Aug 4, 2009

Down with the flu.

Thank God it's just a common flu. Missed school for today, though I'm sure some teachers might think I'm up to nonsense. Hmm.. Tomorrow's another day and I'm not sure if I'm to skip school again.

It's not my fault. Doc asked me to "keep myself away" for safety precaution. Not blaming anyone. This swine flu is getting worse. One died today in Miri, a city close to the little fishing town of Bintulu. So, Im sure schools are taking extreme measures now.

I was sick since Friday, and it's getting slightly better, the most minimal possible recovery rate. Last Friday, Madam Wan said "You don't look well. So I suggest that you keep yourself away from places with many people around, like the 'Pesta Layang-Layang'". "I'm not interested in that. Haha.". "Good, so go and have your rest, OK?" . I took her advice and so I'm still resting.

What am I to do at home? "Mum, can I go out. Get some outside air. Cause I'm... ", but my line was a cut with a simple "NO!". Apa boleh buat? Tidak apa. Dengar saja cakap ibu. No complains, mum.

Well, onto my piling homework that means. That too, is not appealing to me. But I have no choice. Teachers will say something like this, "Tidak hadir tidak bermaksud kamu tidak payah buat kerja saya. Diri di luar kelas dan siapkan sekarang!". Nevermind. Must obey also. I know how teacher's feel, sort of. Runny nose is not hindering me from doing my work. Maju Terus Maju! (Hopefully). Though being absent means I have barriers of homework being barricaded by my teachers. I know it's fun. Tidak apa, saya akan lalui macam biasa saja.

So, that's all people. Stay healthy and keep yourself away from people you think are infected or just sick. But then again, if you don't wish to go to school, stay close, aite?. :)

God Bless!

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