Apr 22, 2010

The media.

Hello, people of Facebook and Wordpress and all over the globe. Thanks for dropping by.

Can anybody offer me rational tips on how to blog?

I think I've been too engrossed with nothing.

"Rex, what are you thinking?"
"Nothing. Today is so hot even my bed is sweating. I'm thinking of how to sleep in a sweaty bed!?"

I snooped around StarOnline today and I'm fired with an endless barrage of bullets carrying news regarding adultery, violence or any immoral acts or suicide. And they are the most viewed piece of news.

Something is not right here now is it? I heard a lecture before given by some famous dude and he mentioned that we should not read the papers in the morning cause it might distort our "I feel good, fresh air's good" feeling. Bad news would only ruin our 'good vibe' for the day. Initially, I had to disagree with a statement like that, cause lunch breaks with the boys at work would be less of the expected social norm if you talked about yesterday's news.

"Wow! Yesterday's newspaper/news were all great! I can't wait to find out what happened yesterday in today's newspaper when I read it before bed tonight!"

It's no wonder results for the election are always at night.

Still. What if bad news was present? Would it not distort our sleep? Or maybe his philosophy was "He'll sleep it through".

Anyway, we got to learn to balance from what's right and what's wrong. What the news have to tell us, it should help us the world at a whole different perspective. Is it not a social problem when these kind of news gets the most attention and yet, nothing is physically done to overcome it?

The mind's of many is just too enclosed. It's a severe damage that not many will stretch out their hands in case they too get the dirt on their bleached clothing.

I'm frightened. What will the future be?

Apr 10, 2010

So are your parents coming tomorrow?

Tomorrow is "Hari Permuafakatan". It's an event anticipated by a minimum number of people, whereby eager parents are going to have a meeting with ebullient teachers to discuss about their children's/students' performance in school. It covers a scope far more than just academic though. Matters discussed include students discipline, performance in school work, involvement in class or school activities, social skills and so forth.

But we all know the one that tops the list is the red ink in the students report card. A+ marks the end of the rainbow. F marks the other end.

Students are often terrified to introduce their parents to their teachers. Well who won't? Especially when there are many dark secrets to be unveiled.

"Anak puan ini selalu hisap rokok sewaktu saya mengajar"
"Rex ni seorang pelajar yang malas. Dia selalu tidak hantar kerja rumah walaupun dia sudah siap."
"Your son is an imbecile."
"Anak awak sangat bodoh macam bapa dia."

It's comments like these that makes students sleep naked with their hair wet in a air conditioned room of lowest temperature to make them sniff gooey flu the next day.

"Rex, let's go see your teacher."
"But I'm not suppose to go to school when I'm sick and tired"

Blah. Just face the music. Bad is bad. Good is good. What done is done.
I ain't proud of what I've achieved nor will my parents. Nor do my teachers who I'm in full gratitude of.

Anyway, tomorrow's the day. I'll sit between my parents, facing my teacher and say "Cikgu, kita kan kawan?"

Apr 9, 2010

Violence is taking over school

Students are getting more rebellious if we are aware of the news surrounding our nation. Children are the voices of tomorrow, and teacher is the essential element that help polish their voices. It's either they end up singing in an orchestra or standing way back in choral speaking, or probably remain as the person who talks crap loudly in coffee shops.

Yesterday, I posted a news regarding a girl being beaten up by students for giving in to their financial demands. And mentioned that these occurrences happen quite often.

Today, I'm going to treat you with another piece of news acquired from TheStar Online. This particular student is slightly more valour in his actions than yesterday's Geng Kapak.

Teacher hurt after attack by student

KULIM: A disciplinary teacher sustained eight stitches on his head after a pupil threw a plastic table at him.

The 38-year-old teacher was talking to the newly elected committee members of the Mathe-matics and Science Association when the incident occurred at 1pm on Wednesday.

Declining to be named, the teacher said he noticed a group of some 20 pupils behaving in an unruly manner in the school.

He said they broke several window panes while walking along the corridor.

“I warned them to stop making noise and told them to leave the place as they were disrupting my discussions with the pupils,” he told reporters at his house in Taman Sulaiman here.

He said the pupils left but came back again a short while later.

“I then took a cane and tried to chase them.

“At that time, another teacher who heard the commotion, came in and asked the pupils to leave,” he said.

He said the pupils returned and started to disrupt the meeting again and one of them threw a plastic table which hit his head, causing him to fall down.

Other teachers then rushed him to the Kulim Hospital where he was given outpatient treatment.

Kulim OCPD Supt Ghuzlan Salleh said the teacher lodged a police report after the incident.

He said some of the pupils would be picked up soon to facilitate investigations.

He actually threw a table towards the teacher. It's hard to picture a table being hurdled towards a teacher by a student and knock him down senseless, with an epic ending of six stitches.

Violence is taking over school.

Don't kill me, I have an axe in my name!

Hello good people of wordpress and around the globe. I have ceased myself from abstaining from blogging. I have risen from the dead and now I'm a wondering spirit that's pretty much alive in any sense. Or I could be mortally alive in a another universe, a fact based on quantum theory. (Schrodinger's cat).

So as to celebrate the come back, let me entertain you with this great piece of news from TheStar Online. (Kinda long)

Classmates beat up student

PEKAN: A Form Three student who was constantly assaulted by a group of classmates who wanted money was hit with a chair and punched by them after she finally reported the matter to the principal.

The SMK Dato Mahmud Mat student said four of her male classmates, who called themselves “Geng Kapak” (Axe Gang), confronted her in class about 1pm on Tuesday, hitting her with a chair and landing blows on her face and body.

The battering, which took place in full view of other students, happened after the principal went to the classroom to look for the boys who were not in at that time.

Pekan OCPD Supt Yahya Othman confirmed that a report had been made on the assault, adding that the case was being investigated under Section 323 of the Penal Code for causing grievous hurt.

A police patrol car was seen parked at the school compound at 11.15am yesterday.

The girl’s parents were in school to meet the principal over the attack.

Speaking to reporters at her home in Kampung Pulau Serai, the victim said she had been bullied by the four almost on a daily basis since Feb-ruary.

‘’They would ask for money, and wanted RM1 or at least 50 sen. They would even go to the extent of doing a body search on me,” she said.

“At times, I had to hide my lunch money in my shoes,” said the girl, who was transferred to the school early this year.

She added that there were times when the boys would hit her and knock her head against the wall for no reason, threatening her with knives and broken glass.

“They were not afraid of anyone,” she said, adding, that there were other students who were also victims of the four.

The girl, who was given three days’ medical leave, said she was traumatised by the assaults and was afraid to return to school.

According to the mother, her daughter had been complaining to her about the incessant bullying each time she returned from school.

‘’I advised her to report the matter to the school management and let them take care of the matter.

However, things appeared to be serious when she returned home on Tuesday with her face all flushed. She could not even walk properly,’’ said the mother, who added that she was shocked to learn that her daughter had been hit with a chair and punched by the boys.

The mother said a police report was lodged about 3.30pm on Tuesday

I know this is a serious matter, but honestly, I could not help but burst out laughing at the name of the gang. Geng Kapak! Hahahahahaha!

Paul : Jenny, ada 50 sen ka? Mok beli susu. Ada seringgit jak tok.

Jenny : Dah ku padah banyak kali bah, Paul. Ku sikda duit pecah.

*tumbuk terus*

But this problem seems to occur frighteningly often, either in a small scale or a large scale. Students would demand money or any other suitable items from other students because they are Geng Kapak. Which generally means they can do anything they want. I probably need to consider forming a gang myself, and earn some formidable respect from my peers. I could give names like Geng Dadah, Geng Peransang, Geng Modes, or maybe Geng Ngajat.

I could just ruin a perfect day in a second. Smash the class' door, slam my fist on the table and while bearing the pain and shame of it all, I scream at the top of my voice to cover up my embarrassment. Shouting words that are undecipherable because there is actually no need for me to raise my voice in the first place. This often happen during girls' fights. They would scream at each other screaming words like "You look like a grandma with no kids! Nobody will marry you!" or "Your face looks like the mirror! Ugly". Nonsense.

Anyway, I pity the girl. Hope she'll recover soon. My advice to her is to form her own Gang. Axe Gang.