Feb 2, 2010

Don't look too far ahead. You may overlook yourself.

It's impossible, exceeding the minimal level of trust for them to believe me. For I am debilitated from the barrage of bullets they fired on my exposed flesh. Bullet holes, only inch apart all over, yet they can't decipher the affliction I'm bearing. Doesn't the right belong solely to me for me to impute only partially on them?

Worrying you might not picture it, it's like this you see, I was fired with endless rampage and weights and the final solution is only myself. Can't blame to judiciary system cause they were all asleep in the courtroom. It may be understood as not being altruistic, but as I have mentioned in my earlier post, we only base our life on theories. On what other people believe. We find it tedious for us to prove it ourselves.

A great scientist once said "Never accept a mathematical formula only because others have proven. Derive it for yourself then you accept it."

Whenever life gives you lemon, you either make lemonade or you can decide to grow more lemons. By growing more lemons, you are therefore faced with two options again. To just keep growing or sell and make lemonades. How much patience can we grow in ourselves? Sadly however, that many foolishly decide to spend all they have earn in a day. The future is not for us to decide should we never consider it. But there's a solution. As too I have mentioned before in an earlier post, we should work on nature before it works on us.

Act. Don't just sit and read and complain. We sympathise but that's it. We criticise and that's it. Like dog chasing cars. Once they get it, they just don't know what to do.

Therefore, plan ahead. Think ahead a little without missing the little details of the present. Cause we never know that the solution could actually be the problem.

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