Jun 29, 2010

Audible knocks.

Knock knock.

Who's there?

Hello. Anyone there?

I opened the door,

And saw my mother smiling.

It's no wonder she stood quiet,

Because a knock tells me that,

I'm not alone.

Jun 28, 2010

A day in life would be better if we understood the values it gives..

Don't many of us suffer a common disease of laziness? We just pout, shout and complain for the joy of receiving attentiveness from those who are actually willing.

Genius is only one percent inspiration. Where is the other 99? It all comes down to perspiration. The great inventor, Thomas Edison, who invents things that are needed in this world, believes that all his great creations do not come by luck, but by work.

I have tried to walk the talk but often, situations impede me from committing to do so. So people will call us a quitter, a sensitive loser and tell you "Hey, what happened to all your big talks? You're no different from any other lazy bums no matter how hard your try to skew off."

They could tell you too, that great moments come from great opportunities, or if there's a will there's a way. It's gives someone the optimistic feeling that all things are possible no matter how bad system can be. Change can happen if we act to topple it or reconstruct it.

Somehow, my opinions don't necessarily matter to my superiors. They would come to me, saying that are heavily burdened with tons of work when in truth they don't. I'm not enough of a blind fool to believe that laughing and smiling while doing practically nothing all morning, depict stress and feeling of wanting to scream in distress.

I want to give some examples. I want to say out their names. I want to let people know. I want a change. I want the best for everybody. I want to believe that situations can be done with higher efficiency. I want to work under those who actually know and have a strategic mind on their duty.

Not hiding behind a brick wall and scribbling their names on the walls while cursing. Not living knowing that the future generations will suffer the same fate. Not knowing that things can be done better and yet it is done in a much worse condition. Not dealing with superiors who are seemingly asinine in their actions and throwing all the darts to you.

But I can't. It is those moments where it's either you tell a white lie or you just keep your mouth shut cause the truth will only cause to be in bigger calamities and we are effortless against all the adversities.

I have failed to live up to my dreams for the change cause I'm only a mere dust on the shirt of hobo. Insignificant among the insignificance. My ideas are only to be shared to those who are willing to hear. To those who care and believe in me.

Unfortunately for them too, they have no power to do so.

So, what I realise now is that there are two kinds of pouters. One who understands and are passionate about what they pout, and one who pouts only for the sake of social recognition among their peers.

They can be differentiated by what they say. By how they really feel. By their effort.

But when all is in vain, they give up and drown in disappointment. Such as myself.

We live our lives for the purpose of achieving our goals as soon as we have one we cling to. Along the way comes challenges and trials that not many could go through. It's not solely because that their weak or afraid. Sometimes it could because the challenge is too strong that it seems impossible that we gradually grow tired and when all energy is sapped, we give up.

Pleasures of life are everywhere. All around is us. If we can't make it through, take a step back and enjoy life the way it should be :

Do what we can in the most simplest of way.

That way, we may not easily grow tired.

Jun 25, 2010

Which team FTW?

Sorry for those expecting something out from this blog which had been stagnant water for weeks now. Frugality in Warren Buffet's philosophy had probably rooted into my mind, expelling all ingenuity and ideas to write and gossip on today's current matter.

What had been troubling me is that sharing ideas and thoughts must come with plentiful and major time-consuming research. I intend to write bout the World Cup fever, especially after the match whereby DPR Korea was literally drowned into a vast sea of spectators cheering wildly, spilling cups of beer and horning the ever annoying vuvuzelas for their opposing team. Portugal thrashed them into oblivion with the seventh goal. It was an endless barrage of balls fleeting pass through the innocent goalie who could do nothing to stop the ball but to stare at it rolling at the back of the net . A friend of my simply concluded that it was because their morale was pounded flat on the ground. Could this be so? Were they really that beat down to earth after playing fairly well in the first half? What happened?

Kim Jong must have called during half time.

What about France? The runner-ups of the last worldcup. Dropped out in the group stages? Unfortunately, my limited time into researching this matter cost me the flair to write about my opinion on this. All I can this, the World Cup so far, has not caught my utter excitement with the big names lying under the carpet of the less famed countries.

Nevertheless, Argentina and Brazil have been playing well, with Messi having yet to score in this World Cup and Maicon's stunning goal in their opening group match against Kim Jong's men. Maradona, the proud owner of "The Hand Of God" and scorer of "The Goal Of The Century", seems to be doing a hell of a good job coaching the Argentinian football team. Could it be because of his eager, arrogant, confident, rough and stern look depicted on his face? A legend. An icon. The greatest footballer coaching a dominant team. Something spectacular is just waiting to happen.

So, who are you rooting for this World Cup? Or you one those who cheers along with the crowd to join in the fever? if you are, pick a team or two, cause that's when the fever begins.

Anyway, why the hell is SUKMA ongoing during the World Cup? I'm having trouble choosing which is of higher imperative.

Jun 10, 2010

Try as I might..

All ripped and twisted the fabric of fate that I spread on this land I once sowed before our time was born.

Majestically, the sky tore open and came down a shining trident the hands of many seek to possess. But with all their might too, they were only adequately able to just lay their sight upon it's glorious radiance and listen to the roaring clashes it made when it stroke the mighty sword of the emperor.

I dream, and sought to believe that nothing in life comes without payment. For every actions comes with a price. As mentioned by Newton's Thrird Law of motion, every action must have its reaction.

And for now, all I could do is do what I believe what's right and I shall not let anyone stir this faith of mine. And believe for all my demenours, there will be a price for it -be it good or evil deeds-.