Jul 5, 2009

Obliging Day.

Saturday is what I call my "obliging" day. I practically say yes to almost everything on this special day. Note, "practically" everything. So I won't go licking my elbow if someone asked me to.  Anyway, it's undoubtedly the most tiring day in the week, though proven by myself being the most productive. So, no complaints.

Enjoy this news : -

Salesgirl molested by deformed man

MARANG: A lame leg, a deformed left hand and a cross-eyed look. We would be forgiven for thinking, upon being told of a crime involving such a person, that he was the victim.

Not so. In this instance at least, the physically challenged man was the predator.

The man, said to be in his 40s or 50s, molested a 23-year-old salesgirl from Kampung Padang Limau Nipis, here, on Sunday.

The woman was alone in a textile shop when the man approached her.

Producing a welfare card, he asked for a donation.

After she had given him RM5, he struck up a conversation with the woman and persuaded her to sit next to him.

He performed a coin trick before touching the victim's right thigh. He then touched her near the groin before grabbing her buttocks.

As the man got up to leave, he rubbed her abdomen, saying she would give birth to twins. That's when she realised she had been taken advantage of. She later lodged a police report. Members of the public is advised to contact the police if they saw a man fitting the description.

Obviously, his lust or preferably his private parts showed no deformity. Let this be a lesson to all of us, “Deformed people are smarter than you think”. I must admit, he’s skilled and experienced. So, do u pity a guy like him? Is he a pervert? Whatever it is, he’s my hero of the day.

In an unrelated news, canning is still allowed as confirmed by the Deputy Education Minister Datuk Wee Ka Siong. Teachers, keep on whacking those asses, while we the students are certainly not complaining at spectating. I myself support canning. Though teachers must note this, quoted from Datuk Wee Ka Siong, "The caning must be carried out in a confined area; the parents of the student had to be informed, and, caning must only be for a repeated mistake or very serious offence." But then again, we students are often just obliging to whatever the school does or decide.

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