Aug 14, 2009

Sit down and relax, can? Not enough aa?

Just a thought that came.

Here are some simple tips for those who are stressed out :

  • Listen to a song you love. Or you may want to try something new. Ask around to see what music soothes other's soul.

  • Open you mouth. Sometimes, it's nice to sit around with your friends and share your day's experience with them. A few beers might add in the fun. Don't feel that you're the only in this world. You're not.

  • Read a book. Preferably, a really interesting book (duh!). I mean, don't choose books that'll remind you of your obligations.

  • Read/watch/listen to something funny. Youtube has a lot of funny videos. But then again, youtube has A LOT of videos.

  • Try to pick up playing a musical instrument. It'll be fun.

  • Cook/Bake something. Eat. As you indulge your favourite cheese cake, remind yourself that there's nothing that can pull you away now. It's all yours.

  • Sit in quiet place and contemplate on life. Ask yourself, why do you need to stress yourself? There's more to life than being pressured all the time. A rocking chair will be much better. :)

  • Do quizzes on Facebook. Yes, I mean it. haha.

  • Try writing poems or songs if inspiration comes.

  • Step outside your house for just a while. Gaze at the star and enjoy the beauty of nature.

  • Finally, sleep.

*I didn't include things like going to a massage parlor or go cruising on a ship because it can't be an everyday practice. Not practical.*

1 comment:

  1. nice one rex..aunty like the cooking/baking part...writing poems and the FB quiz..all 3 works for me..
