Mar 25, 2011

Go into the light.!

We have the capability to dream, but what hinders us is that we don't have the will to make it a reality. We lack the power to strive for what we want. We lose faith in what we can do. We lose grasp of hope. We lose our hold on the reality of that dream.

We start to worry. We begin to ignore. Everyone around are just blights in our sight. Hope fades along with your faith.Belief was just a past. Yesterday's dream becomes today's nightmare. We feel lost. Imbibed into a self-made world of despair.

Blaming yourself for the present. For not making the right decision. For not taking the step when you could. Cursing those who you could blame. Obscuring the truth that it's your fault.

But not to worry. There's no need to fret. Don't need to lose hope.

There is a remedy to cure this ailment.

There is a cure for this spiritual affliction.

All you need is a new inspiration. That new direction.

That will give a new hope. That will show you your dreams. That will ignite the realisation that you have the power to make your dreams a reality. For your dreams to be one with you in the real world.

All you need is inspiration. The catalyst for you to be whole.

And once you've found your inspiration. Never let it go. Never recreate that painful history. Don't look back. Instead, give yourself a new hope and move on.

Once you do, turn back and give inspiration to those who have lost hope.

Just like you were lost before.

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