Jul 2, 2009

"Kelas tambahan pun susah nak buat"

Hello world. I can only so easily say things I want to say just by typing. Anyway, school this morning was okay in the sense we got a different and better classroom which happens to be so the called meeting room. Lessons this morning was very boring. There is no competition at all. You do well or not, my classmates of four currently, won't really care. So, I made up my mind to go and meet the school's PK1 personally just ask for a simple request, to combine classes with the Lower 6 Science class. Why separate in the first place? Is it so hard for a class to hold 20-25 students? We're learning the same thing, right? Well yea, except for biology/physics, but I suppose it won't impose a big problem when we're separated during these periods, yea?

Back to the story. So I went to the office to look for her (PK1) and found her busying with somebody else. While waiting, I enjoyed myself listening to Cikgu Chiun's lecture and screams to this one boy whom I do not know of, just to pass time. Poor guy, he's certainly getting out with a bleeding ear. Haha. Alright, I got meet to PK1, explain my problems with my class and offered my solution but the reply she gave was the best. Which had nothing to do with my question. I was totally taken back when she answered me "Yes, kelas tambahan pun susah nak buat". Yes, you can read it over and over again. FYI, in case you lost track, lower 6 has no extra class and the classes are held in the afternoons, outside of normal school hours.

Rex : Teacher, the students in my class is getting less and less. Pretty soon it'll be only four. Is it possible for us to combine with Science 1 class? There's not much mood that we can put into studying.

PK1 : Yes, I understand. But we're only able to join the classes next year as that's what we do for the upper 6.

Rex : Why can't we do it this year? I don't see the harm.

PK1 : Ya2. I know. Even the kelas tambahan, we're having trouble.

Rex : *Quiet*

PK1 : Anyway, we'll have to wait for the pengetua then I'll discuss with her.

Rex : Okk. Thanks. *Walks away*

I don't blame her. She's probably stress bout the kelas tambahan problem and I just happen to be the victim.


  1. Hopefuly 6bs2 can combine with 6bs1,so tat u never look lonely again ...hahaha==''

  2. haiya.. ya la.. haha

  3. kebanyakan/kebanyakkan(ask teruyah nk ney betol) ko pun posts look serious tp mun dh baca boleh tergelak.

  4. la.. very pity your class. may be puan pengetua will agree with your solution. anyway, the bigger the class, the bigger chances to sleep during the class. (makin banyak mana da cikgu notice.. hahaha)
