Mar 18, 2010

Apa mahu buat ini cuti?

Five days into the holiday and could you pull out of my misery? You go to the park and you see the same old faces. Lighting a cheap cigarette to be shared with 6 men, screaming to the same girl who jogs by everyday and replaying the same old lame jokes told by a 'friend' of theirs 2 years ago.

It does not impact me that much this holiday thing.

"Macam mana holiday kamu, Rex? Mesti hebat kan?"
"Sudah mula ka cuti, cikgu?"

I mean. What's school holiday for? A break away from the teachers' nuisance? A run away from schoolwork? Avoid getting questioned by your parents?

"How's your day at school son?"
"The same like the other days"


"How's your holiday, son"
"Like any other holidays"

Some say that we can get away from teachers during school breaks, and outside of school, they are just normal passerby. But no. We are obliged to greet them, even if they are eating, picking a fruit or stopping at a red light. We are bound to not look away and warm them with a smile and a forced wave. Even when they are busy handling an important conversation.

"Hi cikgu!!"
"Oh hello, Rex. Sori aa. Cikgu busy sekarang."
"Oh. Tidak apa cikgu! Asal saya ada ucap! Pagi tadi ada cikgu marah kami pelajar tidak berucap. Saya kena rotan dua belas kali. Jadi saya akan diri sini saja la. Takut saya kena rotan lagu. Harap cikgu faham, k? Cuti sekolah pun cikgu tetap cikgu kan?"

I'm not really sure what break we get. Homework still comes in a bundle. Oh. My mistakes. Comes in bundles. You could weigh them, you know, and I assure you it'll be heavier than a schoolbag with every text book inside. Like the ones, a naive boy would bring on their first week of school.

"Rex, besar betul beg kamu ini!?"
"Kenapa cikgu? Bukan biasa ka?"
"Apuuu.! Apa kamu bawa? Ini luar biasa la!"
"Buku teks la cikgu. Saya bawa semua."
"Huh? Kenapa pula?"
"Kalau saya ada terlupa bawa nanti, cikgu marah saya kata "Tikus baca buku kam ka!?"

But really. Homework. It's not a complaint. It's a mere cry of distress. There's a difference. But things like this can happen you know :

"Have you finished your holiday homework, Rex?"
"Which holiday, miss?"
*Smack in the head*

Anyway, we just have to make use of this holiday. Mine's going great so far. So to speak.

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