Aug 20, 2011

The man!

As many of you might have already known, I was not excepted to enter in any government universities. And the repercussion of that result is that I lost hope in even wanting to enter any government universities. (skipping the appeal process. I know, I know. You can bludgeon me however you want.)

So the next step was for me to enter into a private university. And my choice was Swinburne in Kuching to go pursue for my degree.

Obviously, the top responses I get when I say I'm going to study in Swinburne is :

  • "Nevermindlah, your father is rich."
  • "No problem for you, you got money mah"
  • "Kau nang kaya sik hal."
  • "Kau hidup senang"
  • "Boss kau loaded bah"
  • "It's not a problem for you"
I know those who are joking around saying things like that, but I know many are being serious when they say I was holding a fist full of diamonds on the day I was born.

At most times, I wouldn't mind people joking about this, cause I would be jocular with them. But when it comes to studying in private universites in Malaysia, many knows it's not cheap; unless you were really born with diamonds in your hands!

Is it hard to understand that I want to further my studies and that my father is willing to go to that extra mile just to have enough to support me?

Why can't you say something like :
  • "Wow. You have an awesome, Dad"
  • "Your dad must really love you to do that"
Or maybe some words of encouragement :
  • "You should really work hard so that the sacrifices your dad has done will be worth it"
  • "Like your dad, you should be willing to go that extra mile too"
I'm not saying that I can barely survive there. It's the way most of you put is like I have a lucrative life whereby I can get anything I want, whenever I want it. Life ain't that easy and simple for me.

And I don't blame you guys out there for not understanding that part cause people like to jump to conclusion only by listening to one sentence.

"I'm going to Swinburne, though because there's....." "Phwaaaaa....!! You so damn rich la brother!"

No chance to explain.

A retired government servant, my dad still works under the hot sun at long hours just to ensure that there is food on the table, especially to compensate my alien gastronomy. And that I can receive the best education he can offer.

Since, my dad has given me this chance, I will get the best out of it. It's only way I can repay him.

To make him proud.
Not to disappoint.

I can write something that is much longer than this to portray my gratitude in words, but I know most of you won't read the whole thing. Haha.

When your father believes in you, he'll do almost anything to make sure you achieve your dream. And that faith your father has can make you feel like you can achieve anything. Awesome. Really.

So this is a simple post where the simplicity is at its best.

Specially for my Father, Mr Joseph Douglas Fonseka.
Love ya, dad.

 *Nang cool habis nya tok*

*I just realised I don't have a picture of me and my dad alone in my phone. This is the closest I could get. lol*

Have a nice day, peeps!