Jul 31, 2009

Bribing is good. :D

Read This :

KOTA BARU: Kelantan State Secretary Datuk Mohd Aiseri Alias said he was worried with a survey that showed university students had no qualms about accepting and giving bribes.

He said the survey conducted by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) showed that 30.5% of the students interviewed were willing to accept bribes if they had the power and the opportunity.

He said 15% were willing to offer bribes to facilitate business deals and 23.7% more would do likewise to prevent actions against them.

Full article :


Haha.. Smart people. Bribing is the best way to invest one's money. These students will surely be very "successful" entrepreneurs. :D

"Lu bawa keleta laju macam naga mau mati kha!? Bodo lu! "
"Soli bos. ini saya kasi lu duit utk minum kopi o. Jangan saman la. Nanti isteli saya tampar saya."
"Ok. saya lepas kamu. pegi dali sini sekalang. Eh eh! Tunggu dulu. Ini tidak cukup ma. Kasi banyak lagi balu lu boleh jalan."

Huh... Who am I kidding.? Bribing is a common thing now and it seems to seep through the lifestyle of the youths as proven in the survey above. Happens everyday, everywhere I believe. It's just too common that it is "no big deal" anymore. It's the best to stay out of trouble and to make money. As simple as that. Not only cops, it even happens in schools. "Boleh tolong bentang esok kha" "Sponsor saya dulu, baru boleh saya tolong". Start small bha.

Rukun Negara Ke-6 : Keagungan Rasuah

Anyway, I don't support brbing. :)

Jul 29, 2009

Songs are already hitting the airwaves.

If you've listened to the national radio lately, you would have heard that 1Malaysia songs are being played. I've managed to listen to one so far and it's the typical catchy marching type of song.

Funny though that I'm unable to find the lyric on the net nor the newspapers (maybe I've overlooked, not sure). But if any of you know where I can get it, do let me know, kay?

Though I'm waiting for it to be an obligation for schools to play this song and students/teachers must participate in the singing. Semangat Malaysia Boleh bha..

Jul 28, 2009

The only mall in Bintulu. Can't complain much also.

I'm amazed to see the popularity of  Park City Mall in Bintulu. The mall is getting more crowded by the week.

Initially, I thought it was was a place for teenagers to just hang out. A place where they just cool themselves while looking around at people. Maybe, buying a thing or two.

Some parents would bring their children or their parents along to do some little family shopping. Or just to spend some relaxed quality time with the family.

But when I went last Sunday morning, people were busy cutting lines at the cashier, promoting new products to potentially foolish customers and some were busy skimming through a fashion magazine to decide what hairstyle they must have.

If you're looking for a quiet place to relax, don't put Park City Mall in your list.

Since The Mall's getting busier, the people too are getting more annoying. Congrats! Developing in both social and pestiferous skills. These are few things Bintuluans show their power of adaptation.

Escalators are fun to play with. Even among the adults. I was behind these two women who were chatting before they got on and when they got on the escalator. Once they reach the other end of escalator, these two women continued their chat while halting in front of me. In front of the escalator. I had to "politely" walk past through them. It's not my first experience though. Certainly not the last.

Then there are these sales assistants who won't stop hanging around your neck everytime you enter their shop. I just wanted to look at some clothes when a someone came up and said "Cari apa dik?". "Uhh, sikda pa pa. Tangga jak." Biasa jak first, but that was not the end. She will follow you wherevever you go in her territory. I'm sure in her mind she's thinking of other ways to annoy me and her distance from me is no more than 1 metre. Literally. Good thing also la, jaga kedai. Mana tahu saya ambil baju lupa bawa la.

Another type of sales assistants are those who do not know what they're jobs are. "Kak, ada jual crita "whatever" kha?". The reply I get is "Uhhhhhhhh.......", while smiling nervously. Sometimes, these people would pretend they know our needs and leave us waiting for them to search for something they don't know. Other than that, they will ask their other sales assistant help. They will give the most typical bewildered face and come up to me saying, "Sik tauk la. Coba kau carik sia."

And then, they are sales assistant who just doesn't care about their customers. There's no such thing as "customers first" policy. These are the people that turn away whenever your face shows the "inquiry needed" look. You look around to ask for assistance, and they all turn away. Great.

Anyway, who can ever forget those sales assistant who is in charge at the beauty section. Not sure what it's called, but it's where they sell all shampoos, lotions, deodorant and etc. These people just seems to be everywhere. They are the gurus of being irritating. Sorry offended people, but it's the truth. I know u want to sell your product, but please be nice la.

But nice also jalan-jalan in The Mall. Just the other day when I wanted to weigh my cabbage. The woman behind the weighing machine had a rather seriuos look on her face. The kind you would not want to bother. She was very occupied (looked stressful though) with weighing and wrapping. Thought she was an impolite worker. However, after I said "thank you" for her assistance, she replied "welcome" with a smile. Guess I should not have judged a book by its cover.

Even the waiters/waitresses in D'Junction are also friendly. It's easy to engage a conversation with them. Even the chefs do not hesitate to meet up with their customers to talk about their cooking and taking every bad review positively. Friendly Bintuluans.

Teens too find the mall a nice place to hang out. Especially during the weekends. The Mall will be crowded with youths. It's the place where they can be "cool" and show their unique fashion sense. A place where where youths bring the girlfriend/boyfriend for a special window shopping date. Save money bha. Economic problem now. Money all spent on hand-phone top ups for their partners.

At the moment, Bintulu has only one mall, so can't complain much la. I find myself going there very often, cause that's where I can see the diverse style of amazing Bintuluans.

Didn't go as I expected.

Seriously, my thoughts on the first day in a combined class? Not good.

Had mixed feelings before I entered class. How's it gonna be and typical "first day" thoughts. Just the excitement.

But when I entered the class, the atmosphere was totally unexpected. I had the thought that my new classmates would be studious and attentive. However, it was the total opposite.

To my classmates who are reading this, no offense to you all, but only the first day (fist hour to be precise!) and I have the impression that this class is not what I had in mind. Noisy la. I know I kid a lot too, but hey, there's a limit to everything.

My 6BS2 classmates felt the same way. So this is not my view alone.

But then again, you'll hear knocks on your door when you least expect it. Therefore, this is another form of challenge for me. Despite the negativity I'm facing, at least I get to learn to adapt to changes and give a positive repercussion when surprises comes. It's a pretty useful skill when you go out into the world.

Jul 24, 2009

It begins next Monday.

"Rex, here's the new time table. You'll be combined with 6BS1 beginning Monday" - Cikgu Dennis.

Woohoo! All I needed was that piece paper that has the proof of that merging printed on it.

Some teachers are excited. I know. Especially Cikgu Wendy. Bawa masalah punya guru. Tengok lah macam mana cikgu ajar nanti. Haha.

So 5 + 12 = 17, the total no. of students after the combination. To me it's a good number. Ideal some might say. At least there'll be more interaction between us students. Although, I must admit that I was getting comfortable to being with only 4 people around.

One thing did intrigue me though. Cikgu Esther said that class is more hardworking than ours. Not sure why though. I'll find out if it's true.

Anyway, two teachers will not be teaching me anymore. Thank you Mr. Roger Tang for sharing your mathematical knowledge. And goodbye to Madam Wan Juliana, though I have a strong feeling that I'll still be seeing her often after this. She did once say "It's not something fishy, Rex. It's a flowery scent". That made the fish smell nauseating.

Madam Mash, guess we'll meet again. I'm sure I'll learn a lot from you. I'm expecting something huge.

Alright, got to go readers. Have driving class later. I'll try to keep my blog updated. There are only three reasons why I don't update frequently :

  • There are no interesting news

  • Found too many interesting news

  • Lazy.

But I'll try to scrap the third one off. Wherever my readers are, have a nice day.

Jul 22, 2009

Woman stabbed husband after football match.

Kuala Lumpur:

A woman stabbed her husband because she was furious. She was angry her husband came home late after Manchester United's game against Malaysia.

Her husband promised to come back on Saturday but time flew too fast. He ended up reaching home early Sunday morning with a "ready to stab" wife waiting impatiently for him.

The man must have crept into the house without knowing that his wife was hiding behind the curtain of their living room with a pair of silver chopsticks in each hand. Before he could do anything else, wife pops out from her hiding spot. "Malaysia kalah, pegi minum buang stress la lepas itu? Sini kamu!". "Sori sayang! Malaysia boole..." *stab*

The man is reported to be in a stable condition. Guess he's fine. Good thing la. But the woman is still under remand for further questioning.

This proves that football kills. Better play basketball.

Jul 17, 2009

Gabung juak in the end.

As mentioned in the title, my class would now be one with the other. Yippee!

It's for the better. Hopefully.

Jul 16, 2009

Support bintulu.org

Support the site, especially if ur bintuluan. The site may not be so active at the moment, but with your help, we can make the site more popular. Keep bintuluans updated, you know. I hope you pass the word around.


Join in the forum too.


Beauty beyond.

universeEta Carinae, a star in the Milky Way galaxy that is 7,500 light years from Earth, will become a supernova similar to those detected by Jeff Cooke and colleagues. In contrast, the newly found supernovae are more than a million times as far away. (Credit: Photo by NASA)

-Science Daily-

You got caught!

Haha. In star online today, a 54 year old man was fined RM2000 and jailed a day. Why?

Stealing undergarments. Women's undergarment actually. Sexy juak la.

Apparently the man stole bras, panties and I don't know what else (report says "other items") from a hypermarket in Johor Baru. He was charged with stealing RM404.95 worth of undergarments.

K.N. Ragavelloo is reported to be jobless, but you never know, maybe this was his job.

Anyway, he could face four months in prison, away from all the panties, if he fails to pay the fine.

It was not mentioned in the report on the motive though. Could it be for his wife or himself?

Jul 15, 2009

Looks like the fishmonger won the ball game.

Official results: PAS candidate Mohd Fauzi Abdullah has won the Manek Urai by-election by a majority of 65 votes. He polls 5,348 votes against Barisan candidate Tuan Aziz Tuan Mat, who received 5,283 votes.

Jul 12, 2009

Moonwalk lok. Cool bha.

Pfft. Boleh tahan senang juak la.

Brik ku masa blaja lok a. 123 tahun 11 bulan cukup.

Jul 11, 2009

1Malaysia songs to go on air.

KUALA LUMPUR(7 July) : 1Malaysia songs, in different rhythms, from slow and melodious to energetic marches, will soon fill the air waves. Six songs, themed "1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now" were picked from 341 entries in a month-long contest in May.

They were sent in by well-known composers as well as newcomers.

Of the six songs which were picked, two were by Nik Nizam Jaafar, with lyrics by Lokman Ghani.

There were also two songs composed by Datuk Mokhzani Ismail of Radio Televisyen Malaysia's music department, with lyrics by Chuari Selamat.

The other two songs were from Datuk Suhaimi Mohd Zain (lyrics by Syed Indra Syed Omar or Siso) and the LimKokWing Sound and Music Design Academy Sdn Bhd.

Each of the six songs earned their composers and lyricists RM8,000 and certificates, which were presented to them yesterday by Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim. The ministry had organised the competition.

Rais said the songs were meant to soothe the mood of the rakyat and stimulate their sentiments.

He said copies of the songs would be distributed to the various departments and communities nationwide. -NSTonline-


Let's celebrate! Sing with joy! 1Malaysia, 1Malaysia, 1Malaysia!! This is a moment glory for all of us. I guess we have to sing it during school assemblies now, right? Join me in the singing! :D

*I'll be sure to post the lyrics and audio(If I can get it) as soon as I can*

A new classroom.

So, we ended up in the SAL room again. This time, it's for real. Until they can repair the KHB room's power supply actually. Hope it takes and eternity! :D. And just today, I got the news that my class would not be combined till nest year. The reason? I can't decipher the code. Robert Langdon, help me. So anyway, there are 5 students left and that'll be it. Good news?

  • Can concentrate more in class, in easy words, NO SLEEP.

  • Teachers and students can interact and conduct Q/A sessions easily.

*I can only come up with two*

Bad news?

  • Boring.

  • Not much competition among students.

  • Sharing thoughts and ideas or Q/A session won't be fun.

  • Class TOO quiet.

*I came up with 4!*

Secara kesimpulannya, ini kelas kuat boring sudah la.

Jul 10, 2009

Girl Threatens To Jump From Bridge, Holds Up LRT Ops.

KUALA LUMPUR, July 9 (Bernama) -- A girl who threatened to jump from a bridge near the Light Rail Transit (LRT) Pudu station here held up the LRT operations for about an hour on Thursday.

The 19-year-old girl, who was wailing and calling out what was believed to be the name of her boyfriend with whom she had quarreled, threatened to jump from the Seri Sarawak Bridge at 9.38am.

The LRT operations resumed after the girl, who is from Kluang, Johor, was coaxed down from the bridge by several personnel from the Hang Tuah Fire & Rescue station.

Dang Wangi District Police chief ACP Zulkarnain Abdul Rahman, when contacted, confirmed the incident and said police had begun an investigation.

Great. You made it to the news. Congrats. Happy now? This is a serious matter though. I myself have witnessed negative repercussions after couples quarrel or teens having any relationship problems. Here are some interesting ones that I can recall. All happened in Bintulu and those around me. Also, these list of events are the ones that occur the most to those around my age group. Teens.

1. After the boy cancels a date, watching a movie. *Phone conversation*
Boy : Really sorry, can't show up later. I can't go out today.
Girl : *Throws phone till it smashes on the ground then cry about losing a phone*

2. Boy wants girl to love him, but girl does not.
Girl : I'm sorry, I don't want to be in love in school yet.
Boy : If you don't, I'll slit my wrist. (Didn't eventually. Typical)

3. Another third party boy tries to win a girl's heart by telling her that he's better than Him(current). Cam ne mok settle? Embroil themselves in a fight. Tunjuk tough lok. (This style is the greatest. Tops all other ways, in my opinion.)

4. Girls purposely fails in exams to gain the attention of the boy by blaming him for that.

5. After quarrel, girl says all kinds of craps and secrets about boy. Happens all the time, I know. But one I've witnessed reached to the extreme part by saying boy is beating/abusing girl. Which is actually a lie.

These are only a few. You all know what's going on, right? And what I've written up here are normal and happens always. But based on the news above it, it seems that it's going to an even more extreme level. With the "small" matters going on (ones I've stated above), it won't be long that teens will get tired of these methods and will take things to a higher level. So, watch out.

Jul 9, 2009

The beauty beyond.

I came across with this picture in Science Daily. Just want to show the beauty of the universe.


Three-colour composite image of the Omega Nebula (Messier 17), based on images obtained with the EMMI instrument on the ESO 3.58-metre New Technology Telescope at the La Silla Observatory. North is down and East is to the right in the image. It spans an angle equal to about one third the diameter of the Full Moon, corresponding to about 15 light-years at the distance of the Omega Nebula. (Credit: ESO)

ScienceDaily (July 8, 2009) — The Omega Nebula, sometimes called the Swan Nebula, is a dazzling stellar nursery located about 5500 light-years away towards the constellation of Sagittarius (the Archer). An active star-forming region of gas and dust about 15 light-years across, the nebula has recently spawned a cluster of massive, hot stars. The intense light and strong winds from these hulking infants have carved remarkable filigree structures in the gas and dust. full article here :


Maths And Science In BM, effective 2012. -Updated-

PUTRAJAYA, July 8 (Bernama) -- The teaching and learning of science and mathematics in national schools will revert to the Malay language effective 2012. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the teaching and learning of the two subjects in Chinese and Tamil national-type schools would be carried out in their respective mother tongue. Muhyiddin, who is also the Education Minister, said the cabinet today approved the suggestion by the ministry to empower the Malay language and strengthen the teaching and learning of the English language at all levels of schooling. "This strategy was drawn up based on the study and monitoring carried out by the Education Ministry on the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in English since the policy was implemented in 2003," he said when making the announcement at the Education Ministry, here on Wednesday. The first group of students who studied science and mathematics in the English language since Year One sat for their Ujian Penilian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) last year. Muhyiddin said the implementation of the policy of using the Malay language in the teaching of the two subjects would be carried out in stages in Year One and Year Four in the primary school and Form One and Form Four in the secondary school beginning in 2012. However, he said, the change would not involve students in Form Six and matriculation class. He said in order to ensure that the implementation of the new strategy did not affect the achievement of students who were taught the two subjects in English, the teaching of and examination for the two subjects would be conducted in both languages until the last batch of students who were taught in English completed in 2014. He said the government made the decision after scrutinising the outcome of studies and surveys carried out on the teaching and learning of the two subjects in English which showed that it could not be implemented as desired. "What is implemented is the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in English/Malay languages," he said. --BERNAMA

“The gap between rural and urban students has widened since PPSMI started.“Only 19.2% of secondary teachers and 9.96% of primary teachers were sufficiently proficient in English,” he said, explaining the Government’s decision to revert to the old system. On efforts to emphasise the learning of English, the number of English teachers would be increased by 13,933 -- retirees would be hired, as well as foreigners if need be. Primary schools will also increase English classes by 90 minutes a week. -StarOnline-

The Cabinet's decision is final. I don't know exactly how many people are happy and unhappy about this, but it will cause a stir in the people for a while. Looks like teachers would have to adjust themselves again. I'm certainly dissapointed and shocked with the Cabinet's decision, but maybe they know more. Probably they still think that understanding Maths and Science in BM is beneficial for future prospects. Although I'm proud to be a Malaysian, I still adamantly believe that English plays a bigger role in our(students) future, especially in Maths and Science. During this era where Science and Maths is highly demanded around the world, it is no doubt that English conveys more importance. I am glad that I was the "English Period". I pity my younger brother, rather weak in the command of BM. People like him would have to struggle more. English qualified teachers would have to learn their terms in BM. Students who learned Maths and Science in English from Primary 1, will have to adjust themselves, maybe very reluctantly, to translate their knowledge to BM when they enter Form 4. That's 8 years of basic English knowledge to be translated and used for two years!(Primary 1 to Form 3 = 9 Years). They say Maths and Science doesn't help improve English. Wrong. Being a physics student, English is really important for to understand, capture the requirements of the questions and to calculate the right thing. Maths too. The other reason I think that English is still not as good as it should be is because of the bilingual questions in both subjects. Students who are weak in English does not need to study hard for the language as they can just get the easy way out by answering/reading the questions in BM. Still not persuaded? Think again. They have the choice to answer in English OR BM! Is this bilingual system helping to improve the students command in English or giving them the choice to neglect it cause they are still able to understand the question? I hope it's not a political gimmick to gain the people's votes. Anyway, there's nothing much that people like me can do or say but to just accept and point out my views, so here are the statistics that might be of your interest. It seems that "they" want us to believe that BM won. They say the gap is bigger between the rural and town areas. Don't you think this is nonsense? I do. This is just my view though. Enlighten me with things I do not know.


Your votes are much appreciated :

[polldaddy poll=1767411]

Jul 8, 2009

TV 3?

Ever wondered why TV3 is not available in Bintulu? Talk about building a satellite transmission for Bintulu has beed going on for years. I've read a statement somewhere (I know my limits), stating that the cost of building is very high and it is profitless. Is this true? Bintulu has been growing in population over the years and television is now a necessity in homes,  how can having TV3 be non-profitable? Politics involved? Think about it.

The "study" equation.

study = no fail -----> equation "1"
no study = fail -----> equation "2"

"1" + "2" :

no study + study = no fail + fail


(no + 1) study = (no + 1) fail

(no + 1) study  =  (no + 1) fail


Study = Fail

Better sleep.

Jul 7, 2009

It's never ending.

It had to come to this eventually. My classroom never seized to amaze me. We were sent back back to the KHB room. Yay. When I entered, I could see some development. Apparently, the room was not cleared up after it was used during the Hari Permuafakatan last Saturday, an event I didn't attend. First impression when I entered? Expected.

There was this combination of different smell produced by different animals. Yup, animals. Fishes and tortoises. Nauseating? Yes. The smell of tortoise's and fish's crap fused together to form a distinctive aroma. I don't blame Cikgu Nora, as the room was needed and of course, we didn't have a choice or given the chance to voice up. So again, we were floating. Floating, flying, gliding or anything that has to do with aviation, we're doing it. Our flight schedules can soon be as busy as the Bintulu Airport if this keeps going on.

How long do we have to endure this? I know the school is obviously short on classrooms. Including the problems the school is having for the kelas tambahan. But the way I see it, it's as if my class is facing the worst regarding this matter, and it wouldn't surprise me if it's the only one. Maybe I'm to be proud that, eh? My meeting with the PK1 seemed to have led nowhere. Is it because there only 5 of us, so you just jump to the conclusion that we can study anywhere around the school? Our puny thoughts are the least of your problems, right? At least that's the impression I have.

So, SMK Kidurong, please do something about this. I'm still bewildered about why we can't merge with the other class. Plus, the pengetua is back.

Manik Urai By-election Facts And Figures

KUALA KRAI, July 6 (Bernama) -- Following are the facts and figures of the Manik Urai state by-election in Kelantan.

Constituency: N41 Manik Urai

Candidates: BN - Tuan Aziz Tuan Mat, 39, former Kesedar manager; PAS - Mohd Fauzi Abdullah, 50, fish wholesaler

Incumbent: Ismail Yaacob (PAS) (Ismail, who died on May 22, won the seat in the 12th general election, defeating BN's Mohamed Zulkifli Omar with a majority of 1,352 votes)

Total voters: 12,293 (25 postal voters)

Voters' composition: Malay (99.2 per cent), Chinese (0.46), Indian (0.23), others (0.11)

Economic activities: Agriculture

Returning officer: Adnan Hussin

Polling day: July 14, 2009

Number of polling streams: 27

Vote tallying centre: Dewan Petra, SMK Sultan Yahya Petra 1, Kuala Krai.


It's a one-on-one battle between a Manager and a Fishmonger. The government is claiming the people have confidence in BN. The opposition is optimistic in retaining Manik Urai. Who will win? How will the government react if the ball game goes to a fishmonger? We'll see in a week.

Jul 6, 2009

It's very fundamental ha.

"It's very fundamental ha." Those, are the words I missed the most hearing. Cikgu Wong, we meet once again ha. Hope to keep learning a lot from you ha. Your perspective is really amazing ha. Always look at things both ways ha. Like encyclopedia ha. I respect that ha. Wonder how you keep all that info ha. So lihai ha. Goodnight ha.

Jul 5, 2009

Relationships Improve Student Success -Science Daily-

ScienceDaily (June 30, 2009) — When students are underachieving, school policymakers often examine class size, curriculum and funding, but University of Missouri researchers suggest establishing relationships may be a powerful and less expensive way to improve students' success. In a review of the research they show that students with positive attachments to their teachers and schools have higher grades and higher standardized test scores.

"In this era of accountability, enhancing student-teacher relationships is not merely an add-on, but rather is fundamental to raising achievement," said Christi Bergin, associate professor in the MU College of Education. "Secure student-teacher relationships predict greater knowledge, higher test scores, greater academic motivation and fewer retentions or special education referrals. Children who have conflicted relationships with teachers tend to like school less, are less self-directed and cooperate less in the classroom."

The authors summarized a range of research on attachment-like relations with parents, teachers and schools. They found that student attachment influences school success through two routes: indirectly through attachment to parents which affects children's behavior at school and directly through attachment to teachers and schools. Children with healthy attachment are able to control their emotions and are more socially competent and willing to take on challenging learning tasks in the classroom.

"To be effective, teachers must connect with and care for children with warmth, respect and trust," said David Bergin, associate professor of educational psychology, and the other author of the article. "In addition, it is important for schools to make children feel secure and valued, which can liberate them to take on intellectual and social challenges and explore new ideas."

To help enhance student relations, the authors offer research-based tips for teachers and schools:


  • Increase warm, positive interactions with students

  • Be well prepared for class and hold high expectations

  • Be responsive to students' agendas by providing choices

  • Use reasoning rather than coercive discipline that damages relationships

  • Help students be kind, helpful and accepting of one another

  • Implement interventions for difficult relations with specific students


  • Provide a variety of extracurricular activities for students to join

  • Keep schools small

  • Keep students with the same teachers and/or peers across years

  • Decrease transitions in and out of the classroom

  • Facilitate transitions to new schools or teachers

Relationships have always played an important role in many aspects, in my opinion though. Teachers are learners too. My advice is, don't let it be too mutual. It may lead to unwanted circumstances, I've seen it happened. There's always this one gap between the teachers and the students. For me, it's best to keep it that way. But still, produce a good and special relationship. I love May 16 and it is a blessed day.

British spy chief's cover blown on Facebook

"Sat Jul 4, 2009 9:21pm"

LONDON (Reuters) - The wife of the new head of Britain's spy agency has posted pictures of her husband, family and friends on Internet networking site Facebook, details which could compromise security, a newspaper said on Sunday.

Sir John Sawers is due to take over as head of the Secret Intelligence Service in November. The SIS, popularly known as MI6, is Britain's global intelligence-gathering organization.

In what the Mail on Sunday called an "extraordinary lapse," the new spy chief's wife, Lady Shelley Sawers, posted family pictures and exposed details of where the couple live and take their holidays and who their friends and relatives are.

The details could be viewed by any of the many millions of Facebook users around the world, but were swiftly removed once authorities were alerted by the newspaper's enquiries.

"There were fears that the hugely embarrassing blunder could have compromised the safety of Sir John's family and friends," the newspaper said.

Publishing the story on its front page and the pictures on a double-page spread, the Mail on Sunday said the information "could potentially be useful to hostile foreign powers or terrorists."

It was the latest in a string of security blunders, lapses and leaks by British officials that have embarrassed the government of embattled Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

(Writing by Jon Hemming; Editing by Jerry Norton)

Will Osama's cover be blown by Facebook? That'll be great. Anyway, congratulations Facebook, this piece of news here will certainly add some more to the increasing number of Facebook users.

Obliging Day.

Saturday is what I call my "obliging" day. I practically say yes to almost everything on this special day. Note, "practically" everything. So I won't go licking my elbow if someone asked me to.  Anyway, it's undoubtedly the most tiring day in the week, though proven by myself being the most productive. So, no complaints.

Enjoy this news : -

Salesgirl molested by deformed man

MARANG: A lame leg, a deformed left hand and a cross-eyed look. We would be forgiven for thinking, upon being told of a crime involving such a person, that he was the victim.

Not so. In this instance at least, the physically challenged man was the predator.

The man, said to be in his 40s or 50s, molested a 23-year-old salesgirl from Kampung Padang Limau Nipis, here, on Sunday.

The woman was alone in a textile shop when the man approached her.

Producing a welfare card, he asked for a donation.

After she had given him RM5, he struck up a conversation with the woman and persuaded her to sit next to him.

He performed a coin trick before touching the victim's right thigh. He then touched her near the groin before grabbing her buttocks.

As the man got up to leave, he rubbed her abdomen, saying she would give birth to twins. That's when she realised she had been taken advantage of. She later lodged a police report. Members of the public is advised to contact the police if they saw a man fitting the description.

Obviously, his lust or preferably his private parts showed no deformity. Let this be a lesson to all of us, “Deformed people are smarter than you think”. I must admit, he’s skilled and experienced. So, do u pity a guy like him? Is he a pervert? Whatever it is, he’s my hero of the day.

In an unrelated news, canning is still allowed as confirmed by the Deputy Education Minister Datuk Wee Ka Siong. Teachers, keep on whacking those asses, while we the students are certainly not complaining at spectating. I myself support canning. Though teachers must note this, quoted from Datuk Wee Ka Siong, "The caning must be carried out in a confined area; the parents of the student had to be informed, and, caning must only be for a repeated mistake or very serious offence." But then again, we students are often just obliging to whatever the school does or decide.

Jul 4, 2009


Just got back from Gavin's house. We had a few drinks and had share our of laughter and stories. We all had fun didn't we? Maybe now you realize what I'm capable of. Haha. Anyway Gav, all the best to you for your A-level. And to you too, Mark for your IKBN course. It was a fun night and thank you guys for it. So, good morning everyone. I'm off to bed now. Tired.

Did the Americans "execute" an innocent man?

Watch this :

Although he was brought on trial by his own country, we know the Americans had a big hand in it. He was actually frightened of his neighbouring country, Iran. Hussein did make many wrong decisions, regarding the killing of his own people through his dictatorship, but is still no more than a human being. The biggest mistake he made was the he acted too tough against the world and lied about having Weapons of Mass Destruction, which apparently led to his death. The Americans used the 9/11 attacks to bring him in.

Also note that when asked about his future, he merely answered "It's all in the hands of God". Regardless of who his God was, he still had that fear.

So was he Satan in the form of a human being? Was he innocent? Should this matter be just be kept a secret from the world? You be the judge.

Jul 3, 2009

This is clever.

PORT DICKSON: An uncle and nephew team thought they had the perfect script to commit robberies.

They stole a Proton Waja similar to the one used by the police, fitted it with registration plates belonging to the men in blue and then waylaid their victims.

However, their crime spree came to a halt when alert police officers ran a routine check on the “patrol car”.

District police chief Supt Mazlan Othman said officers on duty became suspicious when they saw an unfamiliar “policeman” driving a “patrol car” around the resort town recently.

“They stopped the Waja bearing the registration plate WMJ 8305 and confirmed that it belonged to the police. But my men became suspicious when the man could not produce his police ID,” he said, adding that the car seized from the suspect was reported stolen in Batu Pahat, Johor, recently.

Supt Mazlan said preliminary investigations revealed that the man, who was in his 20s, and his uncle had committed several robberies in Johor and near here.

“He confessed that his uncle was his partner in crime,” he said, adding that the suspect has been handed over to Johor police and that the uncle was expected to be arrested soon. -StarOnline-

Haha. That was smart. Too bad they got busted by the men in blue though. It could be the perfect crime. No offence, mum.

A young man and his uncle teaming up. I like. Wonder if they would get caught if they were in blue uniforms.. But then, they did manage to get away with at least "several robberies", using the same "undercover cop" technique I suppose. A word for me to them (the robbers), a job well done! Now other robbers will learn this skill and polish up the flaws. Well, at least it's a wake up call for the police, right? Anyone can dress up as a cop, but a good one knows whose the imposter.

Jul 2, 2009

"Kelas tambahan pun susah nak buat"

Hello world. I can only so easily say things I want to say just by typing. Anyway, school this morning was okay in the sense we got a different and better classroom which happens to be so the called meeting room. Lessons this morning was very boring. There is no competition at all. You do well or not, my classmates of four currently, won't really care. So, I made up my mind to go and meet the school's PK1 personally just ask for a simple request, to combine classes with the Lower 6 Science class. Why separate in the first place? Is it so hard for a class to hold 20-25 students? We're learning the same thing, right? Well yea, except for biology/physics, but I suppose it won't impose a big problem when we're separated during these periods, yea?

Back to the story. So I went to the office to look for her (PK1) and found her busying with somebody else. While waiting, I enjoyed myself listening to Cikgu Chiun's lecture and screams to this one boy whom I do not know of, just to pass time. Poor guy, he's certainly getting out with a bleeding ear. Haha. Alright, I got meet to PK1, explain my problems with my class and offered my solution but the reply she gave was the best. Which had nothing to do with my question. I was totally taken back when she answered me "Yes, kelas tambahan pun susah nak buat". Yes, you can read it over and over again. FYI, in case you lost track, lower 6 has no extra class and the classes are held in the afternoons, outside of normal school hours.

Rex : Teacher, the students in my class is getting less and less. Pretty soon it'll be only four. Is it possible for us to combine with Science 1 class? There's not much mood that we can put into studying.

PK1 : Yes, I understand. But we're only able to join the classes next year as that's what we do for the upper 6.

Rex : Why can't we do it this year? I don't see the harm.

PK1 : Ya2. I know. Even the kelas tambahan, we're having trouble.

Rex : *Quiet*

PK1 : Anyway, we'll have to wait for the pengetua then I'll discuss with her.

Rex : Okk. Thanks. *Walks away*

I don't blame her. She's probably stress bout the kelas tambahan problem and I just happen to be the victim.

Jul 1, 2009

Get up.

The world seems to be experiencing a rapid downfall in self morality. Love is somehow conquered by selfishness and greed. We want to have everything, but we just sit and wait for magic to unfold in front of our eyes, for a spaceship out of nowhere to shower the earth with peace. Look around you, cracked the shell that's blocking your view of the world. Stand up and fight for our dignity. Don't let our surroundings drown us in the sea of defeat. Don't lead an army of nobody into an oblivious battlefield. Gather your men, the people close to you, and go at war. Like all wars, you need a strategy and sheer determination to overpower your enemies. Discover the enemy's weakness. In this matter, the enemy is our own self. So, we must scan ourselves.

With a strong determination, we will not give up. Instead, we will be able to think rationally, which is important if you want to experiences success. Try to be more optimistic and put positive thinking as the first step to build up your self confidence. Learn from the experienced. Be more quiet and listen more. You might learn more than just a thing or two.

So, instead of sipping your hot coffee while reading the daily newspaper on a warm afternoon just to find out what's going on around you, get up and enter the world and make your own perspective of life. Don't limit your understanding to what you get. Discover yourself, and you might be surprised at the things you are capable of doing. Change your selfish and thoughtless perception. Put a smile on your face everyday, people might want to follow the path you're taking and you'll have a bigger army to fight and make the world a better place.