted from StarOnline*

WHEN a 17-year-old girl disappeared six days ago, her parents were distraught and approached the media to help find her.

They were further distressed when they received a call demanding RM50,000 ransom on Tuesday, and immediately lodged a police report.

However, on Wednesday when the girl was found, the relief felt by her 49-year-old father and 40-year-old mother quickly turned into despair.

Police told them their daughter was suspected to have conspired with her boyfriend to trick them into paying the RM50,000 ransom, reported Kosmo!.

The girl and her jobless 19-year-old boyfriend were arrested while getting into a car in Saujana Puchong at about 9pm.

Subang Jaya OCPD Asst Comm Zainal Rashid Abu Bakar said police tracked the teenage couple following investigations into a threatening phone call made by an unknown man to the father demanding RM50,000 for her release.

The two are being held at the USJ8 Subang Jaya police station and their case is being investigated under Section 384 of the Penal Code for blackmail.

*What happened*

 Boyfriend : Sayang, hujung minggu nak buat ape ye? Hidup abang takda makna la sekarang ini. Duit takda. Nak spon sayang makan pun tak dapat. Yang peliknya, kenapa sayang masik juga nak paksa diri dating dengan abang? Kau memang paloi kah?

Girlfriend : Saja.

Boyfriend : Oh. Kenapa tak ke sekolah?

Girlfriend : Saja.

Boyfriend : Oh ya kan?

Girlfriend : Eh. Apa kata kita minta duit dari bapa sayang? Sayang dengar, bapa sayang ada dapat bonus 8 bulan bulan ni. Nak cuba tanya ka abang?

Boyfriend : Adui. Malu la sayang. Handphone dengan baju takda. Takkan nak gi mintak bogel-bogel?

Girlfriend : Macamlah abang tak biasa.

Boyfriend : Betul juga. Jom pegi!

*on the way*

Boyfriend : Eh. Eh. Eh. Jap dulu sayang. Apa kata kita mainkan perasaan bapa sayang?

Girlfriend : Idea yang bernas! Tepat betul lah masa. Kan sayang dah balik rumah seminggu. Mesti bapa dah risau. Beritahu sayang kena culik nak?

Boyfriend : Settle! *dials the girlfriend's father's number with a nearby public phone* Hello. Ini Encik Zulkifli kah? (name changed to protect true identity)

Zul : Ya, saya.

Boyfriend : Dengar berita kau dah terima gaji besar bulan ni? 

Zul : Kau nak kha? Bank dah penuh. Datang rumah lah k. Ada RM50,000 tinggal.

Boyfriend : Alaa.. Mana-mana la. Rasanya cukup la tuh. Tak boleh kah bagi banyak sikit?

Zul : Datang dulu. Kalau ada lebih boleh la bagi.

Boyfriend : Bodoh. Baiklah. Saya datang. Haish. Kalau takda duit. Nahas kau, anak kau mati kebuluran.

Zul : Deal, pok!

*a nearby police had actually tapped their phone conersation just for fun, and being half-drunk, he thought it was ransom money; sensing there was a bad argument between them and hearing a word about Zul's daughter*

In the end, the couple got caught. The fact that they are still under investigation is because the police had found no proof to pin them guilty.

It's all just a misunderstanding, really.

Although I must admit that this is an unfortunate event.

Have a nice day peeps! 

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