May 3, 2011

Which way is it, sir?

Before you steer towards the left, please have the courtesy to turn on your indicator so the other drivers around you - behind or in front of you or even beside you - know what exactly is your next move. It's not any kind of strategy game where you can you surprise attack anyone, whenever you want. Indeed, it's not wise to plan a sneak attack when it comes to driving on the road.

"Why don't we cut into his lane without turning on the signal light? Then maybe his wife might notice you"

Unless you don't realise it, indicator is derived from the word indicate. Indicate is an action where you a message is sent to you directly or indirectly beforehand.

"Should we turn on the indicator after we turn right or before?" "Experts say it's best turning it on while you're turning."

Why is it so hard to use your signal light? I remember a radio show that was talking bout situations that pisses drivers off. And you guessed it, not using your signal lights was among the top causes apart from tailgating and automobiles with eye soaring body paints and vinyls.

"Dear, please use your indicator before cutting into someone's lane" "Why should I? I don't need to let everyone know where I'm going."

It's just a flick of a handle. Why not save the trouble being pain in arse?

"Honey, why can't you just turn on your signal lights before cutting into that man's lane? He could have hit you!" "Can't you see I'm on the phone!"

Just this morning, a bus was in front of me on the road. All of a sudden, it stopped. In the middle of the road. In front of me. After 3 seconds of deep thoughts, I finally realised that it was parked there. I drove next to the driver by the right side. Wind down my window and said loudly to the lady driver, "Dont you know how to use a signal light?". Then I drove up front a little. Turned on my indicator to the left and parked in front of her, with my signal light still turned on. I turned around, smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up.

She looked back at me blankly. That's when it hit me.

She didn't give a damn.

I drove home feeling like a sore loser.

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