Jun 26, 2009

Mind Not Opened Wide Enough.

Sigh.. There's this moment when you blame yourself for being so unaware of your surroundings. For being so naive to what's going on around us. Ever since I join form 6, I unwillingly forced myself to read more of the newspaper just to constantly inform myself with the current issues, whether it's on politics, sports, health or any social issues. Initially, it was no surprise it was something I least enjoy, but as I kept on reading and reading, it dawned on me that there was so much more to learn. I have better understanding on what's happening in our country's politics besides educating myself on the wonders of nature. There's just so much to know. Knowledge is constantly expanding and there's no sign of slowing down. I'm a person who enjoys challenges, and the challenge I really enjoy is to gain as much knowledge as I possibly can. I'm not trying to be a nerd or a bookworm (no offence). Knowledge does not only come in the form of printed or written words, but by observation and listening as well. One should realise that gaining knowledge is easy, it is only the fact that many fail to understand it's value and how to utilize it in one's life. That's when wisdom knocks on the door and enters to help the human mind focus itself and use the knowledge we gain wisely. Knowledge is more like intellectual whereas wisdom is divine, a gift from God.

I think I'm going overboard here. I have that tendency. Haha..

Well, as for me, I want wisdom, and with that, I need knowledge which helps me obtain understanding. One of the best way is by reading and applying my knowledge in my everyday life, without being too prideful or ashamed of my own understanding. I want to know more about life, especially physics, my favourite field of science. So for now, I just have to focus on my studies, read the papers and magazines cause I want to know what's going around the world so I may share my thoughts with people. It'll be nice to be able talk to anyone on just about anything. People would be respected.  =D

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