Aug 5, 2009

The weather's worse in Bintulu.

This morning's(11.00am) API reading for Bintulu was 101, and at 5.00 pm on the same day, it rose to 110. Full report :


This is already in the "unhealthy" status, and yet people are oblivious to this fact and just continue to practice open burning.I believe Bintuluans do realize how obviously bad the air quality is in our town, but there are some who just have to burn their rubbish. Is it that inevitable?

The pollution is getting worse and my nose is not cooperating with the deteriorating air quality. No wonder my nose is not getting any better.

If any of you reading this, Bintuluans especially, try to stop open burning. I suppose the cut grass can be left behind the house. It won't bother anyone, right? Please. We're having enough trouble with the swine flu pandemic, and now we have to face this haze. What's next?

I have friends who are coughing and having flu (hopefully all common flu), most of them are blaming it on the weather. Me too.

So, I suggest for us Bintuluans to drink plenty of water, eat juicy fruits, stop burning your cut grass (they can wait), and just relax at home in the presence of your family and friends. Try not to go to the Kite Festival in town if you are sick. You might spread the disease. The state of our health is very important now. Keep that in mind.

The weather is too hot anyway, so it's not conducive to plan any outdoor activities. :P

God Bless!


  1. but then i really cannot understand some people who continues to burn their "whatever".. adding to the present worsened weather that we what shall we called them..idiots..lunatics..ignorants..or just plain bodo...God help us..

  2. we shall call them, bodo punya olang!
