Mar 5, 2010

Parai lagik kami tok wai. Apuuuu...

4th day of exam. How? Like what we use to tell our parents when they ask "how's your day at school?" and we'll reply like our emotions are drained out "Just like any other day".

Yup. Today is just like any other exam day. This week's Thursday is in parallel with the week's Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Smeared with pig's crap.

The reason for this is that all have not been right. Things don't always go our way. Damn right they don't. The world's a cruel place. Damn right it is. *Just went all seems to crumble shall I utter in this manner*.

"Rex a. Kenapa ini kosong? Saya sudah suruh hafal bukan!?"
"Ada. Tapi, mana la saya tahu ini keluar cikgu."
"Jadi kenapa la saya suruh hafal?"
"Kerja cikgu memang arahkan kami"
*tampar guna buku*

I mean. I've gone through this phase for the last 3 days and one may have thought the 4th day? Well, kinda laid back and used to being bewildered and acting up like the questions are taken from the pages of a long lost mythical book.

"State Raoult's law."
"Raoult's law states that for every question asked in this paper, it seems that Rex have never came across with it"
*rotan burit*

You know what, readers? I figured that maybe if I brought my IC along, eluding myself from the 30 mins penalty, I would have more time to figure out the answers. But no. All I've gotten was extra 30 mins of wondering what would happen if I used different pens for my answers.

"What does "You're gonna fail miserably in line 37 mean""?
"Hmm.. Let's see.. Should I use my mechanical pencil or the wooden one? Or maybe a black pen would be nice? But highlighter would make it look more presentable"
*15 minutes/question*

How can I go on like this? People would look at my results like I'm about to pull komodo dragon out from my socks.

"Rex, pastikan kamu dapat 4 flat"
"4 flat macam dada saya cikgu?"
*tamaparan naga*

I scrutunised every question. Pressuring my memory, in trying to recall what I've studied and what I was taught. Yet, it was to no avail. The best part is, I couldn't recall what I've 'memorised' 5 minutes before the exams begun.

"Come on, Rex. You just read it a while ago. Think. Think. Recall!"
"Sorry la. Now I've forgotten that I've actually read this just now"

I know I'll be fired with barrage of questions in due time. Mysterious questions. Similar to the ones about the Bermuda Triangle or UFO.

"Rex, kenapa kamu masih tak boleh jawab. Cikgu risau la"
"Saya pun risau la, cikgu. Memang tidak boleh jawab."
"Kenapa. Apa masalah kamu sebenarnya? Tak cukup masa belajar ka?"
"Cikgu rasa?"
"Kamu la yang jawab sendiri.!! Sudah Tingkatan Enam kamu!! Bukan budak lagi!!"
"Hmm.. Ini memang pelik la cikgu.. Kenapa oo.. Hmm.. Nak sama-sama buat research cikgu?"
*tamparan singa*

Even my MUET. I finished way ahead of the time constraint. I'm not over-confident. Is just that, let's say, if you're given an hour to finish eating a bowl of plain soup. Would you make full use of that hour? Waiting for to cool down? Lick the soup till it's dry? Leave it under the sun to evaporate? Surely, you'll finish and do nothing waiting for the time to finish.

"Kenapa awal betul habis Rex? Terlalu senang kha?"
"Bukan cikgu. Masa bagi terlalu lama. Kalau bagi soalan Physics Form 6 dengan pelajar darjah Enam. Mereka siap dalam 15 minit. Senang ka maksud dia cikgu?"
*tumbukan beruang*

Anyway, it's late. Tomorrow is the usual. Exam day. End result would be the same. I'll probably be more ready than ever by then.

Till later. Goodnight.

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