Sep 30, 2009

Runny nose under the thick air.

The haze is coming again in Bintulu and you can imagine how hot it is around here. It all began two days ago when the morning sun was like a big giant red ping pong ball. It's unusual for you to be able to stare at the sun unless the polluted air screens the sun's glare.

But looking at the haze at night can be entertaining. I was driving home from a friend's place after late night doing homework (it's the only available time. trust me) and I was cruising on the road under the dim amber street lamps. Felt like I was Sherlock Holmes looking for clues in the quiet early hours before dawn where the London streets are still clouded with morning mist.

Damn. Even my nose is crying in the pangs of this stupid pollution. What's causing it this time? The funny thing is that, even if it's obviously hazy, some foolish people are still burning at the back of their houses with a grin on their face. "It's already hazy, so what difference does it make if add some more?" or "Well, other people are doing it, why can't I?" might run in their minds. You're making people sick.

Save the earth people! Start with your own hometown! (I'm talking bout Bintulu)

Anyway, the extension of school hours seem to be useless for me. I mean the tutorial classes only last for 40 minutes and it's much shorter than you can imagine. And the 40 minute lunch break may not be enough also. Just two days through it and there are so much complain.

I don't get enough sleep. Work overload. Errands overload. Etc. some of you might ask "Why can you still blog?". Honestly, I have no answer to that.

If you read my earlier post regarding form 6 is no walk in the park, well now it's worse. I really need all the support I can get to adapt myself to this change. For you see, I'm no hardworking freak.

So tomorrow I have to go through the same process again. Rush home for lunch and back to school, stretching my eye muscles to keep them opened throughout the 8 hours, at least try to absorb as much as I can from my teachers and try to find out what's the benefit of this new module.

I'm gonna stop ranting now. My computer screen had been staring at me sneeze while I'm writing this. My nose needs to sleep.

Goodnight and God bless ya!

Sep 29, 2009

Who tied this anchor round my neck? I need my bed!

The module for Form 6 students around Malaysia was at last commenced in my school in which the schooling hours is extended for about 2 1/2 hours. This includes extra-curricular activities (which is somehow planned in a futile manner, but that's just the way it is around here right? everything seemed to be so 'theoretically' done ), colloquium and other "pre-University" activities.

The morning began as usual. Classmates acting so hectic beginning doing their week's homework. "Sing Ing, kamu sudah siap ini kha?" "Belum ho."

Anyway, Madam Lucia's mum is not feeling too well so she was preoccupied with taking care of her. God bless you and your mum, teach.

As in adding insult to injury on the schools administrative system, my maths teacher, Miss Choong, was unaware about the new timetable for us form 6. I know if there's a teacher reading this, your mind would go "It's none of your business, boy". Don't worry, I'm no threat cause I'll zip it. :)

Oh yeah, just to add pinch of salt on that wound to spice the pain. Even the first day of extended classes, it's just a wonder on why can't we keep on time? I thought first impression's important?

I mean, the meeting could have gone smoothly if teachers showed a little more authority and pour in some gravy to enhance the excitement. Obviously, 90% of us were already knocking on 'Alice's Wonderland's' door. The 10% would be those who are awaken by the enthused feeling of going home. Teachers, or fellow superiors, please keep to the time. It is very much appreciated if you do so.

^Evening's phone conversation^

"Hello is Tom in?"
"Titom is sleeping upstairs la, Rex. Why?"
"Play ball. Nevermind, I go wake him up la"
"I think better don't disturb him sleep. No revision him later. I'm worried bout Tom la."
"Oh, okay aunty" *Grin*

Tom, iboh hampakan parental advisory kau. First time ku denga ya. :D

By the way, I really need to adjust my physical being now. School to 3 o'clock is not imbued into my flesh yet.

Sep 28, 2009

Crying jubilantly. (poem)

Your laughter is no mere symphony,
No! Your heartbeat's no cacophony!
Ah! Even your eyesight plays a melody.
Though sometimes I do feel silly,
Haha! When you smile at me especially.

I remember when I was dizzy,
Your hands laid on me gently,
Oh! No more I'm ever weary,
You lifted me and stole my worry.

And Alas! Gone is feeling lonely!
You illuminated me dearly,
And now we glide freely.

How long can we merry?
How little enduring with pity?
Surely no less than eternity!

So across we swam happily,
To be side by side on the greenery,
While the twinkles we stare shine brightly,
But! With faith the dream's till infinity,

For you see,
There's a blissful love that's blessed between you and me.

By Rex Fonseka

Sep 27, 2009


The following are copied from my facebook status when randomness stirs in nostrils. Hope you enjoy!

  • Rex Fonseka dropped his ruby when he was astounded by the glow emitted by the amber he found hidden underneath a stack of sapphire while wondering if topaz would radiate such radiance if it is clogged between diamonds and emerald to only be showered by turquoise.... I wonder if all these precious rocks would illuminate my life like she does.

  • Rex Fonseka is wondering why walking in the park is an easy imaginary task and the mysterious depths of the thought ceased to let it be poured out into a bowl of reality added with little licorice powder to spice up life because he wishes life to be as fun as hopping around Saturn's ring with a gunny sack  while singing with extra terrestrial beings on Titan so that he could win the concealed battle against his studies.

  • Rex Fonseka is looking for people to join on a cruise above the clouds of the heavens on a ship with a wheel to practice stability while looking down on the little people of the earth that is living in suffering due to the irresponsible act of the human nature w...hich only strives for unity in power instead of uniting the hearts of the homeless because Rex wants to show the people what the place we love is transforming into.

  • Rex Fonseka wants to eat vegetables fried with sweet sauce on a street chocked by diverse personalities while listening to the honking and rambling of cars because they do not have anything better to do after going through a hard day at work which indicates that... plunging into a rapid developing society is anything but worthless before it turn into a seemingly uninteresting lifestyle that requires char kueh tiow to run your soul.

  • Rex Fonseka wishes to main jadi with Poseidon and Achilles because Pegasus lost it's wing after Zeus showered his lightning wrath on him after Athena beat him in playing Big Two, but Ares got shot by Hades when they raced against Apollo and all Atlas could was go swimming with Medusa before they get mystified by Aphrodite.

  • Zeus! What the Hades are you doing? Has Athena's presence heated your lust? Maybe you're to foolish to realize that Hera is behind you. Or has... Oh my.. Has Aphrodite taken her life? No. It can't be... She's immortal. Please Zeus..... no more lightning tears. It hurts me more than when Poseidon poked me with his trident on my behind. Don't bring me to the depths of Tartarus where Apollo's radiance couldn't reach.

  • Little bee buzzing around my ear in my euphorical world makes me want to jump and skate on the icicle made by the Snow Queen. Come on everyone! Lets love mother nature!

  • The distinctions in people are made obvious only to test our acumen on people. But most of the judgmnents made are blunderous and eventually lead to to us being so coy. What's the use? Better let people be who they are and all we do is just sit ...back and enjoy indulgingthe mixed bag of Earth's diverse lifestyle.

  • Aparrently, every day will meet meet it's night and there's nothing that can be done done about it but to just accept it while enjoying the comfort of your own home especially after a long journey along the torrid Sarawakian road. Father Stan so cool.

  • Everything seems to be toppled over. The world is not in its right axis anymore. Why? I just saw a charred igloo. :|

Sep 26, 2009

Blessings on my friends, dear Lord Jesus.

Rain comes, rain doesn't come, still the days just go by with a gentle, constant, breeze. And with that it means that all knights have to leave their round table to attached the saddle on their well trained stallion. And then, it's on to medieval battle! Charge!

So my friends, along this path of glory under the blissfulness our steps created, may we always remember this in the memories of our yesterdays. May it be the path that we'll all take cause the illumination we created had always somehow brought us together.

Remember the days where we all charmed the ambience with our secretive laughter. A laughter that is so encrypted that only our joyful hearts can decipher.That what makes it the better than anyone else's.

Times where we will reminisce our own blunders. Nothing could escape our eyes without being bantered by us. No one within our sight could just pass us by without a word being uttered by us.

It's just amazing that the cruelty of time is actually the remedy as well. It moves on but not our friendship. If someone asks me for an example of what's eternal, besides God's wonderful love and my family' love, I would answer our friendship.

After every wall we've smashed with our shoulders, after every drive through, after every intellectual sharing we've had, nothing beats the time we laughed till our tummies literally imploded. Ain't that right?

The years are nothing. It's oblivious to me! It does nothing! Like I've mentioned earlier, it's only a gentle breeze that brought us back together.

All the best my buddies. Hopefully the future for all of us is as bright as our friendship.

Sep 25, 2009

Xe Tzuz is the man. I mean it.

Sundowns and Sun-ups. This blog has gone through many in its own virtual world being unattended by its master. Sorry blog.

So, the trip in Miri was allegedly claim to set me free, and guess what, I am. Father Stan rocks. Stupid men in red, that's the devils, you can't hand-cuffed me no more, cause I know I should be free in the power of God..!

3 days of holiday and now it's back to the books cause school is stylo as well. There ain't no time for holiday if the teachers are so could at piling the foundation. Dear masons, please destroy this castle of homework!

Alright, here are things I've learnt during the rally :

  • A normal physically perfect human being can sweat profusely while passing urine.

  • Sarawakians LOVE to clap, even if they are sarcastically advised.

  • I was a choir member during the last night, and the hymn my choir couldn't sing well was Hymn 53 : Silence. Pitch was too high.

  • Never mess with the Mother of God. Period.

  • Bob cannot imitate Uncle Dennis.

  • KFC's Cheesy Wedges is deliciously edible.

  • Drinking Starbucks and Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf will make someone do squats in the middle of the night.

  • Being pulled to go on stage is not so exciting.

  • Titom can change card into wine.

  • Father Stan cannot read music but he can play Bach on his bass.

  • It's fun to play guitar in the bus.

  • 1645 = 6.45 pm.

  • Lowering the air-conditioner temperature by 1°C can make a drastic heat change.

  • I cannot be early for any talk even I was the first to be ready in the room.

  • Pineapple tart in Boulevard's bakery is magnificent. 40 cents each. Worth it.

And here's a quotation :

"Helloooooo goood people of China. I am Xe Tzuz" - Xe Tzuz

Sep 12, 2009

Every second is different, isn't it?

It's amazing how your perspective towards life can change in an instant. Yesterday can have a different reason than yesterday's tomorrow.

Sometimes you just sit down, accompanied by the whispers of the wind, and reflect on your reason for living. Though it may vary and there are many factors to consider such as neighbourhood, spiritual upbringing or financial current financial state.

Sometimes you get the contented feeling overwhelming you and there's nothing that can drag you away from your comfort zone. You are tied down to the serenity of life that you decide that there's nothing more for you to do in this world. Not that I meant you want kick the bucket, but you just want to escape from every hustle and bustle in your life.

Sometimes you just wish you have more jobs to do, more pounds of sweat to drop. More work to keep occupied in lieu of sulking in boredom all day long.

Sometimes we do feel that we have found the purpose of our life. Be it your occupation, hobby or even a person, you'll catch yourself saying "This is the reason I'm here". So then you will tell yourself that you will leave no stone unturned until you reach that goal of yours. Once you reached to the top of the mountain, you will congratulate yourself with a brilliant smile, knowing that is what you wanted.

Sometimes you just want to be led by people. To be told what to do because you have no idea what your purpose is. Some may not want to bother to try climbing the mountain cause they "know" they will never make it to the top.

Sometimes you just lie down in bed and dream of your dream house. Some may want to live in a mansion in the sky, overlooking the people on the earth. Some may just want to live in a little cabin in the woods, away from the hectic society. You lay relaxed and flow in your own enticing imagination and you'll forget about every trouble you have in this world.

But a single moment in life can change all of that. A single act in life can make you regret the decision you make. Only a second in life can make you lose control of your emotions. Even a single word can knock your dreams off and cause it to be in rubble in front of you.

There could be a person too that will change your life for the worse or for the better; some unlucky ones may experience both the good and bad.

What do we do when everything is disrupted? In my opinion, there are only two choices to be made :

  • To start all over again ; or

  • To start something new.

If you feel that you still have that will in you, that invigorated spirit, you would choose option one. But for those who have been smacked with endless disappointment would definitely choose option 2. Although some sad chap whose energy had been sapped out  may may have to resort to option 2 a billion times.

And for those who do wish to decide on these two options, they will resort to an alternative "3rd option" which may lead to "unwanted circumstances". To people who are feels that way remember that the person who wrote this is concerned about you; even though I've never met you, and there are many people who shares this feelings with me; or you if you know people who are already in this level, make them feel wanted and loved instead of telling them how stupid they are.

Sep 11, 2009

My hair's on fire!

Fire drills are very interesting especially if it is carried out in schools. One can see the diverse students repercussions which are often amusingly humorous.

It's the first fire drill in SMK Kidurong since its last one 4 years ago. That's mighty long if you ask me.

Unfortunately, I didn't know how the event began as my class (6BS1/2) happened to be in the APD room (PA1) when the announcement for us to gather in "Dataran Ilmu" was made. So, our class was continued happily without knowing what's the commotion outside the class.

As soon as we realized that we were somehow late for the assembly, we saw Cikgu Chiun speaking in front. So we just joined the group as if we were the star of the show, although no one actually seemed to care bout our peculiar presence.

So after briefing on the algorithms for the fire drill, the first practice was done. Every students entered their class and "act" as if they were having normal lessons. Though many students were already in their ready stance waiting eagerly at the door. Like an athlete on the race line waiting for the horn to waste a microsecond.

The bell was rung and students started to "panic" by screaming frantically. Oh, and they were taking slow steps down steps while shrieking. Pretty much like a horror movie where the victim just run as slow they could to allow the cameraman to catch up and let Jason stab them.

I guess it's just a normal procedure for students to omit instructions. Some were actually waiting at "Dataran Ilmu" (supposedly to their respective places other than there) only to be smacked by shame after they realize their mistake.

So my group happened to be waiting at the pond. Which was then, according to the fire department officer, a nonstrategic place to assemble during a fire outbreak as the tall tress surrounding it will catch fire easily. Bear that in mind the next time you look for shelter during a fire outbreak.

The officer also stated that it is not advisable to gather at separate assembly point. So we all had to convene at the football field in lieu of the "potential to be scorched" pond.

Oh, and the officer also said that the drills should be carried out 2-3 times, thus it's obvious that it is to be done again.

So the second fire drill is done and most of us just have to enjoy having a brisk walk during an "emergency". We all gathered at the open football field. The weather was very hot. In the words of a teacher "This fire drill is so inconvenient, I would rather die in the fire". It did make wonder, if the fire in the building wouldn't char us, maybe Apollo would do the job.

Then Cikgu Chiun asked us whether anyone was left behind, and of course the answer was no. But he said there are people who got caught and maybe they'll be brought here. The moment he said that, students from the special needs class arrived the assembly point. We were shocked. "False alarm. I didn't mean them", said Chiun.

After sweating profusely, we all went back to gather in the Dataran Ilmu to see that charred student. Apparently, the teachers managed to abduct a student to do the stunt. He was a Form 4 student who rose from his deathbed like a dead man being brought back to life with a defibrillator.

The moral of that event was - make sure everyone is around -.

After that, the principal gave her speech in a form of a lecture. It was very informative and I hope that the students listens to her advice.

Then one of the officer had he's share of speech giving which includes :-

  • Congratulating us for being efficient and amazingly calm and jubilant (let's see if we'll laugh around if there a charred body laying in front of you switch

  • Don't forget to switch of every electrical appliances and keep the windows and doors closed. That is after the class is emptied with students. (Oh, and it doesn't mean that they can be left running if there's no emergency)

  • Teachers should inspect everything. The blame will be placed on their shoulders if any mishaps occurred.

  • Teachers should also join in fire drill. In the words of Abdul Wahab, on of the officer, "Cikgu pun ada nyawa" -well said -.

After that was the presentation of gifts to the firemen as a sign of gratitude.

In my opinion, fire drills should be done more often so students can skip classes. :)

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="*borrowed image*"]*borrowed image*[/caption]

Sep 10, 2009

And the crowd goes wild..!

Every year, a school in Kidurong Zone - secondary school - would organize an "Independence Day" celebration where the representatives from other school would join in the event. The three schools involved are SMK Assyakirin, SMK Kidurong and SM Teknik.

This year's event was held in SMK Assyakirin, a secondary school located on a hill in Sungai Plan, an area further up the Kidurong highway. You can imagine how the ride to the school was. Maybe the bumpiness would be less prominent if the roads were patched up a little better. I always figured that maybe it was a way to keep drivers on the way to MLNG, SMDS or Bintulu Port a little more alert. Feel drowsy? Bump!

So 20 of us were the representatives for SMK Kidurong (Maju Terus Maju!). It should be less 15 minutes to get there but somehow the roads were an impediment to us. Oh, and were led by Cikgu Awlia and Cikgu Wong.

On the way up the sloppy road, a friend asked me,

"Why is there a bump on a hill? It's not that people will be speeding uphill, right?"
I questioned back "What about those going downhill?".
"Yea.. But still.."
"Still what? Are you suggesting that half of the bump is to be removed?"

Upon arriving at our destination, we alighted the bus and were ushered to the hall. Just as soon as we stepped through the door, the crowd goes wild. It was no standing ovation and I thought Michael Jackson came back to life. To my surprise, they were actually cheering; screaming would sound more appropriate; for us, and for a reason that was oblivious to all of us. It didn't matter, I got a taste of stardom now.

The same thing happened when the group from SM Teknik arrived. Guess they stole our limelight.

So,t he event began by singing the national anthem and I must say that it was sung patriotically. Even though it is not an original tune, it is still the national anthem.

Next came the inevitable speech by our country's leaders read by the teachers and principal. By the King, Deptuty Prime Minister and one of the minister in education (can't recall who though).

The part where everyone would be anticipating, for the "Sekian, Terima Kasih" part that is. Before the speech there would be an almost audible claps from the audience but it would end with thunderous roars accompanying their claps.

Next came the poem reciting from the three schools. As soon as the first reciter enters the stage, the crowd goes wild. A climax arrived while reciting. The crowd goes crazy. Poem reciting ends. The crowd goes nuts. You can imagine what happened when the next two reciters appeared on the stage. It didn't matter if there was a mistake in their performance. It was like a Gun's N' Roses concert, Slash missing a note on his guitar would not effect the crowd's chanting and roaring.

The event continued with a traditional fashion show. This includes the Chinese, Indian, Malays and some of our local ethnic groups. As soon as a female models start cat walking, the crowd is on to it again. They're getting better at it this time. Cheering and screaming like they were doused with liquid iron. There was nothing that could ease the over excited students. When a lady in "cheongsam" came on stage, it felt like whole world was about to collapse. Although it was an informative and entertaining show.

Then came a talent show where nine - yes nine - guitarists appeared on stage along with two vocalists. It was an unplugged performance - exclude percussion- . Need I mentioned about the crowds? Just for the sake of saying it :

The crowd goes wild.

They performed three  songs of their choice I guess. They began with a rather interesting rendition of "Barisan Kita". It was followed by their school's anthem. I was flabbergasted upon listening to them. A rock ballad for a school anthem? It was close to being one though. The only problem was the song lasted too long. Literally longer than waiting in line at McDonald's where the person behind the counter does not speak English.

A friend beside me said "Cubalah lagu sekolah kita cam tok. Malu jak mok ngakuk lagu skolah kita eh". Couldn't have said it better. I still love "Maju Terus Maju" though teachers. :)

And lastly, they performed an Iban song entitled "Anang Nguji Aku". Oh, before I forget to mention, when the song reached its vocal part (after a peculiar long intro), the crowd goes wild. If you asked me, I guess this was the climax of the event. Most of the students were joining in the singing. If only I knew the Iban song. Help me someone?

And then came a video presentation which was prepared by the two teachers from SMK Assyakirin. The video depicts pictures of our prime ministers and their contribution to the country. Well, not really in the sense that because of our Prime Ministers that we achieved great glory.

The video actually illustrated the achievement Malaysia had achieved during the reign of our Prime Ministers. For example, the video showed pictures of Datuk Azhar Mansor who sailed solo around the world after the picture of Tun Mahathir bin Mohamad is displayed - it does give the impression that it happened because of our PM if you actually watched it -. Is this fallacy, fellas? I don't know. The best part about the video though, was when it came to the picture of Najib Tun Razak, the video ended. I guess he did nothing for the country.

Then came the gift presentation to those students who did well in their exams. This too made the crowd go wild. 2 hours into the event in a torrid hall was no barrier for them. A big size girl enters the stage. Scream. A softy guy receives his prize. Shriek. I thought the gift presenting would be a bore, but the students kept me invigorated.

Before it ended, we all yelled at the top of our lungs - "MERDEKA!" for seven times. Don't ask me why seven. (Drop a comment if you do). Oh, and we wave the Jalur Gemilang as well. And some of the students were literally being thrown in the air as well.  The funny thing is that the teachers did not seem to care about their demeanor. Supererogatory patriotism is a righteous act I guess.

Then it was the photo taking session and the end.

One thing that I would never forget about the school is that anything as arid as standing up to go to the toilet can make the students go wild.


*One guitarist and a vocalist are not in the photo*
Cikgu Wong ngan Cikgu Awlia, enjoy sik torang tek?

Sep 9, 2009

Open your mouth and "Kaboom..!"

PETALING JAYA, Sept 8 (Bernama) -- Police, who went to an apartment in Kota Damansara on Monday to seize a gun from a man who allegedly threatened to kill his 61-year-old father, instead found a hand-grenade on the suspect.

In the noon incident at the D'shire Villa unit, the 27-year-old suspect was detained for having the hand-grenade in his possession.

Petaling Jaya police chief ACP Ajunaidi Mohamed said the police raided the unit after receiving a report from the former political secretary who claimed that his son had threatened to kill him with a gun, following a misunderstanding.


The suspect must be a big Rambo fan. "Yo dad, eat this!" *Releases the spoon and stuffs grenade in dad's mouth*.

Anyway, why threaten to kill your father with a gun? Something somewhere must have gone terribly wrong.

Sep 8, 2009


As you might already know, there are many ways to get to my blog. You may have just stumble across it through any means possible. One of the way though is through search engines.

You can type search terms such as "ballerexx" or "rex fonseka" to see links to my blog being displayed at your web page result ( I personally prefer google).

I can check in my dashboard on how people arrive to my blog. And I'm always amaze at how some "lucky" people ended up in my blog. If you are an avid reader of this blog, you would see the connection. It's also pretty interesting to know what people search over the interet. Here are the many search terms my fellow readers used (the ones in blue) :

  • fireworks - (I believe it's the fireworks picture I have)

  • smoking kills - period.

  • hiding smoking - haha

  • smoking kill - :D

  • canning school

  • fire works - Yes. fire(space)works

  • cigarettes kills

  • smoke kill

  • logo 1malaysia

  • foto fireworks - nice one. foto.

  • boy in lrt - some of you mite know of this

  • dali sini - seriously, I don't know why.

  • cucomber rexy - yup. cucOmber.

  • no study equation - I wonder who searched that. haha

  • alexander nyambang - okay..

  • air pollution index reading of miri as o - it stopped at "o".

  • i got beat up while drunk - epic.

  • smok kills - the typer's probably blinded by his cigarette smoke. still, he got here.

  • conclusion about smoking............. - Probably the searcher lost his breath after the last full-stop. I can imagine his dreadful look when he hit"Enter".

  • where can i get 1malaysia song lyrics - one desperate search.

  • when does canning school start - this must be a teacher who can't wait to whip students' ass "legally"

  • should cannning be allowed at school - nope.

  • sik tauk - aku pun sik tauk pahal.

Okay. I hope your eyebrows are raised with awe by now. Some probably want more, right? No fret, I saved the best for last.

  • www.teens rexy - I'm a pornstar now?

  • little rexy 18+ - don't ask.

  • tom and rexy - can anyone be so kind to tell me who searched this? it got me out of my seat. HAHA.

Sep 7, 2009

Think of time.

Everyday just seems to go through time with ease. The only problem for a day to enter to another is the human occupying it.

See it this way. We always think our day as two ways : may it end as quickly as it can or may it last as long as it can. The fact is, the 24-hours per day that we believe to be consistent may actually be a variable ; it's never the same.

Just the other day during my MUET 4 (writing) exam, 1hour 45minutes doesn't seems last long as it should, and during PA 1, 1hour 45 minutes seemed to last a decade. Isn't it amazing that we can actually control the speed of time with our minds?

I mean, really. Think about it. When you're waiting for a train in a crowded station, 10 minutes is an eternity, but getting squished by attractive girls in the train for 10 minutes lasts only a second.

It would be nice.

Tired of hearing your father blabbering? Initially, his lecture might last forever, but train your mind to make it last a microsecond.

A date ended too fast? Don't worry. All you have to do is think that it lasted long.

Long line in McDonald's? Tell yourself that it's not as long as it seem.

School assembly's too long? You know the drill.

The human mind is pretty amazing. I wonder if father time uses his thoughts to control time and I wonder if time travel would be the effect of advanced human thinking?

Sep 3, 2009

Now this is cool.

Earth's magnetic shield, or magnetosphere, protects us from most effects of solar storms and the solar wind. (Credit: SOHO image composite by Steele Hill (NASA))

click here to read more

Sep 1, 2009

Luring their victims that broke their bones.

Back from school with exam results hidden in my bag, certainly not hidden from my memory. The surprise was that I did do slightly better than what I've expected. At least it shows that my last minute preparation was not in vain. But I gotta change my bad habits regarding the way I study.

Now, as classes are resumed as normal after a ten days break, I'll have to divert my attention onto my studies again. Can any of you give me ideas on super meaningful goals I should set for myself?

Anyway, it's a cool day, perfect weather for us to sleep and relax. Before you do that, enjoy this news from StarOnline :

KUALA LUMPUR: A couple of men snatched a woman’s bag early in the morning, unaware that their victim had determinedly followed them to their hideout and tipped off the police.

When police knocked on the door of a flat on the fifth floor of Seri Jati flats in Jalan Puchong, its occupants refused to open the door.

Brickfields police chief ACP Wan Abdul Bari Wan Abdul Khalid said that a commotion was heard and they later found a man, believed to be one of the snatch thieves, sprawled behind the flats with severe head injuries and a broken leg and arm.

The man was taken to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital for treatment. He said initial investigations found that the man had a previous record for snatch theft in Klang four years ago.

Following a search on the house, two men and a woman, aged between 25 and 28, were arrested.

"We also seized four mobile phones, one which belonged to the complainant," he said, adding that the suspects had been remanded to facilitate investigation under Section 395 of the Penal Code for gang robbery.

Things people would do to avoid getting caught. Have a nice day people.

A beginning that never ends.

Have I swayed under this quite translucent glass for too long now?

Have I not tasted the sunshine on the tip of my toes?

Have I impulsed my transfiguration against the depth of my own heart that causes me to catch my own reflection?

Have I choked myself between those helping hands?

Have I wandered away from from my "used to be adamant being"?

Have I plucked the string of remorse?

No. Not anymore.

I've lived under this blissful light that glitters my way.

Obscurity is now overthrown by the sense of trust.

The seed I've once planted in the epicenter of my faith is growing, spreading like the cottons planted by the Gods of the Heavens.

I've once suffered in an unforeseen battle of the gladiators trying to kill their way out of vengeful lives but have finally seep into rationality.

Those hands have walked me along a beach of utter remorse;

Jaunty to see them pulled back by the endless waves and sucked by the separation of the sea and the sky.

I see the light. It's in my grasp at long last. Glowing with an almost blinding radiance.

Waved my hands that scintillated my paradise;

Till erything is illuminated with lust and hunger.

I'm a new born-child, looking for the breast to suckle.

When the voice of an angel lifted me;

To lay my gently on the cottons once planted by the Gods of the Heavens;

Away from the wrath of wretched demeanor;

Where it all began.