May 14, 2014

Keep it to yourself.

Mistakes that lead to tragedies,
A downpour of innocence,
Lead nowhere but despair,
Alas, I'll tread my path,
With no hand on my shoulder,
But a shovel hanging on my back,
To dig a well to place my thoughts,
For sometimes,
There are things that can't be shared.


It's been more than a year since my last post and I've almost forgot this page existed. It existed for different reason then , and it still exists for another reason today.

This blog was like a companion to me back then when I felt lost, confused and lonely. Reading back some of the posts, I find it amusing how I was so full of shit. I remember feeling free and senseless while thinking at the back of my head that someday a post will drive to instant fame.

I'm no writer nor am I aspiring to be one, but writing once gave me a feeling so good that I wish I hadn't lost. Like I was in my own little kingdom and the population is 1. My form of escapism from this sometimes 'meaningless' life.

I guess I'll start writing again in hopes that I would get back on the track with my life in Swinburne as I've seem to be derailing. The fundamental reason this blog still remains is still the same. Writing gives me solace.
