May 7, 2011

Poem for a mother's funeral..

My dad this afternoon called me and asked me to write something for his sister to read on my dad's behalf during my grandma's funeral.. Unfortunately, we could not attend the funeral cause it's in Canada.. So this I wrote on my dad's behalf.. Hope it's meaningful to some of you out there who have lost their mothers..

No other love had greater devotion,

No other love had portrayed greater joy,

No other love had dealt with more pain and sorrow,

And no other love is purer and gentler,

Yet so strong and fierce in its divinity.

No other love was greater than your love mum.

I know tomorrow will not see your love wither,

Nor will tomorrow see memories of you die.

For death cannot destroy your image,

Nor can it kill all those precious memories you and I made.


My tears are not wept for your death,

But because I was so blessed to be mothered by you.

No thank you can ever repay what you have given me.

And I can’t express how disheartening it is,

To not be by your deathbed,

To be unable to attend your funeral,

To be not given the moment to bid you my final goodbye.

 But I still thank God,

For one last time he gave me the chance.

The opportunity to speak to you.

To say what my heart intends to let out.

Although it may seemed cruel that in reality,

You were unable to even whisper me an answer,

But my heart knows you listened and you answered in your own special way.


All these years being away from you,

Did not hinder my love to continue to grow and flourish.

You were always in my heart.

I poured your love in me to my family,

To ensure that you still live on,

In the hearts of my family too.

Never have we forgotten you in our prayers,

And we will not cease to do so.


You will always live in my heart.

May your soul rest in peace,

And may your spirit continue to grow,

In those whom you love,

And in those who loved you.

My hope is mum,

That you forgave me for all my wrongdoings,

For not holding your hands in your final moment,

For my stubbornness and rebelliousness during my childhood,

And even at some point in my adulthood.

A hurt mother can really bring a grown man down.

This is not my final goodbye,

My message is not about eternal departure.

But to share with you how wonderful was you mum.


Wherever you are,

I know you’re in sheer comfort.

I want you to remember,

That I will always love you..

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