May 30, 2010

Watch out! The road's a playground this time around!

Hurry! Pack your bags, not forgetting your toothbrush and shavers for your legs, and leave your house! Holidays had just got its kick start!

The highways were jam packed with all sorts of vehicles driven by all sorts of people in all sorts of direction to all sorts of destinations. It’s like Bill Gates is throwing out his life savings money to us Sarawakians and everyone is on lookout for its dropout whereabouts. No matter how life threatening it will be.

The climax of any racing competition, be it the Moto GP, Formula One, Nascar or ‘Mat Rempit’ is often the crash involved, or at least any ‘near-miss’ accidents.

I was driving along the highway to Kuching last Friday, which fortunately falls on a public holiday and my eyes observed many occurences where it seemed to be the advent of a major catastrophe. Cars chasing each other as if they were cop chase scenes, where only the criminals are pursued by enraged road users. Like me.

Men are driven by an inexplicably crazy ego where it makes them the king of the road. It would be alright if there was only one person sitting on the throne, but when everyone starts to wear the crown, we all can expect hell to break lose.

Especially when it's the festive season, such as the upcoming Gawai Dayak festival, whereby everyone is taking this early holiday the chance to go back to their ‘kampung’ sooner than the festival. We all are oppurtunists when it comes to holiday. The earlier we depart, the longer will the holiday lasts.

No one likes long lines. Queing up in banks, lining up behind the cashier or at the back of a long traffic. All are susceptible to people cutting lines, infuriating everyone except the felon.

Human desire seeks danger. Risks. For the thrill of it. Fundamentally speaking, there is no wrong overtaking in road, but when it gives a sudden large infusion of adrenaline rush, something is bound to happen, good or bad. Super cars just managed to overtake and miss the oncoming traffic just in the nick of time, cars following inches behind at 100 km/h , motorcyclist accelerating in the middle of the road to slice in between both sides of traffic, all this are exciting to watch, if it’s a circus show.

Drivers are good, but they are not safe. Road accidents do not only happen to those who do not abide by the rules, but those who believes too much in special effects that allow cars to sustain heavy damage or posess the technologies of a batmobile.

It is the holiday, but that’s not the golden ticket for us to rush off to our hometowns, not caring for the safety of other road users. Festivals and holidays bring people together to celebrate with joy and laughter, not spending some lousy afternoon mourning over the fact that you should have not overtook that motorcyclist with a basket of paddies on his back.

Drive safe. It is for the good of your family and loved ones. Don’t let the rice wine ruin your future. Drink only the day before you drive and have a good night rest before you depart back to your self-implied hectic life.

Happy holidays everyone.

May 26, 2010

Teacher's Day.

In conjunction with SMK Kidurong's Teacher's Day celebration, I have prepared the following text :

Teachers mould the lives of the pupils that they influence. Lessons learned from teachers will perpetually remain with their students throughout their life. They are the ones who lay down the foundation on which we students stand upon. Here, today at this very moment, teachers are the sole reason we are who we are today. For everything comes from nothing as we are nothing without teachers. Therefore, we must honour and respect our teachers.

Teaching, the most noble of all profession has been given the highest priority and respect as they are the only group of faculties that are given a special date to honour their virtous sacrifices.

But why is this date so important? So special? That we are invited here today to celebrate this celebration together? It is as though all teachers gathered here, are born on the same day that they have to share the same birthday. Is it not an insult to other job holders?

However, teachers hold a much greater responsibility in shaping the nation. For without them, who would our forfathers be? Who would our parents be? And what would our lives be should no one educate us on the basis of life? How would we live our lives if everyone is not educated? There would be no doctors, no atheletes, no carpenters, no engineers and to each and everyone of you, your parents would be nothing.

Teaching could be a disheartening job as they are forced to willingly make themselves progressively unnecessary as the sudents traversed along the journey of life. However, what would be more piercing to a teacher’s heart is when the student fail to adhere to the teacher’s hope and determination to help the student to achieve thier ultimate goals in life. Do you want to hurt your teachers? Do you want to fail knowing that you can actually achieve your teachers expectation? Certainly not.

As I have mentioned earlier, we are nothing without our teachers. And for every sacrifices, hope and faith that are given or rather shared to us by our loving teachers, it is only right for us to show our full gratification. It’s true that the sacrifices made by our teachers can never be compared as what they have done effects not only us,but future generations as well.

So, we as students, it is not enough saying “terima kasih cikgu” everyday after classes end. We are forced to that out of formality. It’s not out of generosity.

The best way for us to say thank you is by replying to our teacher’s commitment. It is not merely by the words, but by how we respond through our actions. We should listen and obey them, and learn not only what knowledge they have to offer, but what wisdom they intend to give us. For teachers’ main duty is to educate us to become someone who will make them and the nation proud.

Therefore, as a representative of all the students of SMK Kidurong, I would like to take this priceless oppurtunity to extend our full gratitude to all the teachers and to wish all a Happy Teacher’s Day. May this celebration be a memorable one. Thank you.

May 22, 2010

Knowledge is indeed a painful weapon.

We are constantly searching for knowledge. Looking for greater wisdom. Prestigious intellect that will grant us power to influence, decide and act accordingly without having second thoughts.

But how far can we gain knowledge? Isn't there a certain limit to everything we do? How much can we input into ourselves before it starts to hurt?

Surely, everything we do if exceeding the limit of our capabilities, will start afflicting in one way or another.

We must always prepare ourselves to accept new knowledge, wisdom, understanding, opinions and ideas because they can come in any form and we are powerless to defend against it.

Sometimes, the new things we know can hurt us deeply.

Curiosity drives us wild. We desire to know everything we can grab hold on. At times, the more we know, the more it hurts. The more we know, the more burden we have to bear because people will look up to you and often expect something intellectual from you. And if you can't deliver, it hurts both you and the other party.

Curiosity kills the cat and it can kill us too. Boy hangs self because he found out his girlfriend is having another affair, friendship is shaky because we found a dark secret about him or her, knowing what is unhealthy leaves us more conscious and less free to do things. Knowledge is power, but it impedes from us from doing so many things. At what cause?

Embrace and prepare ourselves everyday. We can't predict what new things will we find out. At times, there are good news, and sometimes they are bad.

Nevertheless, know what is right and wrong for it will leave us to a better and more interesting life. Don't let it afflict our minds, body and soul but turn the bad tide the other way round.

Have a nice day.

May 20, 2010

There's an utter beauty way up high..

ScienceDaily (May 18, 2010) — After billions of years of twinkling and shining, some stars in the heavens appear to "dance" as they wind down. Maybe not like Elvis or Michael Jackson, but they definitely have a rhythmic beat, and some may even spin like a top.

Funny how time flies..

You wake up as the sun ray forces open your eye lids to hit the 'play' button of your day and you expect rainbows to colour your day. Sit down on your bed, couch or on the floor - depending on whether you were sent home after getting wasted the night before - , and ask yourself "What I have done yesterday, would I hit 'replay' today?"

And you list down the things you want to do, but because you're too lazy to get up and reach out for a pen and paper, you list it down in your mind, ignoring the fact that you'll forget what you thought within the hour hand.

And the next thing you know, you're late for school or work.

So you force yourself to get up, hoping that moving away from you 'sleep zone' is not as hard as opening your eye lids. Of course! How could you not when you need to rush and catch up with time?

Heed that my intention is not giving the wrong idea. I'm not implying that if you skip brushing off the chicken stuck between your teeth or forgetting about flushing the toilet after your business will allow time to stop, have a cup of espresso and wait up for you while reading tomorrow's papers.

But when you're supposedly late for something, you tend to try to defy all odds and believe that you could actually catch up with time when you're actually doing is scraping off your time. It's like chasing the breath of a dragon with a fish net. Never going to happen.

When people believe they managed to beat time actually means they mange to beat their own time, not?

You arrive just in time. Why? You pass the red light and skip zipping up your fly.

Time flies. And it flies without mercy. It'll not turn back like a waiter who reinquires your order.

Life is recorded, but somehow the 'replay' button doesn't seem to appear anywhere in life.

Just let it be. It's as simple as that. Time is not a complex matter. We're making it intricate just tom grant us an intellectual superiority when actually you're just a blind mice leading thousands of potential leaders who can see clearly but sight impeded by the complication you so called superiors cause.

Live life and enjoy every second of it. The future is uncertain as how long we are going to live.

Try not to be late and support the thought in your mind that you could actually play a game of catch with time.

Don't attempt to stretch time, cause if you do, time won't be the want that breaks, something else will, and that is our life.

I know time flies. Inevitably. And there's nothing we can do about it but to just sit down, relax, execute our responsiblities and live life the way we want it.

That way, time would fly faster, but at least we have the assurance that we used it well. Wouldn't that mean a lot?

I best sum things up by the words of a true genius.

"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes. When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours that's relativity." -- Albert Einstein

Desperate times call for desperate measures

When you have prepared yourself - attending full dress rehearsals, scrutanising your past mistakes, practiced the best techniques and sharpened your forte -, you ought to possess the confidence of Cassius Clay.

But nah. Not only do we deliberately ignore the fact that we are capable of achieving higher standards, we let our fear run us down like a road roller. Yes, they are many factors to consider in the process of realising your goals - finance, peer pressure, health, relationships, and shyness - , but why do we have to be constantly terrified of doing something we want to do. What makes us so conscious of other people's opinions? A lion wouldn't stop devouring your thighs even when you hold out your hand and demand it to stop.

Yet when we put ourselves in interestingly difficult situations, where only then can we find our 'inner potential'. Knowledge you never thought you know are actually spilling everywhere like a amateur waiter carrying a bowl of soup filled to the brim with tremour hands.

My point is, why let us be run down by fears? Why can't we let it be the driving force for us to succeed?  Let fear be the fuel to run our engines. We decide on options as we have the right to choose.

Of course, by human nature, we won't want to experience fear or even learn about it cause we are scared about it. Therefore, when we are bogged down by terrifying events or frightening experiences or have a bad sense of premonition, we would not know what to do but to cling onto the wind trying to calm ourselves by reciting a mantra found through Google.

Learn our fears. Embrace them as it is a part of us. Having fear is as natural as breathing. It will come no matter how hard you try to run away from it. Fear is like light, you can never go faster than it. Mix it with strength and determination and you're on your way to reach higher than the top.

But sometimes, we let our fear run us down cause we are just lazy to overcome it. No problem with that. Fear is what keeps us alive too right?

May 18, 2010

Why go against the usual?

The mind catches what the eyes see,

Yet comprehending to what laid upon our sight is not easy,

For the illusion of our mind twirls the fabric of facts,

That made us question on how true is life?

We march forward yet our pasts shape our present,

Would not history to sew our future together?

I contemplate on the meaning on what it means to be golden,

To shine like the glistering rays of the heaven,

Where all be astounded by its sheer beauty,

But could never actually keep the light in their pockets.

How saddened am I by the poignant truth,

That we disguise ourselves to impress,

That it's been the tradition to lie so as to awe others,

And unfortunately I'm tied down to this trend,

For being different means we are outcasts.