Apr 10, 2010

So are your parents coming tomorrow?

Tomorrow is "Hari Permuafakatan". It's an event anticipated by a minimum number of people, whereby eager parents are going to have a meeting with ebullient teachers to discuss about their children's/students' performance in school. It covers a scope far more than just academic though. Matters discussed include students discipline, performance in school work, involvement in class or school activities, social skills and so forth.

But we all know the one that tops the list is the red ink in the students report card. A+ marks the end of the rainbow. F marks the other end.

Students are often terrified to introduce their parents to their teachers. Well who won't? Especially when there are many dark secrets to be unveiled.

"Anak puan ini selalu hisap rokok sewaktu saya mengajar"
"Rex ni seorang pelajar yang malas. Dia selalu tidak hantar kerja rumah walaupun dia sudah siap."
"Your son is an imbecile."
"Anak awak sangat bodoh macam bapa dia."

It's comments like these that makes students sleep naked with their hair wet in a air conditioned room of lowest temperature to make them sniff gooey flu the next day.

"Rex, let's go see your teacher."
"But I'm not suppose to go to school when I'm sick and tired"

Blah. Just face the music. Bad is bad. Good is good. What done is done.
I ain't proud of what I've achieved nor will my parents. Nor do my teachers who I'm in full gratitude of.

Anyway, tomorrow's the day. I'll sit between my parents, facing my teacher and say "Cikgu, kita kan kawan?"