Aug 17, 2009

Haiya. Memang we humans cannot be satisfied punya.

Just a week ago. We're complaining the weather it was :

"Walau eh. So hot oh weather."

"Why people so stupid still wanna burn?"

"Malas mok school eh. Panas alu bha. Sikda mood bha. Jerebu gk. Bila la hujan mok turun tok?"

"Main basketball mok?" "The haze is so bad la. Suffocating bha."

And then now :

"Walau eh. It's so cold la."

"Haiya this rain. Spoil my weekend only. Baju pun tidak dapat kering"

"Sikda transport mok hantar gi skolah time hujan."

"Now it's over raining."

"When will the rain stop?"

"Aduh.. How to burn my rubbish like this?"

"Mok main ball sik?." "Hujan kaco. Paloi eh."

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