Mar 2, 2010

"Ini, kenapa ini punya ini tidak exam ini?

It shocked my outer soul to see an introvert reflection of myself. The times that crept underneath me, made me believe that all I know to be boisterous and exuberant at any extravagant act.

By breaking the social norm do I find freedom. Such are the twisted and wicked words uttered by an ingenious friend of mine, whose ingenuity could not come close to those of a crustacean. Foolish I tell you. To misinterpret what bond friendship has. However, that's a compliment which only put a Joker smile on his self proclaimed "chick magnet, charming" face. A grimace for me.

Anyhow, exams just begun. Today's day one. "How did it go?" is the cliche' question asked. "So, were you able to do it?" is a rather more caring question. My went well, except for the first half an hour. A penalty I deserve for not bringing my Ingenious Card along. But fortunately, time was my companion at it helped to finish my task professionally lousy. However, my essay was kind of satisfying for me. Though my teacher may have a contradicting opinion.

I hope history does not repeat itself as soon as the play button of tomorrow is pushed by the Big Man.

"Esok jangan lupak bawa IC kamu aa."

I had 30 minutes of fun. Watching students with fearful face and teary eyes, begging for their IC to pop out of the fishes mouth in the school lobby.

"Oh ikan. Berikanlah aku IC ku"

I had teachers asking questions of high curiosity but of low understanding.

"Eh Rex. Kamu pun tak bawa IC? Hahahahahahaha. Nyaman? Esok jangan bawa lagi."

I got to read Dewan Masyarakat and I read an article regarding the degradation of the status of teachers in Malaysia. It states that :

"Gaji guru terlalu sedikit. Kerja banyak, duit dapat sikit" - Sama kes dengan pelajar. Salah dalam ujian banyak, markah sedikit. Karma.

You see. 30 minutes penalty wasn't so bad after all. Foolishly, I plan to repeat it tomorrow, but I'm afraid that'll only effect a whole lot of people who will tunnel into everyone's business. So I might as well stick to the teachers' plans. :)

Anyway, to all who's sitting for their exams now. All the best. Like what my teachers told me

"Jawab saja apa yang kamu tahu. Yang tidak pandai itu, tulis saja apa-apa. Belum pasti tahu ada markah itu"

So you just write what you know and what you don't know, you are bound to write something too.

Q : Siapakah Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang pertama? (10m)
A : Bapa saya kata dia kawan datuk saya dan nama panggilan dia ialah Ah Meng.

And here's a great tip. Stop facebooking in this brief period of time.

"Kenapa masih main Farmville ini? Ujian mathematics suruh kamu harvest kha?"

Goodnight readers. Bring your IC. Or this will happen :

"Kenapa tak masuk kelas lagi ini? Tak bawak IC ka?"
"Ya cikgu!"
"Bodo punya pelajar!"
"Ya anda betul!"
*tumbuk terus selama 30 minit*


  1. ghaha luckily this school of mine no need to bring ic. but aah, our marks is only /80. -.- the 20% is our attitude.

  2. ko nang bangang la rex.. lol.. :D u nvr change n pls don't..
