May 26, 2010

Teacher's Day.

In conjunction with SMK Kidurong's Teacher's Day celebration, I have prepared the following text :

Teachers mould the lives of the pupils that they influence. Lessons learned from teachers will perpetually remain with their students throughout their life. They are the ones who lay down the foundation on which we students stand upon. Here, today at this very moment, teachers are the sole reason we are who we are today. For everything comes from nothing as we are nothing without teachers. Therefore, we must honour and respect our teachers.

Teaching, the most noble of all profession has been given the highest priority and respect as they are the only group of faculties that are given a special date to honour their virtous sacrifices.

But why is this date so important? So special? That we are invited here today to celebrate this celebration together? It is as though all teachers gathered here, are born on the same day that they have to share the same birthday. Is it not an insult to other job holders?

However, teachers hold a much greater responsibility in shaping the nation. For without them, who would our forfathers be? Who would our parents be? And what would our lives be should no one educate us on the basis of life? How would we live our lives if everyone is not educated? There would be no doctors, no atheletes, no carpenters, no engineers and to each and everyone of you, your parents would be nothing.

Teaching could be a disheartening job as they are forced to willingly make themselves progressively unnecessary as the sudents traversed along the journey of life. However, what would be more piercing to a teacher’s heart is when the student fail to adhere to the teacher’s hope and determination to help the student to achieve thier ultimate goals in life. Do you want to hurt your teachers? Do you want to fail knowing that you can actually achieve your teachers expectation? Certainly not.

As I have mentioned earlier, we are nothing without our teachers. And for every sacrifices, hope and faith that are given or rather shared to us by our loving teachers, it is only right for us to show our full gratification. It’s true that the sacrifices made by our teachers can never be compared as what they have done effects not only us,but future generations as well.

So, we as students, it is not enough saying “terima kasih cikgu” everyday after classes end. We are forced to that out of formality. It’s not out of generosity.

The best way for us to say thank you is by replying to our teacher’s commitment. It is not merely by the words, but by how we respond through our actions. We should listen and obey them, and learn not only what knowledge they have to offer, but what wisdom they intend to give us. For teachers’ main duty is to educate us to become someone who will make them and the nation proud.

Therefore, as a representative of all the students of SMK Kidurong, I would like to take this priceless oppurtunity to extend our full gratitude to all the teachers and to wish all a Happy Teacher’s Day. May this celebration be a memorable one. Thank you.


  1. *sniff sniff* this post touches my heart deeply. thanks amigo

  2. U always know how to say it in the simplest and clearest way-I adore that! and I know you meant every words you said. Thanks Rex.
