Jan 30, 2010

A knock in the head does not strike our conscience, instead we will lose it.

Fill in the questionnaire. Step forward but it was empty. No questions. No answers. No ink. No lead on what to do.

A soldier in a battle expecting the enemy to attack from the south. When they surprise from the east, are we to ask why did they do that or do we find a way to defend?

I don't know. We complicate our thoughts just to make us feel superior.

We make ourselves feel better cause it's only ourselves that matter. No one else. Not even those we love.

I need a coconut to hit me hard and to hit everyone else.

Jan 29, 2010

It's highly unlikely that they see what I see.

I'm unsure on how long I can sustain bearing these encumbrances.  I was lavished with too much of these. How long must I withstand? This turbulence, like a professional throwing a boomerang, it keeps hitting me back, washing all my sense of reality off.

You use my rank as my Achilles' Heel. You know it'll crumble me. What a defile strategy, yet it succeeded yank me down with minute force. Pardon my iniquities. Pardon my misjudgments. Pardon my verdicts so unjust at times. For a Lord over you, I am not. I'm only like a orphan who is thrown into the city, and all I have to do is go with the flow to survive. I strive to live. To get the best I can. For many will adumbrate my virtue and leave me slandered.

And again I mention, you have threaten me with I have. Some possesses a rather euphoric hope in me. I'm ashamed yet gay.

Was never my intention to be one as of now. But Fate has chosen me. And for that, I shall execute my objectives diligently and as what my asinine superiors sort of condemned me to, "be professional". If only they know what they're talking about. Tables would turn, should they decide to cooperate. But no.

For I am only a mere creature in their sight. Worthless ideas do I possess.It won't create a better team.

For I am, or rather we are too, lab rats. Experimental subjects. Should they fail, they succeed in finding the wrong way to commence it, but we?

We shall suffer.

What doesn't kill? At least watching the 'road' does not.

BUFFALO (New York): State police say a truck driver was watching pornographic movies on his laptop computer when his rig struck a disabled car on the New York State Thruway near Buffalo last month, killing the driver.

Thomas Wallace of Ohio was arrested Tuesday. He’s been charged with second-degree manslaughter in the death of 33-year-old Julie Stratton, a mother of two from a Buffalo suburb.

The 45-year-old Wallace was being held in Genesee County Jail on Wednesday. It was unknown whether he had an attorney.

Investigators say Wallace also violated federal trucking rules by sleeping no more than four of 27 hours before the crash.

Stratton’s car was struck soon after she called police to report she’d hit a deer east of Buffalo. -- AP'

Thou shall not drink and drive. That we've all heard. Using mobile phone in you right hand, and a cigarette in the other, driving a manual car. That I've watched. You know they are many drivers who are able to hold two different items in each hand and yet manage to steer out of trouble. Eating while driving and etc. But watching porn? Come on. Where did he put his laptop? On the dashboard? On the passenger's seat?

Man. Things people do to satisfy their lust.

Jan 28, 2010

Through rough patches are the pages of yesterdays burnt in torments of memories.

Dedicated to Yen, Yon and Chandy.

Original song. Written and composed by the greatest dude in the world. ME.

Jan 25, 2010

A night that is younger than my life..

It's not scrutinised. This matter at hand. Beyond the barrier of hope. All potent was vanquished when the seraph took no heed of what I've uttered to the whole world.
Yet, my beloved.. You hailed my name so here I place myself within your presence.With arms outstretched, but my voice still sealed, you showed ultimate benevolence. Not once. Not many.
Because you  still are in ubiquity to me. My past, the present and future. You are there.
Take no heed will I not repeat doing, though the capability I have, cried out for me to commit so. But no. I remembered again your ultimate benevolence. Pure understanding.
So listen my love.. Have you not enlighten my iniquities, I shall stay blinded by defilement.
Now.. Shall you hear my proposal...?

Anyway.. It's late like hell and I've got to wake up early tomorrow, yet I'm still doing this stuff that is worthless. Should anyone understand this, keep it to yourself.

Should you not? Welcome to the club.

Goodnight bloggers and readers and facebookers.

Jan 21, 2010

Dogs barking with jelousy at the birds of heaven. Mutual love.

In the wee hours of morning, right after dawn, rain starts to shower down upon Bintulu. But I suppose it wouldn't be the one that drags on for hours, causing clogged drains and bringing down the mood dramatically. What's with birds singing songs of wisdom? If only I'm able to interpret what they are telling me this early hours.

Anyway, rain or shine, we got to prepare ourselves for the battling of this asinine scholastic ideology.Ready your bayonets, men! For today. We shall march on this academic carpet that will lead us to the throne of knowledge!

It's basic knowledge actually. Absurd.

I told myslef not to bother bout this. But sorry, I just have the urge to do so.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="544" caption="Christmas present"][/caption]

Woohoo! This makes me wanna clap my hands *clap clap* and brings tears of joy to my eye *sob sob*. Once again, we Sarawakians are left to be punished by the more civilised. Once again, please allow me to share this joyous feeling with you all. Forget AF, American Idol, the EPL or Barack Obama or even Miley Cyrus, Hani Tarmizi is the woman of the hour! No! She is just 'The Woman'! She needed no audition, nor need she be the first  lady to take a poo on the moon. All she needed was one sentence, and BANG! She's on her way to superstardom! Now that's an achievement that should be recorded in history.

*Clap clap sob sob*. Bravo bravo!

We shall name our children after her. No. Even better. Build schools in our state in her name. An address that goes like this :

Sekolah Kampung Perhutanan Hani Tarmizi, Jalan Perkampungan Sarawak Mundur Benci Ak, 242009, Gatal Burit, Sarawak.

Now that sounds like a brilliant idea, isn't it? Hani Tarmizi oh Hani Tarmizi. I'm a Sarawakian myself, raised by apes and I was fed with the petals of Rafflesia all my life. Just for everyone's mini info about Sarawak :

  • Our paddy field acts as our airport. Where it can support AirBus. Scarecrows as traffic controllers.

  • We make laptops and computers out of bamboo and banana leaves.

  • Our houses are not 'kampung' la. We are nomads. We have to move around because we have 'burit gatal'.

  • Bintulu LNG? haiya. Tipu only la that one. We only supply kayu balak. ABF? Pfft. All hutan only la.

  • Bakun Dam? Hutan.

There are many more and I hope my fellow readers would want to share to their thoughts on the brilliant Hani Tarmizi, the most observant and up to date woman we know! And to all Sarawakians! Hani calls you ladies sluts and bitches. It's actually her way of saying that you are the most beautiful people, both outer and inner beauty. The jealousy of a woman. Venomous.

Alright. It's getting late. Gotta look for a tree to sleep on. My laptop is starting to be ripped apart.Need new bamboo and leaves. Try pandan this time, at least there is a fragrant.

Come to Sarawak la Hani. We will treat you like a queen. Sorry aa. You have to swim and use rakit most of the time. Don't know how? We can teach la. Climb tree also we can teach you. Just come la, kay? We prepare a tree specially for you. Your baju? Uhmmm... Daun nipah, k? n kura-kura empun shell.

Last proposal. Why not make 24th December, Hani Tarmizi Permaisuri Putih Sarawak Day ? And to make it all the more special, we create a ritual. On this joyous occasion, at 8.00 p.m every 24th December, we shall garuk our burit nok gatal.

God Bless Sarawak!

Jan 20, 2010

Why share when we just don't care?

Impossible to locate under these massive piles of rubble. Especially when the situation had been deprived of the right instrument. In similar manner to those who are suffering in Haiti. My condolences are reached to those who have lost their loved ones, and to those who had to bear witness to their death, be strong at heart and sow courage into the heart of the world.

It’s hard to accept these disasters. More horrible is when we have to watch them die, or look at people dying on our screens. Sometimes we scream out our sympathy on the screen, hoping that our cry could somehow divinely scud with the clouds and comfort them in their last moments. Giving them a gleam of hope. Hope gives them the heartbeat.

So it’s third week into school and I know I shouldn’t be spending much time here. I should be doing what I’m supposed to do. What I am imputed to do, not because of what was given, but what I have chosen myself. The delinquency I’ve committed shall not adumbrate my merits. Elton John ones said during his concert that “The media today are displaying the bad side of people and the good ones are cast out. But I believe that the basic human nature is all good”. It goes to show that people are only aiming at people’s faults, and condemning only the wrongdoers, so as to say that I myself look only at my faults. Don’t we realise that?

What I have seen among the youths around here are they like to share. I often see youths around my age, younger or older, sitting in a cluster. At first glance, they have one thing in common, all of them – I’m talking bout 3 or four, could be many times more -, sharing a cigarette stick. It’s funny when you think of it, four young fellas puffing twice -three puffs the most-, and passing it around. Somehow like a ritual, where the cult members would pass the chalice, drink the "blood", to bring themselves to “state of divinity”.

Even road users. It belongs to everyone. And I mean it literally. You might hear pissed drivers yelling “You think this is your father’s road!?”. I often have the urge to see them scream back “Sharing is caring!”. And all is swell. Road bully reports would decrease dramatically.

I recall witnessing a road accident after it happened. Many swarm in to the scene. A major one where a pick up truck smashed into a Kelisa. Fortunately, none was seriously injured. But what I noticed was that, among the many swarming in -including myself-, three quarter of us didn’t lay a finger. We stood around, clothed with shock expression and start making our own theories on how it happened. “The driver was drunk, I’m sure” “Bravo, Captain Obvious”. We just talk. A few particular groups of people I notice however, would stop their car nearby, take out their latest SLR, snap a picture or two, back into car and drive away. They were smart people I tell you. They knew there was nothing else they could do.

So why is it that we bother nosing into other people’s business? So here’s my chance to opine based on my observation and reasoning. We just want to make ourselves feel helpful and needed, so we would feel good for doing absolutely nothing. This is the moment when we share our nothingness.

Jan 19, 2010

Stop acting stupid, or stop being stupid?

I dragged my feet. Feeling all algid and plain. But the words are still echoing within the walls of my thoughts. "There's no turning back." Where have I drawn the locus of my past?

Instead, the door is stretching further with the walls closing in on me, as if threatening me to leave this sovereign household. Even till the point I crumble. So under pressure, the only sensible choice was to cower away.

Till I brim hope, only to realise that dreams have their limit. The higher you aim, the further you're projected. Imagine two runners. One for the money, one for the passion. That is to say, one for a crowd, the other for the whole world. Who would display more passion? Who would strive harder? Presumably, the higher goal.

Ultimately, when is raised in a manner where no man perceives the same as the test subject, conclusions will be messy and by that, clash of great ideas. Great minds think alike, yet great minds fight for the one idea, such as the case of Einstein and Bohr. How can we unify the world around us?

So one will start making assumptions based on their presumptions which are generally based on theories and advance human intellect. Unproven yet accepted. Like we always do. The basis of human nature.

Jan 18, 2010

The secret recipe may actually be growing on you

So I went out with a friend's family to visit their father's grave. The thing about cemeteries are that they give me a certain solemn feeling about it. That if you happened to step on a twig, the dead would awake. So you'll watch your every step, hoping not to disturb the deceased. That's why people are respectful to such places. It's the fear of defiling it.

But what somehow annoyed me a little during my visit just now was seeing a man, placing his left foot on the gravestone, looking somehow like 'The Thinker' sculpted by Auguste Rodin -except it wasn't a leaf there-, with a lighted cigarette in his right hand. At first I thought maybe he needed the fire to light the candles, but then again, there's no protocol in how you pay your respects to the deceased.

It also reminded me that graveyards are not a place to act all somber all the time. It does not mean you can't talk, laugh or like the guy I saw just, enjoy smoking -though I wonder if he threw the bud on that grave or someone else's-. So I often take a lit candle, and lit every candle I can lay my hands on. Gives me a sense of peace somehow amidst of the ghost stories you used to hear before bed.

Anyway, the journey continued to a mamak shop in town. A shop called PJ Corner, opposite Plaza Hotel and I ordered roti planta. My meal was special however, cause the first tear of that roti, my eyes caught a hair between the fried dough. Yup. A strand of hair. Kinda looks like it's from the arm. Or mustache. Or beard. Or maybe nose hair. I felt special though. Though I can somehow read the cook's thoughts "Which of those lucky ones got the taste of my hair. Too bad I only managed to pluck one from my ear." I hate telepathy. So I stopped eating.

I don't blame him though, it must have dropped when he was doing his karate on those innocent dough. But surely, that would be the first and the last time I go there. The place is horrid looking. Chairs were torn like there are cats' claws in everyone's buttocks. The tea taste like water seasoned with milk and left under the sun for a few days. Sadly, after the hair incident, the 'dal' paste tastes like hair for some odd reason. Yea. It was that bad.

So we went to have dinner elsewhere. A far cleaner and presentable place far from civilisation which serves Teh C Special in a mug as big Mick Jagger's lips. Juicy. And came along another dish "Kueh Tiaw" fried with clams. Mouth watering but I skipped my share cause my mum throw the steaming claypot rice she cooked at home for dinner onto my unaware face. Splat. One tip, if you plan not to have dinner at home, it's either you call your mum before she cooks, or you might as well spend the night in your friend's place. Things can get a little messy, trust me.

Anyway, the meal we had at the prestigious PJ Corner cost the four of us RM22. I looked around, hoping to see gold plated spoons or marble tables. But then it strucked me, it was because of my "Roti Planta Bulu Special".

Jan 15, 2010

Calm these raging storms and save this sinking ship!

It was all rain. From dawn till sundown. This morning I saw the sun scintillating the sky. Reminded of a light of hope. That every shit in life is only a barrier that we can pass through if we are ready to be smeared with crap.

And yet tonight, amidst all the noise of raining chattering the roof, and darkness in the sky, there is still a glowing amber at a distance in the sky. Right above the horizon. The thought that came to mind was, maybe houses were razed again? But then reality hit me, I realised it's impossible for a fire to be lit under this heavy downpour.

When I think further ahead, I remembered that Petronas is located in that direction. So the bright amber was coming from them. And it reminded me again about hope. No matter how heavy the rain is, fire can still come alive. Through persistence. Maybe I'm growing sentimental, but as a man who likes to drown himself in deep thoughts, it's understandable.

So I'm contemplating on this matter. Seeking justice for my prejudiced ties with the beyond. For what shall I thirst for defeat when I know I can win? What shall be thrown towards me to make stand up again, feeling lighted, embrace the wind, and scud with the clouds?

A friend once told me that "It's the choice you have made, and there's no turning back. Just go through it." I was disappointed at first with that remark. But then, it could be a laconic message in which can only be deciphered by my heart and conscience.

When I feel like singing, I just sing. When I feel like laughing, I kid around. However, not all acts come in that form of freedom. I myself wish that when I feel like changing my decisions, time would just go back.

Maybe this post is a way of me letting out. Opening that cage that's trapping the phantom. But somehow, it's only emptiness that is propagated towards the future's present past. Confusion. Bewildered. Even as I myself feel like a backbone for some, shouldn't I carry myself? Or an vividly 'unseen' force should guide me along in the form of the " 3 F's", friends, families and foes.

Maybe by writing can I only express but my expressions are often limited cause they may be offensive or inappropriate. Don't we get that all the time? We wish to tell something of great importance but is rather impeded because we are afraid of the repercussions. The minds of people. It's like plasma in a transparent tube. So beautiful and amazes us, and when it is touched, all is distorted.

Is this all because of regrets? Maybe. Or rather because I'm afraid to find out what the future have in store for me? Or is there such thing as thinking too much? The weather is just perfect for contemplation. To sail into my own mind and answer questions that are left unanswered. To find a reason for the unexplainable. To find hope if a loved one seek help from me.

Even my body is telling me to slow down. I'm all worked up from top to bottom, yet there isn't anything much that I have done. Nothing debilitating. Come to think of it, I'm letting nature do it's work on me, which of course should be the other way round. Which reminds of thermodynamics in physics. If the gas is acting upon a closed system (volume of vessel increases) , the work done in denoted with a positive sign (+), whereas if the system is working on the gas (volume decreases because of compression), the work done is denoted with a negative sign (-). Therefore, I'm imputing myself for being negative.

I should work on nature and device my own future I suppose?

Jan 14, 2010

Scintilating hope in this illuminated night.

When life gives you lemonade, and your pissed , squirt its juice onto someone's face.

Today is beginning with a gloomy start, with a heavy downpour, imagining if the little rain droplets are securing cats and dogs inside. But what amazes me bout mother nature is that, when I looked up into the sky a moment ago, I was able to see a little red scintillation in the sky. Indicating that the sun is about to come up and radiate its glorious light upon the world and probably make gloominess go away.  A light of hope right?

Through all that darkness, with the sun about to crack in the sky, it gave me the sense and thought that persistence could always make us outshine ourselves. reminded be about hope. That no matter how a bad a situation goes, if we turn to the bright side - or make things brighter ourselves - we would be able to go over the barrier of darkness.

So, with all my might, I am looking forward to school.

Selamat pagi semua.

Jan 13, 2010

Salam sejahtera kepada sesiapa yang sudi mendengar.

I'm tangled in a spell brought about the old dingo that lived behind that little kennel. Now the tapes are played back, yet the audience are only listening to what they can't see as the screen had been fogged out. Because the criminals who had broken their promises to nature are not brought to justice.

We shall see in near future for I'm just a subordinate. For I shall not have the essential crown required to overcome the pass judgments that rains upon my intellect day and night. I'm crumbled. Sapped. Diminished by the atrocious acts I've seen done.


For tomorrow, I shall be the chairperson for the school's assembly. The MC of a prestigious gathering. The time where all the celebrities are seated comfortably under the blazing sun and the audience on the moist ground. The time where every student gathers together to hear to my dynamic skills in speaking. :D

Heh. Who am I kidding? It's not my thing, nor will it ever be if I keep this sad crap feeling go on. I should be more optimistic, should I not?

Then when a mistake is made, I will be fired with endless arrows, sharpen with mockery and insult and my shameless being shall be pinned on a tree of secluded world. Embarrassment is a disease only to be injected with more mockery in a huge syringe.

Alright. That's enough down grading upon myself. For tomorrow I shall step forward, on the podium, dressed with a serious facial expression and raise my right hand and start waving to the people, like I'm the President of The United States.

Lay your hands on my shoulder and I'll glide with you..

I need a cure. An antidote. A remedy of some sort. An anti-bacterial technology that may damage prolonged boredom that is fused with time.

This process is really debilitating. Though thankful that it is now reduced to 3 days instead of the usual 4. And whatever happened to teachers being involved as well? Sometimes, when the dice is rolled, the number often turns out to be in a sequence instead of the usual random manner. So it's called before it's thrown.

So when you try to lay your hands on the superiors in school, you'll get shot back with 10 times the force you gave. But since young we've been thought to respect people. There's always a but sadly. These superiors are human with powers.

Power to threaten us even though they have nothing against us. So we are left lying there, bewildered and questioning where did we go wrong.

There's just so much to say, but freedom of speech is very limited.

And I'm seeing spinning letters now. Signs of over burdening.

Jan 12, 2010

Aku adalah sangat pro.

Today is filled with endless sessions with Captain Obvious and Mr. Nothing. Pffft. Time is precious, yet I'm treating it like it grows in the back of my house. I wished I shit seconds out.

Well, it's not me who's not attending to times every need, it's just that outside obligations - literal obligations - are eluding me away from it.

Baiklah. Esok skolah gk seperti biasa and it'll drag on again till 3.00 pm. with 30 minutes lunch break. 30 minutes lunch break. school begins at 7 and 30 minutes lunch break n finishes at 3.00 pm. 30 minutes lunch break. Setengah jam. Agik mok masak maggi 10 minit. Bulak da mi 5 minit ya.

Today I hutang Cikgu Esther her work. She's pissed. I know. Maaf cikgu. Azam baru saya ialah perbaiki tulisan jadi lebih baik dari cikgu punya. Cikgu Yong akan ajar saya, boleh?

Goodnight people. keboringan.

Jan 11, 2010

Mum sets self on fire over recalcitrant teen.

NIBONG TEBAL: A 33-year-old mother suffered burns after allegedly setting herself on fire in an incident in Jalan Hutan Lipur here.

The mother of seven did so allegedly due to disappointment over the attitude of one of her daughters, police said.

Seberang Perai Selatan OCPD Supt Shafien Mamat said in the incident which occurred at 12.40am yesterday, the victim was advising her 15-year-old daughter, who was said to be seldom home.

The mother suddenly bolted out of the house, poured petrol on her body before lighting up a candle and setting herself on fire, he said.

“She told police that she was under pressure when dealing with her daughter,” he told a news conference yesterday.

Other members of the family, including her husband, came to her rescue.

The victim suffered 54% burns from the forehead to the abdomen and has been referred to the Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital in Alor Star. — Bernama

Mom : Pahal kau tok bodo gilak a? Aku padah flush kau biar jk taik kau sia.

Child : Skati aku la. Lamak dh ku sik berak cam ya.

Mom : Ko boh kurang ajar. Pegi flush nun. Ya pun susah kha.? Bau sial taik kau ya tauk sik? Pa ndak kau makan.

Child : Kau juak nok masak ke ku nak?

Mom : Nar juak. Udah ya. Diam gk. Gi flush nun.

Child : Lek lok. Ku mok tunggu bapak tangga, tangga nya manas sik. Nya slalu polah cam ya bha. Time kita makan jak nya slalu berak.

Mom : Kau iboh jadi cam nya. Nya ya brapa umor? Kau ya brapa? Udah nun. Ju gik. Sik tahan dh bau tok. Asa mok mati jk. Panas ada bau taik kau.

Child : Aku berak nok pedas tek bha. Nok tajam-tajam, panas-panas ya bha mak.

Mom : Oh. Patut mak asa panas ada jak. Makin peluh bha. Dh la mak darah tinggi gk. Makin la panas. Asa mok terbakar jak.

Child : Kali juak. Kulit mak kedak mok retung jk. Eh. Kali sebab petrol nok mak pake mandik ya tek.

Mom : Oh. Nar juak ho. Lupak mak sal ya tek. Patut panas semacam jak.. Dh la hari panas.. Mak kluar lok la g mandi kat sungei lok.

*Pooof. Mum on fire overheated by the blazing Malaysian sun."

Sorry, no offense intended. This was out of pure boredom. Oh yea, every story has a moral value. This one has two. One, always flush the toilet after you do your business. Second, never piss your mum off, cause they are the greatest people in the world. Peace out.

Jan 10, 2010

Success comes from what we believe in.

The first full week in this new year and I have achieved in what many many passers do during an accident. Nothing. How far have you gone with your resolution fantasy? Not far I suppose.

Bintulu still seems to be a rather quiet town surprisingly, and road users are still blinder than anything I've known. People could still beat the red light even from a distance where they can't see the traffic light.

With school just started, it is hard not to enjoy and what they can do to just portray themselves. Pure diversity. SMK Kidurong achieved a record for last year's PMR, having produced 35 students who have achieved straight A's. Now this is a real achievement and I did surprise many of us and the teachers are no exception. Certainly a proud feeling stirs in their hearts with a pinch of "'You couldn't have done it without me" feeling.

So what to do with them? Well, place all of them in single class to create a better environment where the competition is the strongest. Where everyone will fight for that top spot, no matter what it takes. The tension arises where they will start speculating among themselves and start pointing fingers on who will get that throne. All 35.

Which brings me to a question in mind, how will the teachers handle this? Unfortunately - or Fortunately, depends if you're envious -, this is the first time such occurrence happen where all the top notch students are placed in the same classroom. It's a miracle if teachers don't feel a certain inferior feeling or rather a slight tremble. Imagine 35 intelligence under the command of one person. This is not striking a blow in the face of the teachers, but rather a food for thought. But there's always a first time for everything and it's either you do well in it and you flop like nobody's business.

Another question is how is the school going to keep up to that standards or rather climb a little higher than last year's magnificent results? I think this is rather a worry to those teachers teaching the PMR students this year, yet it is also a very good challenge to once again prove to everyone that SMK Kidurong is more than just a school. It produces intellectuals. It is a school with respectable reputation. I wish all the best.

Some say students' achievement comes from their own hardwork and determination, some say it's the teacher, some say family and religion plays and important role, and some say all of those.

But in my opinion, it's like this. What connects man and his success? It's the same as what connects man and God. Faith. By believing in ourselves can we only trust other factors such friends and family that will push ourselves to success. Where can we go if we don't trust our own judgments, intellect and rationalism?

Jan 8, 2010

Life's full of surprises. Really? Or are we just surprising ourselves with our intelect.

Humans are a peculiar species, with every human nature have a mind system of it's own. Their own Hitler to perform a series of genocide attempts to wipe out the most deleterious race in the world, idiots.

So, a good way to start is by reading people's mind. You can do that if you're raised in the woods by a group of wrinkled gypsies.

It's a good way to understand people. A organism so complex, yet so simple in thoughts and words and search terms ideas.

I did a similar kind of post last year, but here's the newer version. As usual, some will make you smile, some will make you shocked, some will get you out of your seat, and I believe some will bore to death. Oh yea, not forgetting those who will say "Ooops, that's my search term. Busted."

Search Terms People Use to Reach To My Blog :

  • Scratch marks on my arm

  • pornstar honey moons

  • nanyang siang pau news doctor johor remo

  • edwin nyambang.blogspot

  • angles in a skimpy outfit drown - note that it is angles, not angels. don't get your mind dirty, boys and girls.

  • gladiator paloi

  • where is earth located in our galaxy

  • most expensive prince bandar bin sultan - bandar bin sultan. nice name.

  • thian lian girl school hot

  • cord lagu rexy - n i'm a rockstar.

  • x ray of a intercourse - x ray? that would cause radiation and probably cause terminal cancer on your privates.

  • tutorial to open waja side mirror - yeah. google/yahoo/msn will display a full tutorial on how to break into my car. but it's okay, it's Malaysian car anyhow.

  • funny greek signs in english

  • sekalian - dunno why

  • girlfriend and boyfriend shopping - probably sending a message. does it hit you?

  • diri saya - dunno why again

  • فشل انشتاين وغيره بالمدرسة ونجاحهم في الi dunno what that is. can someone help me translate?

  • miss choong pornstar - I hope it's not who I think it is. blah. nah.

  • ucapan mengundurkan diri - I'll give full protocol to those who needs it. I have plenty of tips to share.

This post is not as good as before. Only rather a few that are eye soaring to some but funny stuffs to me. Just another way of me, trying to understand these complexity.

Jan 4, 2010

First day of school. How was yours?

Many seem to have lost their grasp of the real deal when they believe that Sport's Day or maybe a visit by a minister will cause schools to be be extra busy and don't have time for educational responsibilities. Have you ever pondered about the first day of school?

It is definitely one of the busiest day in any school's calendar. The air is filled with a myriad of cacophonies. It's what makes the day itself special, memorable and a hell for teachers. Students being overly excited and their teachers would have to bear with the mischievous as scolding won't slow their spirit, parents attacking the school's superiors with their endless inquiries and even some teachers would also somehow find the time to chatter and ask other peers about how lost they were during the new year celebration.

New students entering and you can see their eyes wondering around. Trying to scrutunise every detail of the school as they subconsciously realise that it is a moment to cherish. It's the first day of school in a new a school, surely many are excited and nervous about it. But we shall not forget about the parents, who scans the school compound and commenting about the environment. Often thinking if it is the right school for their children. You can witness their gaze too, not only looking at the buildings and all it's decorations, but examining the students as well, making pre-judgments on whether these children are good for their child or not. You can see their gaze land upon the 'good' students and the so called 'bad' groups of children and ends with a frown or a sigh of relief.

Although the began with a gloomy sky, it never impeded the students to cause more calamities in the school, especially with their inevitable boisterous selves.

My thoughts on the first day of school is like there's a big wedding reception happening. Everyone gets to meet new people, meet up with some old ones and of course, there are some who are shy and keep a distance away from the many strangers they see, sticking to only who they know. Not forgetting those students who have just entered secondary will surely have curiosity fill their minds and adjusting themselves to a totally new environment, whereby they have schoolmates who are adults.

Some students are also seen dressed in new uniforms and sparkling white shoes, though some are seen agitated with what their wearing - a message to Form 6 students :P -. But, I'm sure that all of us, including the new students and teachers, would not take long to make themselves comfortable in school. We get to chat with each other, have some laughs and finally, reality will kick us and tell us it's about time to focus on studies again.

The first day of school is an exciting day.  A busy day. A noisy day. A happy day. A joyous day. A new day. So we shall cherish it. We don't get to experience this all the time, right? I had my fun today.

So how was your first day of school?

Over the seas and ready for battle. Take care, Thomas.

Some people are physically matured but mentally immature and it is rather astounding that these two can collide and fuse to form a human being. It's people like that always feel that they deserve to be treated as prince/princess and what is wrong is right if they are the ones who do it.

I feel drooped. Like ice cream on a cone left under the sun. Every believe, hope and what I used to grasp are slipping away slowly. There's still nothing in this jug I've made years back. No water to lubricate my conscious. No you to fill it up with your whispers.

Why do I still seek to blame oblivion?

The next sunset shall see me setting my foot upon education grounds again. How can I thrive on? What must my fragile arms cling to? For my peers have all located a different path to pursue on their journey. Yet, I often feel myself is left without altruism and therefore, I have left all my duties unattended. Oh Divine One, please shower me with perseverance so I can endure this with a good heart.

Anyway, back to the reason for this post.

And a message to my buddy, Tom, let not yourself be laconic amongst the other askar boys, but astound them with your jocular self. Be loquacious as you are the best at it. God Bless your 3 months imprisonment.

The fire had ignited my dying spirit.

2009 had come to an end, but what significance does it bring to us? Is there a deeper meaning behind all that merry making and joy and laughter. To put things simple, behind all those alcohol consumption.

Is 2010 a new year or is it just like what many use to use about age. It is just a number. Is it merely a number? Is the age of the world's calendar merely a number? Or is it a reminder to us all?

Maybe it is just a number, yet maybe it impose something greater than that. It does remind me though, that these numbers are often increasing, at a fixed velocity. Yet sometimes it feels that time accelerates and decelerates right before us, without us realising it, eluding our understanding.

The numbers go up reminds me that these numbers would eventually reach it's top one day. It reminds me that everything ages. Our physical being, the trees, the little child we saw in the park, our car, lager beer. Even love ages. However, do we ever look at it this way? That everything, every number would reach to a certain stop? A certain limit?

But, the beginning of new year often tells us to leave the year before behind us and begin a new one. By repairing and creating new golden moments.  Simply put, by forgetting the past.

Is it just like that? Everyday we grow older, wiser and greater intellect. Yet, it is the past that makes us who we are today. It is from past experiences that brought about ourselves here today. Are we really just going to let it go because a bigger number had been imprinted on our calendar? Are we raising the white flag to time?

Readers of my blog, I don't intend to say that new is just a gimmick, or something of no importance. Indeed it is. My point is that, when we know new year is coming, apart from wishing others a Happy New Year, have you ever wished yourselves "A Happy New Year"?

The New Year reminds us that time is moving on so therefore, so don't waste or time.