Aug 22, 2011

So many reasons to laugh about. Like recalling old school jokes!

To those whom it may concern. The following are list of jokes that I find to be very hilarious. If you don't get it, or don't find it funny at all. It's ok, we Sarawakians like to make our jokes that are beyond our time so you all may have something to laugh about in the near coming gloomy future. As for my case, these are old school jokes that really prove to win against the test of time.

By the way, lame jokes are funny too.

Here are some of them!

  1. Antara semua ikan, ikan apa boleh tembus kotak?
  2. Antara semua kasut, kasut apa paling berat?
  3. Antara semua cahaya, cahaya apa paling tua?
  4. Antara semua mi, mi apa paling rock?
  5. Antara semua kayu, kayu apa paling suci?
  6. Antara semua bulu, bulu apa paling lucah?
  7. Antara semua tali, tali apa paling ganas?
  8. Antara semua mi, mi apa paling berat?
  9. Antara semua lembu, lembu apa paling laju?
  10. Kapal terbang langgar lalat, kapal terbang terhempas. Apa pecah?
  11. Sebuah kereta terlanggar tiang lampu di tepi jalan raya. Mana bengkok?
  12. Antara semua Kenyah, Kenyah apa paling berkulit gelap?
I know many of you know the answers to all the questions. And you may not find them funny. But I do. Cause these kind of jokes remind me of my true nature as a Sarawakian. It reminds of home. Of who I am.

And it's nice to recall all these jokes (In cases like some of you that have forgotten about these humourous questions) and laugh to the things that made us laugh so hard when we were.. Uhmmm.. Younger perhaps? Haha.

I'll give out the answers tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy recalling all your childhood jokes and do share them in the comment section for others to see and laugh too!

Have a nice day peeps!

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