Jan 20, 2010

Why share when we just don't care?

Impossible to locate under these massive piles of rubble. Especially when the situation had been deprived of the right instrument. In similar manner to those who are suffering in Haiti. My condolences are reached to those who have lost their loved ones, and to those who had to bear witness to their death, be strong at heart and sow courage into the heart of the world.

It’s hard to accept these disasters. More horrible is when we have to watch them die, or look at people dying on our screens. Sometimes we scream out our sympathy on the screen, hoping that our cry could somehow divinely scud with the clouds and comfort them in their last moments. Giving them a gleam of hope. Hope gives them the heartbeat.

So it’s third week into school and I know I shouldn’t be spending much time here. I should be doing what I’m supposed to do. What I am imputed to do, not because of what was given, but what I have chosen myself. The delinquency I’ve committed shall not adumbrate my merits. Elton John ones said during his concert that “The media today are displaying the bad side of people and the good ones are cast out. But I believe that the basic human nature is all good”. It goes to show that people are only aiming at people’s faults, and condemning only the wrongdoers, so as to say that I myself look only at my faults. Don’t we realise that?

What I have seen among the youths around here are they like to share. I often see youths around my age, younger or older, sitting in a cluster. At first glance, they have one thing in common, all of them – I’m talking bout 3 or four, could be many times more -, sharing a cigarette stick. It’s funny when you think of it, four young fellas puffing twice -three puffs the most-, and passing it around. Somehow like a ritual, where the cult members would pass the chalice, drink the "blood", to bring themselves to “state of divinity”.

Even road users. It belongs to everyone. And I mean it literally. You might hear pissed drivers yelling “You think this is your father’s road!?”. I often have the urge to see them scream back “Sharing is caring!”. And all is swell. Road bully reports would decrease dramatically.

I recall witnessing a road accident after it happened. Many swarm in to the scene. A major one where a pick up truck smashed into a Kelisa. Fortunately, none was seriously injured. But what I noticed was that, among the many swarming in -including myself-, three quarter of us didn’t lay a finger. We stood around, clothed with shock expression and start making our own theories on how it happened. “The driver was drunk, I’m sure” “Bravo, Captain Obvious”. We just talk. A few particular groups of people I notice however, would stop their car nearby, take out their latest SLR, snap a picture or two, back into car and drive away. They were smart people I tell you. They knew there was nothing else they could do.

So why is it that we bother nosing into other people’s business? So here’s my chance to opine based on my observation and reasoning. We just want to make ourselves feel helpful and needed, so we would feel good for doing absolutely nothing. This is the moment when we share our nothingness.

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