Jan 19, 2010

Stop acting stupid, or stop being stupid?

I dragged my feet. Feeling all algid and plain. But the words are still echoing within the walls of my thoughts. "There's no turning back." Where have I drawn the locus of my past?

Instead, the door is stretching further with the walls closing in on me, as if threatening me to leave this sovereign household. Even till the point I crumble. So under pressure, the only sensible choice was to cower away.

Till I brim hope, only to realise that dreams have their limit. The higher you aim, the further you're projected. Imagine two runners. One for the money, one for the passion. That is to say, one for a crowd, the other for the whole world. Who would display more passion? Who would strive harder? Presumably, the higher goal.

Ultimately, when is raised in a manner where no man perceives the same as the test subject, conclusions will be messy and by that, clash of great ideas. Great minds think alike, yet great minds fight for the one idea, such as the case of Einstein and Bohr. How can we unify the world around us?

So one will start making assumptions based on their presumptions which are generally based on theories and advance human intellect. Unproven yet accepted. Like we always do. The basis of human nature.

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