Dec 25, 2009

Blessed Celebration people.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a Blessed and joyous Christmas.

Dec 24, 2009

Joyous occasion, today and tommorow.

First of all, I would like to say heartiest congratulations to all who achieved straight A's in their PMR. Hearts pounding are met with by the end of a rainbow.

Congrats to you, Yon. You have made people proud of you and admire your courage despite all the fact. I know it's cheesy, but still. I admire your courage.

And SMK Kidurong. 37 straight A's? Now that's an achievement. Kidurong, although some may have said it's located in a dull, boring and sad oil town, it's still the home of many where celebrations such Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Aidilfitri and the upcoming Christmas are celebrated with joy and laughter by every citizen. Not so sad, eh? :)

So, for those who are proud of their results, shall surely now be begging for bigger and mightier Christmas presents. You feel you deserve it, right? Well, try giving out. The joy and satisfaction of giving is still a far greater gift, depending if you know your limits.

But what the heck. Everyone's so happy that we still need to celebrate by giving and receiving.

As for those who have not done so well? Fingers are to ourselves. However, it's not time to sulk if we have given our utmost shot and pulled the trigger when we trusted it was hitting the bull's eye. Some with utter precision, some with blindfold on. Nevertheless, we must only say to ourselves 'I have done my best. I'm grateful, Lord.'

And just hope that your Christmas are already wrapped neatly and hidden under the tree. It's a season of giving remember? Unless you're naughty. Hohoho.

Enjoy your day everyone. And Yon, don't forget bout me ho.

Scotland Yard is still beating, and the North Pole is melting thanks to global warming. What is that anyway?

Take some time to watch Sherlock Holmes, the new movie. It'll be worth the cash rather than spending on chocolates for a 'surprise' Christmas gift.

Christmas is just hours away, but the radio stations here are just not building up the mood? Is it so wrong to play Christmas songs? I'm sure it's soothing to everyone's ear listening to Jim Reeves singing Christmas classic.

I was listening jubilantly to a Christmas song on the radio when it was then followed by Manhattan's 'Let's Just Kiss And Say Goodbye'. Yea. Goodbye Christmas fever.

What is Christmas? Well, the way everyone was brought up to believe, it's a time where we all wait anxiously to unwrap the gifts our loved ones had gotten for us. Sadly, it's more of an obligation to put presents under the tree, so some smart ass have figured that, to save cost, we might as well wrap empty boxes of cereals and toothpaste with colourful gift wrappers and just chuck them under a brightly lit tree.

I was at the mall the other day and my eyes caught a stage with a girl about to perform - to what I assume - a Christmas carol. But when I read a sign saying "Do not entry beyond this point", I knew I was at the wrong place. So, I took a picture and pointed at it like a little kid pointing at an aeroplane till I got every audience's attention. Then I left.

A tip for waffle lovers, if you prefer peanut butter rather than butter spread on your loaf, be sure to utter Peanut only, for it'll somehow confuse the guy behind the counter. Who on their right mind wants peanut butter and butter on a waffle?

Oh right, just a reminder -though you've heard it a million times-, be pretty careful with what you post in facebook cause it can kill you. Literally. It's a worry now, fellas. Facebook kills. But it's life essentials. Like food samples. Where everyone has their right to consume whenever they are offered.

Dec 16, 2009

Rest In Peace Uncle Sudin..

The dead moves on, but the burden of the loss is carried by the living..
That statement is not right. We do mourn and feel burdened cause it's human nature, but that's not what the deceased intend to make us feel. Wanting us to understand that when it's time to go, it's time to go.For everyone has to 'come in' and 'move on' one day, to 'enter' and to 'exit' to 'start a new beginning' and to 'finish the race' to have his 'first breath' and his 'last breath'. Every good start must have its end.

Uncle Sudin, I'll remember you as the serious type of person, practising your silat in the living room while watching TV and doing the inevitable 'ass slapping' which always makes me laugh. Although we never really get to know each other, you're still the father of my beloved friends, yen and yon, and also the wife of the perpetually joyful aunty, Aunty Judy.

And the thing I'll always remember is when you laughed at my joke, after coaxed by Aunty Judy, the AIDS joke. May seem normal to some, but every one has their own special moment with someone. Where the smallest may just be the biggest.

May the perpetual light shine upon you, uncle..

Message to yon :

The Lord took him away not to shower you in misery, but He'll be there to comfort you in times of sorrow.. A quote from Jackson's song. Just call his name, and he'll be there.. You're a strong girl, yon.. Bless you and your family.. :)

Message for yen :

It's no loss if we can still hear and feel 'them' close to our hearts.. As the Eagles' song goes, "Love will keep us alive".. You and your sis, are a strong combination.. God bless you and your family, yen.. :)

Message for aunty Judy :

Though I'm not sure how was the final moment, it must be full of sorrow and maybe a hidden joy that he is now on his way to the Lord.. A loss is painful, but should we be weakened by death? God bless you and your two beautiful daughters, aunty.. :)

Dec 10, 2009

Kepada pelajar-pelajar sekalian...

One thing I realised after few days stay here in Singapore. There are many student discount/offers/rates/meals and etc.

I told my mum about it and she replied, in her usual jocular manner (yet her answers can be serious at times)

"Students are the future of Singapore maa".

I wonder, why is my beloved country not giving that much attention to us students in Malaysia? There are signs everywhere that says "Children, our future", or "Kanak-kanak adalah pemimpin kita pada masa hadapan".

I don't know. I got much to say and compare but that would only show that I'm being a renegade, right? I'm still a proud Sarawakian and Malaysian. Not a proud Singhalese who lives in Malaysia.

Those who have payed attention to the importance of education in Singapore would know what I mean. There are many benefits one can get get if they are a student here.

Have a nice day, people!

Dec 9, 2009

Scratch marks on my arms.

Conversation between my bro and I while sitting in the train and we heard the computer girl said something in Bahasa Malaysia. In Singapore.

Isaac : What did she say? Why lapor kepada kepada kaki dan kami? The BM is wrong here.

Rex : It's kakitangan kami la.

Isaac : Eh. Ya la o.

Anyway, went to Jurong Bird Park and there were many birds that landed on my arm. One even rested on my head. It's amazing to see birds up close. The sad thing is, they'll fly away before you get to touch them. But don't try to give your hand generously on to an ostrich. :|

Singapore not bad.

Dec 8, 2009

Which cubicle should I use?

Conversation between my two nieces, Tui, 8 years old and Thian, 9 years old. Both girls. to my cousin.

Thian : Want to hear a joke? Thui, you remember last time the first time we go toilet alone?

Thui : *Giggles*. Yea. Hahaha.

Thian : Tui Tui and I went to the toilet and saw two signs "F" and "M".

Tui : That time we dind't know about "Female" and "Male" bha.

Thian : Yeah. So tui tui thought that maybe it means "Father" and "Mother". So we went to "M" la for mother maa.

I love kids.

Dec 7, 2009

Jaga sikit mulut kau ya oi.

I saw three letters written at the side of a book, the same way a student would write his name at the edges of his new text book.

The letters, written with blue ink were 'WTF'. And the book was on the coffee table, lying in anyone's sight, including children.

Upon seeing it, aghast, I was 'WTF' myslef.

I joked to myself saying it could be someone initials and my brain sprang into action and 'Wong Teck Fong'. I laughed at myself at the thought.

Anyway, my words were audible to my niece and so she whispered to me,

"It's the owner's name."



hai i rex i like play guitar for church i sing for church and sometimes i dono how say lah i just like to play left 4 dead with tom so nice we kill tank, we kill smoker, we kill hunter, we kill jockey, we kill boomer, we kill charger, we kill spitter, we kill witch also! we just like left 4 dead. we shoot dead. dead come to live we shoot just. like. i like. bye.

Dec 6, 2009

Before you sleep..

Loneliness only impedes us from physical attraction,

Memories bind us to heart-felt affection,

Sleep soundly and may God shower His blessings under perfection,

So you'll sleep with pure tranquility and awake with divine satisfaction.


Dec 2, 2009

I gotta go Facebooking.

Can someone kill Facebook before it kills me?

My kamehameha cannot seem to obliterate this devil in blue.

Oh yea, you do have friends coming over after they had a long holiday and the first they would ask is

"Pa perkembangan Bintulu nek tok" or "How's Bintulu?"

You can tell them this. Check your Facebook. Don't have one? It's sad and absurd (quoted from Dom). Serious stuffs. It's where people think they're talking to themselves or rather 'updating' themselves and certain peers, but in reality, you're telling literally the whole world your suppose to be 'personal life'.

Although, I have to admit, some updates - or you can call them gossip - are interesting cause most of the time, secrets are unveiled. :D

Facebook tells you everything you need to know, from heartbreaks to weddings, from failures to scoring 4 flats in exams, from buildings caught on fire to new malls coming up.

One day maybe, Facebook will have their own TV show and their own newspaper so everyone can have updates such as good movies, shows or books.There's a lot of info I got from Facebook. Such as friends rating movies or books, whether it's worth the money to watch or read. Or maybe, places to dine with friends/families. Or spots to hangout and enjoy with your loved ones. Or areas where they sell really delicious food.

Some however, will reveal their personal life, just to draw the world's attention to them.

I don't blame these people, we all need attention in our lives. Even as a baby, when we were born we needed someone to care for us, same thing when we're old, someone will need to attend to our needs. In between? It's the same.

However, most of the time, when some innocent and caring facebookers asked what their problem is, they'll reply "It's none of your business" but yet, they put status like that. What for?

Sometimes, it's annoying. Yet many think it's cute and adorable to be pathetic in the virtual world. Some examples (not meant to be humorous but to knock some sense into you)  :

  • I was drunk last night. Don't tell my dad.

  • Kamek break malam tadik.

  • Cikgu ***** is very stupid!

  • *** is in a relationship with ***

  • Why is my bf so stupid!?!

  • My mum told me not to go but I did. Shhh...!!

  • I'm so horny now.

  • Why did you leave me? Don't you know that I'll die for you?

  • F*** him/her!

  • I want to kill my teacher.

  • Ku rokok sik henti2 malam tek. :D

  • Am so pissed with my mum/bf/dad/fren/ right now.

  • "***" is feeling sad today. (but not telling anyone why)

You get drill. The list can go and on till eternity ends.

I don't intend to hit on all that did these. Some are open with it. The others are the opposite, wanting to enclose the case in Facebook. It's not possible, considering that people like to gossip.

It's only that when these news that they intend to keep as a so called 'secret' start to leak out, they would point fingers at people for getting involved in their personal life when they were actually the ones who told the whole world themselves.

Don't get me started with the uploaded pictures.

Those who wish to go back into life have not searched their meaning yet.

Why is this holiday a little longer than its short expectation?

Tuesday's With Morrie, a book by Mitch Albom. Not sure how many of you have read this, but it's a good book. One of my favourites -or maybe the top list-. It's about a relationship between a young student and his dying professor.

Read it. Highly recommended for all people. Even for generations to come.

" What's wrong with sex? It's getting me media attention! "

KUALA LUMPUR: A 20-year-old college student who sought a medium’s help to end her streak of bad luck ended up having to sleep with the man.

She approached the medium, known only as master Choy, in April on the recommendations of her friends as she was worried about her well-being.

The 50-year-old medium told her she would not be able to get rid of the bad luck unless she had sex with a married man.

After some persuasion from the man, who is married, the girl agreed to have sex with him.

“He told me I had to sleep with a married man to get rid of all the bad luck,” she told a press conference at the MCA Public Services and Complaints Department here yesterday.

Before having sexual intercourse, the medium told the girl, who is pursuing a degree in nutrition at a college, to strip naked and pose for some photographs.

She realised that she had been cheated a few months later when her luck had not changed and worse, she had contracted a sexually transmitted disease from him.

She went back to the medium and threatened to expose him but he slapped her and warned that he would post her nude photographs on the Internet.

The girl claimed that the medium issued a death threat against her should she decide to lodge a police report.

“I am getting a lawyer now to file a case against him,” she said.

MCA Public Services and Complaints Depart­ment head Datuk Michael Chong advised the public to be wary of bogus mediums. -StarOnline-

I realise that for the past few months, StarOnline had been posting a lot of news about 'sex'. Students getting cheated into having sex tops the list though.

Sexual education is doing just fine. It's in the media as well. The best way to spread information. What can any of us to do about it? Can it be stopped? Or will it continue and take it's place in the 'common non-deleterious acts'?

"Everyday, I kick his private part to wake him up"

A PHOTOGRAPHER in Chongqing, China, puts up with his wife beating him daily — all in the name of love.

Nanyang Siang Pau reported that the couple even have an agreement to avoid the beating from getting out of hand.

“We agreed that the beatings should not be too severe, failing which she will have to return to her parents and stay with them for three days,” said the young man, who was only identified by his surname Zhang.

Zhang said his wife had loved martial arts since she was young and that when they first met at a party, his friends had teased him about becoming her “punching bag” after marriage.

Recalling the first time he was beaten up by his wife, Zhang said he had teased her about her hairstyle.

“But despite all the beatings, I still love her,” the daily quoted him as saying.

Amazing love. One that may look at it in both perspectives. Wife loves her 'punching bag' and husband loves being the 'punching bag'. Plus, they had a 'special agreement' so it will not get out of hand. Huh?

How out of hand is out of hand? So, I guess it's like this. Imagine couple fighting over who's cooking for dinner.

"Okay honey, we can fight now. But please don't get out of hand, ok? I love you" leaves a smile which was smacked by wife. Oh, the world would really be a much better place if everyone (couples especially) love each other this way.

The best part is that he got beaten 'daily' and it's still considered not 'out of hand'. Wouldn't that leave bruises and all that behind? Daily beatings are surely deleterious to the physical being, right?

Anyway, do they have children?

Your money is invaluable here.

Seen in a coffee shop.

"In God We Trust
The Rest Pay Cash"