Aug 9, 2011

So how old is your old friend?

How long does it have to be for you to consider an old friend, old?
Is it that you grow old together with them?
A friend you haven't met for almost a decade?

Whatever it is, meeting up with old friends was an exciting experience. It's like colliding with that bottle of memories we store up somewhere deep in our mind and we just break it, letting all the slightly forgotten history shedding its light once again.

After I left primary 6, some of my close friends during primary went their seperate ways and we have never really gotten in touch since then. It was not only until an ex-classmate of mine created a Facebook group page that was "EX Student 6A 2003" .

It's 2011 and I just finished my Form 6. It's been 8 years since I've last met many of them. And my gosh, was the meetup really a test of my memory. There was so many events that happened back then that I never recalled for the last 8 years!

1. Our little crushes and how we often tease or got teased by our peers till we just have to cry as the only final solution. Some of the crushes remain till today, perhaps? (teehee)

2. How we disliked "Kaki Report" of the class. Remember jotting down names of those who makes noise in class? I had to be in that list.

3. How we disliked some teachers who liked to pinch us for answering a question wrongly or for not handing it out homework. I remember my Science teacher, Cikgu Roslan, who liked to pinch our nipples (Chest area of boys, you perverts) when we least expect it. He'll be walking around the class while explaining/teaching, and out of nowhere, before you could evade, you'll be screeching in pain.

4. When we boys like to make jokes in class, often just wanting to impress the rest of the classmates, particularly out crushes.

5. How a friend of mine cried once because I was a little rough when we were jokingly wrestling in class. Sorry, Syarol! Haha!

6. How many of my classmates was beyond the point of disliking a friend of ours because he had to be on top of us in everything. We described him as "Asa Cool" and "Timing habis".

7. How Iskandar, Alby and I use to play Red Alert on a piece of blank paper. Don't ask me how was that possible. Cause I myself am trying to recall, how was it even playable. But I remebered we had made strict rules regarding on how to play so don't "Over Cheat".

8. I remembered getting caught by a teacher when I was in Primary 5. I tucked my school pants into my socks, imitating the Japanese soldiers during their invasion. Till today, I don't understand what was wrong with I did. He called me up front to stand in front of the entire class and he forced me to walk around the school like that. I constantly declined saying so I was sorry and that I won't do it again (Yeah, right). So he let me got after giving a nice real hard canning. I was somehow was referred as the class' Phua Chu Kang ever since.

9. How we often disrespectfully fooled with the names of our classmates' fathers. (Malap! This is for you! Who let the Doug out? Hahaha!)

Well, of course there are many stories. Some I can't post here because it might offend some people and I don't want us "old friends" to lose contact till we hear from each other again in another 8 years.

But throughout the 8 years, our physical appearance may have changed drastically. Now with facial hair, some may look chubbier, some with totally unrecognisable hairstyle, some looked much slimmer than how I remembered them, some have grown grown into beautiful ladies (I'm seriuos!).

*A jump from 12 to 20 years old may of course caused all these changed. I just want to be Captain Obvious for this post.*

But ever since we've been meeting up for the last one month, I realised that actually, nothing much had changed.

So how what's the story between you and your friends? Don't let those memories slip away.

Have a nice day, peeps!


  1. it's always nice to catch up with friends, no matter how long we've not met each other :)

  2. seriously dude... 'teehee??' c'mon...
