Jan 4, 2010

The fire had ignited my dying spirit.

2009 had come to an end, but what significance does it bring to us? Is there a deeper meaning behind all that merry making and joy and laughter. To put things simple, behind all those alcohol consumption.

Is 2010 a new year or is it just like what many use to use about age. It is just a number. Is it merely a number? Is the age of the world's calendar merely a number? Or is it a reminder to us all?

Maybe it is just a number, yet maybe it impose something greater than that. It does remind me though, that these numbers are often increasing, at a fixed velocity. Yet sometimes it feels that time accelerates and decelerates right before us, without us realising it, eluding our understanding.

The numbers go up reminds me that these numbers would eventually reach it's top one day. It reminds me that everything ages. Our physical being, the trees, the little child we saw in the park, our car, lager beer. Even love ages. However, do we ever look at it this way? That everything, every number would reach to a certain stop? A certain limit?

But, the beginning of new year often tells us to leave the year before behind us and begin a new one. By repairing and creating new golden moments.  Simply put, by forgetting the past.

Is it just like that? Everyday we grow older, wiser and greater intellect. Yet, it is the past that makes us who we are today. It is from past experiences that brought about ourselves here today. Are we really just going to let it go because a bigger number had been imprinted on our calendar? Are we raising the white flag to time?

Readers of my blog, I don't intend to say that new is just a gimmick, or something of no importance. Indeed it is. My point is that, when we know new year is coming, apart from wishing others a Happy New Year, have you ever wished yourselves "A Happy New Year"?

The New Year reminds us that time is moving on so therefore, so don't waste or time.

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