Jun 29, 2009


I'm supposed to talk bout politics for MUET tomorrow. Yup. Topic is politics.

What am I suppose to say?

"The number of roads accidents in Kidurong Higway is increasing mainly because of the bad road planning and the free bumpy rides it gives. The only thing that is done is patching up the pot holes, making it more unlevel just to add in the bumps in the fun."

"Sarawak Education minister made a statement that sexual misconducts in school is not so serious. No one made ant statement against it the next day, so I guess it's alright for teachers to perform oral sex to their students."

"The opposition seems to be getting a grip on the people by winning a lot of votes but BN says it's nothing to be afraid of. In fact, they(BN) just keep on slamming and thrashing the opposition through any way possible because they are very PROUD of their achievement."

"People always ask for my race whenever there's a school program. Why? The Bumis will get to experience 1st class transportation and services? Is 1Malaysia applicable with this Bumiputera policy?"

Could I say something like this? I'm just going to waste my precious time talking. Hey, I'm only a kid. Pfft.

Here's what I'm going to do tomorrow. I'm going to take my place on the stage or in front of the class, clear my throat, put on a joyful face and say these four words:

"The government is lovely."


  1. damn man, now that's what i call a fantastically short yet informative sentence. 10/10!

  2. the government is lovely.........hahaha
